Musrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like me. I’m in contact with three people from Uni, compared to 30-40 ten years ago. All my Uni friends turned out to be raging Marxists. Of the 3, two are still very leftie and believe everything they read in the Guardian which I despise.

Musrum 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know most here hate Facebook with a passion but unfortunately after travelling extensively it’s the only way for me to keep in touch with some people. Anyway, in the last week I’ve started getting very conservative adverts, posts and the whole medium has changed, like someone opened the sluice gates on a giant reservoir. Something has definitely changed.

Musrum 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot of this corruption goes back a long way, hence get the conspiracy narrative wiped out through full disclosure asap with JFK, Epstein, MLK, later 9/11 etc firsthand. Then the foundations are set to move forward. The past is the future. If people understand the historical abuse of power then they will be much better off informed and able to process the information happening now. I’d also like to add the Fed - Titanic. But exposure to what the normies think “ conspiracy theorist” and normalisation of that will enable them to do their own research and wake up. It’s all about getting people to do their own research, hence why Q exists for first level civilians. The rest will follow slowly the more is revealed. At this point I feel so privileged to have caught on after the seventh post had happened and the followed daily. Even my wife asks me when Adam Schiff turns up in the news, is there any update on the shit that went down in the Standard Hotel and what about C Handler etc, she’s based as F.

Musrum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Damn, I used to watch all of Steve’s videos around the same time as Praying Medic. This was the start of it. I can’t believe that I’m actually witnessing what’s going on right now. I’m the only one in the family here but luckily my wife understands and asks for an update frequently.

Musrum 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s a lot of tax payers money, right there. I’m speechless

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without even firing one of these the alternative would be to announce that we will strike within a given week, the target London. Try to see the UK evacuate Londonistan. It would be a complete clusterfuck, particularly with Starmer the Farmer Harmer.

Musrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Make it stop. Kill it with fire.

Musrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

The original meme is “ Your should bury your pet squirrel in full military uniform to confuse future archaeologists “ meme has been around for at least a decade.

Musrum 5 points ago +6 / -1

Great to hear Dave Hayes is still in the game. He was the best decoder back in the day when the Infowars PAYtriots along with Jerome Corsi attempted to infiltrate and split the Anon movement ultimately ending Infowars as it was. His knowledge and decodes on signs, symbols, helicopters and fire engines helped massively for me to understand this was a genuine clandestine movement, not just some Chan malarkey.

Musrum 3 points ago +3 / -0

You would be surprised how many DJT supporters are in the UK. One half of my family is, the other isn’t. I’d say the numbers of supporters reflect those that voted Brexit and those that didn’t. I have always seen the USA as a litmus test for what will decide the future of the UK. A massive amount of people have woken up across Europe in the last four years.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

After living in Japan for a long time with a wide and varied social scene, I’ll say this. We used to go to bars and respect Japanese culture. We wouldn’t be frightened to chat in Japanese with anyone, they really respect those that have made the effort to learn the language and respect certain cultural protocols. Armed with a Welsh boxing lunatic cuddly teddy friend we used to arm wrestle locals daily, it was a fun way of getting close and more often than not loosing. The Yakuza really enjoy an arm wrestle respectfully. Most are extremely protective of their culture but in the last twenty-thirty years a few have put money before responsibilities to their own. The Pachinko parlours are organised by Korean crime syndicates but the Japanese still to this day favour their culture and history rather than destroy it from the inside out.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

They should all be lifetime banned from ever entering US soil again.

Musrum 3 points ago +3 / -0

His boat is called Bad Romance written in capitals with neon signs down the side. We saw it recently. Seriously, who calls a boat Bad Romance?

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for this post. It brings back memories. I followed from drop seven.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

As per my replies to posts below, I can now confirm that my mother has been bombarded with these videos also. I will not divulge her location, but outside the US. What is strange is that she’s not on any Social Media platform whatsoever, my father died from COVID or the shots (historical posts may reveal more) they have always stayed away from Social Media. She can’t confirm the exact website but says they appear in the morning, regularly for the last week. IMHO if she’s getting them, then everyone is, she’s such an unlikely and useless target audience.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not alphabetical as I’m in Spain at the moment and can confirm a heavy push for mail in ballots on social media across the board. Quite a slick video which someone here needs to grab and post, I’m not that technically capable. Also possibly happening while using a UK or Japan VPN.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the time on social media here in 🇪🇸

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't this an old video? I seem to remember seeing this like seven years ago, or certainly before the last election.

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