Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

As per my replies to posts below, I can now confirm that my mother has been bombarded with these videos also. I will not divulge her location, but outside the US. What is strange is that she’s not on any Social Media platform whatsoever, my father died from COVID or the shots (historical posts may reveal more) they have always stayed away from Social Media. She can’t confirm the exact website but says they appear in the morning, regularly for the last week. IMHO if she’s getting them, then everyone is, she’s such an unlikely and useless target audience.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not alphabetical as I’m in Spain at the moment and can confirm a heavy push for mail in ballots on social media across the board. Quite a slick video which someone here needs to grab and post, I’m not that technically capable. Also possibly happening while using a UK or Japan VPN.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't this an old video? I seem to remember seeing this like seven years ago, or certainly before the last election.

Musrum 6 points ago +6 / -0

Devon - meaning, deep valley dwellers, deep state.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russel Brand was the go to, lefty voice, that Hipster British Guardian readers worshiped like a deity back in 2016 as he was anti Brexit. He had their attention like a laser pointer and a herd of cats. He is now blowing their collective circuit boards and making them mentally backflip through circus hoops. Unfortunately they are addicted to the virtuous morality narrative, so every time he releases a new episode it's like smacking round the head with a frying pan. Eventually some will get it, others will never wake up.

Musrum 3 points ago +3 / -0

"I will always defend our Constitutional Republic" there, fixed it, and I'm not even an American.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

The more crap and out of date military tech the USA can get rid of now. The more it can rebuild later under a MAGA format.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've been doing this in rural areas for fifteen years. This is the sort of shit that makes us look stupid. Very few of these booths left and only in rural areas. Most are run down and have been used as book exchanges or small libraries. This meme is very much stretching the truth.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hashimoto's disease here, both sister and wife. Completely unrelated to Covid jabs or anything else. It's something that's annoying rather than life threatening. I'm sure others have given good advice, mine is don't worry unless you are planning on having a child as it can complicate inception.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm so sorry Fren, my thoughts and prayers are with you. If you look at my profile you'll see we have had a very similar experience. Stay strong, perhaps go and sit in a church and take a deep breath for an hour or two.

Musrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unvaxxed here and got it in late June for the first time ever. Very congested, headache, felt generally crap but the worst symptom was loss of taste something I'd like to add is not a sympton of flu I've ever encountered. Smoking a cig tasted like inhaling burned sugar and food was impossible to dicepher other than texture. I haven't had flu for over thirty years but the symptoms from memory were quite different, for a start I had no temperature with covid. Everything returned to normal after about two weeks. I think those that had more permement loss of smell and taste got and earlier less mutated version of covid.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

AJ and Corsi spent a great deal of time attempting to hijack the Q and Anon movements back in early 2018. It was as if we were presented with either following Q or Corsi, at this point I realised AJ was controlled opposition. I'm glad I stuck with Q as AJ was turning my mind into spaghetti.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this link, very helpful.

Musrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this information. I'll get hold of that book asap.

Musrum 24 points ago +24 / -0

I have held off making any statement to anyone anywhere and particularly on social media, but I felt I couldn't hold off further as "awakening" is a source of raw info and I've been in the loop since Q started, I like to take a step back as I'm older.. It was my duty to report, however upsetting. For ANONS I'd suggest looking at correlations between IQ and suicide after covid.

Musrum 18 points ago +18 / -0

Thanks for your reply. Mensa couldn't clock him, off the scale and I'd spent my childhood in the 70's talking about black holes, dark matter, string theory etc. We've stargazed and studied. He was completely taken out, bang, gone. It doesn't make sense because he was physically and mentally incredibly fit. But bang, gone, tortured (we are only just understanding the full picture) absolutely reduced to a shivering wreck. There was a brilliant documentary I watched 15 years ago that collaborated high IQ with inablility to deal with life. Basically string theory leads to a re-wiring and high maths can cause problems. The more intelligent you are the more delicate you are. Just my experience.

Musrum 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Thank you, your time is up...." Time is never UP until the enemy surrenders. These tools go back home and can't possibly have a conscience, it's like eating your own flesh for cash hand outs, that's how perveted they are. They'ed litteraly knaw off their own leg for the next brown paper envelope. Sinister is an understatement.

Musrum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ignore the person speaking, she's on target but the real info gained is examining those behind her. The woman sitting to her left (right if viewing) is utterly shitting her pants, caught between a rock and descending lead balloon possibly a Hindenburg aimed straight between the eyes. Her eye movement needs to be examined further by anyone better qualified than myself, but I've seen some shit in my time and she is nervous as hell. My dogs sometimes produce a Hindenburg as we call it, they are nervous as f...

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