MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had this same thought many times, but I think they don't announce and hype unless they have dead man switches in place.

MewThat -4 points ago +2 / -6

I think michelle was born female...just look images and look at those narrow girly knee caps.

That being said, I thought this "Michelle is trans" rumor had started years ago as being that she is Female to Male. And there's some evidence that Obama is gay, so perhaps, Michelle has had some Female to Male surgeries?

I don't know. But reality is sooo much stranger than fiction.

by PepeSee
MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're saying if Trump regains the White House, than the DS will call off their media propaganda channels, and Soros groups will shut down their operations?, etc...

The only "read" I made in my comment is that without accountability and sunlight beforehand, than his second term will be all attacks all the time like his first term.

And you don't agree?

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

"too much is as bad as too little" ~~ this is what the media pushes out with countless articles. As a result, people get gun shy and take 600-1000 IU's/day which does next to nothing.

I agree that you will get sick if you go crazy taking a ton of it. But I've listened to many people remark that they're not sure they've ever heard of anyone dying from Vit. D overdose. I even heard of someone taking the liquid form and accidently ingesting millions of IU's over a period of time and he got hospitalized, realized his calculation error, and then fully recovered.

Pharma articles constantly scare monger people into small doses because our low Vitamin D epidemic is good for their business.

MewThat 4 points ago +4 / -0

2000 IU is too low. Unless you're like a skinny young teenager. A good default amount for an adult man of normal size would be 10,000 IU/day. Or...take one 50,000 IU pill per week. This is all assuming you don't have the cash/time to start seeing a Naturopathic and get your blood tested to find out where you're at to begin with.

My Vit D blood level was only 16 when I got on the horse in early 2020. It took a while but I eventually got myself up to the 60-90 range that I believe is optimal.

Strange as it is, taking the one 50,000 IU pill once/week, actually raises your levels quicker than taking 70,000 IU per week via 10,000 IU/ day.

But whatever, the important thing is get above 50. Heck, when I got myself from 16 to the 30's, my energy felt soooo much better overall.

Vitamin D supplementation is one of the most important things I ever learned in my life. It is such a scam that our medical community shuns it. 90% Doctors = trained seals.

by PepeSee
MewThat 5 points ago +6 / -1

I can't take another term like Trump's first term. There must be a reckoning of sorts before he takes office again. Leftist noses need to be rubbed in their own feces. We need sunlight on their most hideous crimes and their election crimes beforehand. Our country can't take another term of DS media spazzing about Russia, Russia, Russia, and 2 scoops of ice cream. And I'll definitely throw up in my mouth if they send out millions of the pussy hat brigade crying about their "rights" that they're missing, but yet can't actually verbalize about (beyond like having to drive to a neighbor state now to kill their own child).

MewThat 5 points ago +5 / -0

But it's not election time for Fetterman...that's 2026

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

whenever I think of GWB, I think of the Johnny Gosch/ Jeff Gannon/ Karl Rove rabbit hole.. It is soooo weird. Look that up sometime when you have a few hours. or... Prescott Bush roots funding the Nazi regime. Yes, really.

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought we were all caught up to the fact that Trump was probably a chs that helped get Epstein arrested the first time.

MewThat -1 points ago +2 / -3

I bet he was involved......as a chs that got Epstein arrested the first time

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

hmmm..."nullifying the 2024 election" that's another way to get to Flynn/McGregor's "no election" prediction. That would make sense. I mean the diamonds stolen in 2020 need to be returned after all.

MewThat 3 points ago +3 / -0

they've been saying that in lots of interviews...i quickly searched on a search engine and got this one:


MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

no. the arrests/exposure phase gotta at least start while under Biden's regime. otherwise, the TDS'ers are going to malfunction. I'm afraid when the arrests/exposure phase starts, the DS will start lashing out in a kinetic way. market crash, war, or cyber polygon. McGregor and Flynn keep pushing that the elections may not happen. I'm praying we get a "Good Reset" as a result of a climax. But....been waitin for a while now.

MewThat 4 points ago +4 / -0

she's been so racist against whites over and over...i had to look up her background....and.....she's married to a white guy. what a pathetic loser of a little boy.

MewThat 5 points ago +5 / -0

You'll be right at home in your 15 minute city. no migrating anywhere.

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's been a pretty good case made (by Just Human) that Cohen (and Stormy for that matter) work for Trump or still work for Trump. This is the way I tried to view this clip... as if he's spouting what Donald wants him to do. So, apparently Donald wants Cohen to get these people shaking in their boots over him.

MewThat 3 points ago +3 / -0

so weird...i google'd him earlier today to see if he was still alive and what age he was.

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