Good. I hope they’re panicking. They should be with the shenanigans they pulled on all of us worldwide regarding their kill shots. I hope they go down with a noose around their necks. At that point, I will feel some justice for their crap drugs that killed my mom. God speed everyone!
My Dear GAW frens, I've been with you from the beginning. 4chan, 8chan, 8kun etc. It's been a long road, and I am tired. I pray for our nation, our President, and my Patriot friends on a daily basis. If there is one thing I have taken away from this is that I'm not alone in the fight. I'm thankful for each and every one of you that have kept me sane with your posts, I have a marvelous feeling that we will prevail, and we will rid our government of the evil that has taken over.
Yeah, I was labeled a birther back in the day. Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ proved it was a fraud, but no one cared. Funny how people are acting like this is brand new news.
Hospital protocols killed my mom as well. Not trusting medical doctors is an understatement. I absolutely abhor them now. What are we supposed to do? I sure hope we see accountability for their murders.
Oh ye of little faith. I don't see what you see. I see Trump crushing the bastards. I don't believe they will be able to steal another election. As far as this person running his campaign, if there is one thing that I have noticed about Trump, is he likes his friends close, but his enemies closer. He's a genius, relax!
Living in these parts, I must admit, there has been some strange things going on around here. I'm hoping the Yellowstone volcano doesn't go off or we're all dead. Crazy times we're living.
The setting this interview takes place, looks like it's underground. Look at the phony window. Hmmm? Makes one wonder.
This video makes my skin curl. I can't stand these people or their stupid lying protocol. The hospital took out my mom during the plandemic and when you're up against the Soviet Gulag like I was, you learn real quick that it had nothing to do with science, but only to do with control and eliminating population. I hope all these sons of b_tches go to hell. Can you tell I'm angry now?
Now that they've done the ultimate dirty on Vigano, I think he should turn around and show the world what an evil tyrant lives in the Vatican. God wins!
I'm going to reply to you with something totally crazy. What would bring unification to a Presidential ticket? Possibly a Repub/Dem ticket? The dems are not happy with FJB so they sure would love to find someone else to take over for Buyden. I know a lot of you mentioned early on RFK Jr, but we've all heard his rhetoric and only a little over 1% of the population is on board with his ideology. What about a Trump/ JFK Jr. ticket? He was the democrats Prince. I know he's gone, but that WOULD unite the democrats to vote for Trump. I know, a girl can dream, can't she?
He makes me wonder if the real bad movie is going to be the televised versions of everyone that has gone through tribunals? Tribunals are said to be going on right now as we speak. That would make one bad movie.
Stephen Baldwin is one of the good guys, unlike his nasty, gross, insane brother Alec. If he is saying weird things like this, it must mean we're going to be seeing fake Hollyweirdo celebrities that have been gone a while coming back with face masks. Either that, or the good people of Hollywood will be starting the new wave of movies coming out that have good intent.
The wordsthat our media constantly spew "it is a threat to our democracy" is because a Constitutional Republic is a threat. They are always trying to convince people that we are a democracy, when in fact, we are a Constitutional Republic and yes, we ARE a threat to their democracy and I couldn't be any happier about it. Check out they have videos that explains the difference between ALL forms of government and why our founders chose a Constitutional Republic to be the form of government for the United States. Also, there is a book out that explains in depth why our founders chose our form of government. It's called- 5000 Year Leap. Amazing book!
Bring back the 17th amendment and we wouldn't even be talking about this.
And... there's Golf Trump too.
That doesn't look like the real Hill. The real Hill had blue eyes, this one has brown eyes. Interesting!
I was pretty sure that Bill Mayer capitulated. He was always such a douche bag towards anything Republican or Conservative, now he seems mellow and not as disgusting, even though we know he is. He is truly afraid. He admits it in the video. If he complies, he won't have to go to GITMO.
The real JB's eyes were blue. Bright blue and hard to miss. That is NOT the real guy.
THEY CAN ARGUE WITH US TILL THEY'RE BLUE IN THE FACE about if the elections were fraudulent or not, but anyone who has ever had anything to do with state politics, know there are election laws put in place prior to an election by the legislature. A Governor from a state can't change the rules all willy nilly just because they feel like it. They can't do it even if there is a pandemic that could make it difficult getting to the polls. That action by a governor is illegal. They don't have the power. It's the legislature that vote on election laws, not the governor, not the Secretary of State. Nope, not any of the gimmicks that they used to justify mail in ballots were legal, not unless the legislature voted it to be. If they go back to the very basics, people will begin to understand this.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
Hate to break the bad news to you, but back in the 80's, it was Newt's vote that brought us the all sucking National Education Association. Newt can't ever be trusted again. Look at the life of our kids in school today and tell me if that yes vote was good or bad. IMHO it was the worst vote to ever pass on the floor.
My fellow Patriot and church member, Brother in Christ, I completely understand where you are right now. My family has been absent from the church ever since the covid restrictions too. I have had mixed feelings ever since I saw a picture of President Nelson with the Pope. I remember seeing this pic and was dumbfounded as to why would our church President have anything to do with the pope? I remember how the thought of that picture sat in my gut like spoiled fruit. Shortly before that, the President came out with our study at home series and changed church from 3 hours down to 2. I remember thinking how weird that was. Church had been 3 hours since I could remember. Then Covid hits, and he follows through like a perfect little sheep and closes church down. Good thing we all had that study at home series. Almost like he seen the writing on the wall. I, at that point started feeling real skeptical about things. Decided to look into our church President a little deeper, and low and behold found a mass amount of China affiliations. I have been a member my whole life, (family too) and will admit I left the church for many years and returned in 2012 and was active and happy. Not anymore. I'm done. I really believe that the hierarchy of the church has some skeletons that I'm afraid to learn about. The other day I saw an article about Tim Ballard and now the church is coming against him. Why??? Tim Ballard has been a man of honor saving women and children from heinous crimes and the church comes out against him? Supposedly there are women out there claiming sexual misconduct against him and the church gives a public statement against him before the investigation is even over. No, I smell rats!! Something is terribly wrong and the spirit is telling you to pay attention, just like the spirit had been telling me. I'm sorry, but something isn't right and I'm afraid our church may be in on it. Don't even get me started about Mitt. aka Pierre Delecto.
This is a topic that really bothers me because I vaccinated my dog with rabies, distemper etc and that was in the month of September, he was perfectly healthy and by November he got cancer, he passed away. I had never attributed his cancer to the vaccines until my friend took her dog for vaccines. She took her perfectly healthy dog to get vaccinated and the very next day he had a seizure, started limping and within a few weeks after that he was diagnosed with a rare blood disease called Thromocytopenia. He didn't make it. The vet we see is now fully convinced that the vaccines that are being put out now are not safe. She no longer recommends them. I wouldn't vaccinate any of my pets ever again. Too many coincidences don't ya think? Do I believe all vaccines for animals are bad, no, I don't, but I do believe they are making some that are. I no longer trust.
Thanks for coming and visiting our great state. I'm glad everyone has made you feel welcome.
Can someone help me understand what our President means by the Golden age? I have not caught on to this meaning.