Think the theme "dark to light" It starts with her in a dark theme then goes in to the light with all of the lights and diamond.
The theme for the game was 24/42 mirrored Bill Clinton being 42. 24 was shown more occasionally during the first half. Then at the final 42 and 24 was mirrored in a camera still of the player. Dark to light. Also no Coincidence the coach used to be an eagles coach and a commercial was shown involving a trojan horse.
Bonus points, it's no Coincidence the camera was on elom musk at one random point.
So we just gonna ignore that suberb owl 57 is KC vs Eagle(BC), in maricopa County, to distract from recent events regarding epstein docs naming names. And 56 was in LA, California. Where Rams won by 23(grand jury). 2 states, 2 counties(LA, Maricopa) with recent voter fraud events.
I did find God. More of a informational thing than religious, I study the Quran and I have a Bible (NKJV). Saved my life and proved to me there is indeed much more to this than what I thought before. Its hard to imagine myself 10 years ago before God, it doesn't feel like me but the memories are real. Impostor syndrome is real now.
The next journey is tough but with God at my side I have the guidance I can trust. I don't believe in death, I think death has been corrupted to mean what it means today to deter losing bodies in an industrialized society. How else would a society or governments survive?
The meaning of life varies by locales. In rural areas it tends to be valued and cherished, but in Cali you can get ran over and the other party is gone in a hit and run. Some feel negatively of suicide while others are praising it like it's a grand moment. Some are saving lives, while some are sacrificing them or themselves. I think the selfish ones are the ones still alive and commenting on the loss.
To understand life is to understand death. For there to be light there has to be dark, cold and hot, death life is all consciousness. Sure, there's more to it but it's all the same thing.
I sure won't kms soon. If I do I have a DMS to help protect innocent children in California and other states. I am with God at my side so eternally I have the guidance I need and trust. Its not the same battle everyday, so no guarantees I'll be here tomorrow but God bless all of yall. My life is complete, you are all more of a patriot than quite a few of the soldiers I served with who were only there for money and tiktok videos.
Same here. Life's value is extremely under appreciated these days it's sad. I was and am still suicidal. Still dry firing in my mouth, not every day anymore but I got the muscle memory down. Anyways, the things they went through and how deep it affected them I would never understand and vice versa. But I know that anything it was, it was something horridly unexplainable and immeasurable,something beyond tremendous. They are far from a coward.
These types of posts are wholeheartedly welcome given the current state of things, all we have been through and what's to come. Strangers but frens, family, patriots and god all faithful.
I asked for guidance and received. I went and have gone through the trials god has given me. Came out not with scars but with lessons learned, a new person is what it feels like.
Same with Rams winning by exactly 23 last year. 23 is the capacity for a grand jury. Trump retweeting recently is WH comms. Now correlate with markers and deltas. Multiple meanings. Just follow the drops and let the show do its thing. How many times do you recall an incident like that happening? 71(mirror 17) taking down BC(42) by the neck like a dog. KC double meanings could also be Kansas City Chiefs but I digress. Then the questions plagues the mind again, how many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Edit, sorry not retweeting, retruthed. I forgot he was reinstated but not active on the platform(twitter) since.
Tldr, Going off my comms theory. Chiefs won eagles lost. And I leave it at that because getting in to the betting world with specific margins attracts attention.
Alpha and omega? Delta is space force I presume? Judging off the space force logo.
In reference to electrical units, ohms, there is a study and research, that includes functional examples. A group out of the Maldives are releasing their works soon. Work that is based very much around Tesla's research. Disruptive work to say the least.
Edit, its a group Randall Carlson works with. Mazda is looking to bring the technology to Japan so far. But the details of the tech are vague. Most I can understand from what very little I can gather is, some sort of tech related to Tesla's research based around resonating frequencies, sound and vibrations?
I'm guessing if you have 2 frequencies in harmony you can manipulate the local gravitational fields of objects. Reminds me of the lazar guy from area 51. Tech like that would have some interesting "un effects" for lack of better wording lol. Effects that are not effects because you can't witness it from a human physical sense.
He only said he is trying to bring the death penalty for pedos. Not even a domino has started to fall in that fight. I hope they think of some way to convince people and ultimately SC to uphold that.
In no way has this got any traction though. Let's be real and read past headlines.
Not yet hopefully. God willing, I hope the whole country joins in death penalty for pedophiles.
In California you only need to rewind to within 11 years of a minor and you'd be within legal lines so long as you don't have intercourse with minors although sodomy and oral are perfectly fine in CA's eyes. I've had my personal experience with the new laws and local PD, OC and LA Sheriffs will not do anything, not even write a report.
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
A reminder that there is no stopping this. We will see North and south Korea as one country together in the Olympics soon.
Glad to be here alongside you all. Daily prayers and thoughts frens.
I thought so too. But Q drop 2225 seems to have clearly stated moon landings were real. Personally, what I believe is the moon landings were indeed real, but what aired on TV was just a reenactment. But I don't confide very much in that to consider it even a theory, for many more reasons to add, it's more of a thought.
To add, I know JPL is not exactly in Burbank. It is nearby, walking distance even and the campus is huge (even has off site locations going up i15 to Barstow and more infamously Junction Ranch (basically the Area51 for my family that lived up in the Cali desert)
Not sure if this is relevant, i was born and raised in LA. When I think Burbank I think backside of angeles crest, studios, the airport and the such in your dig. But the second thought that always comes to mind when I think of Burbank is JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Given JPL's history I thought there might be something there to dig
So who's waiting for a big delta when the media, news, everything in public view holding DS operatives and influence.
What happens when the masses find out they are and were being lied to all their lives. Their parents lied to. Their grandparents and generations before them lied to. Their kids left to fight wars in the name of patriotism only to find out they were lied to about the pretense and the entire war itself. I know I'm already heated just thinking about all the army buddies and childhood friends that joined and never came back. I'm hyped to see what happens when this hits the public.
We all know what is going to happen, I just hope I have enough popcorn.
Thank you for this. I'm in the middle of a mental crisis again right now and for the longest this mentality of eternity was what was helping to cause it because I didn't want to be here anymore. My family, buddies, friends, pets all gone it felt like I was in this world alone like I was too slow to finish the marathon but they all hit the finish line and left me alone.
But your post helped me see it from a different perspective. Take everything here as informational and learn. So in eternity i will be able to do what is needed of me. God has blessed me by showing mercy and taking me under their arm and guiding me to this forum full of all of you.
Time to get my depressed ass out of the empty bath tub. Thank you all so much. Thank god.
If everyone has similar mentalities, the possibility for a specific future event is more probable as more variables in the environment are under control. Theoretically you could plant ideas in people without them realising it came from a 3rd party. And that is what I believe is happening now. There's layers to this and were not at the surface yet but the signs of victory are there. I didn't take the PsyOp route in the Army but we did work with them down in Africa. It is interesting how some of the trade craft flows in to other scenarios.
There is some 5th gen warfare here for sure, getting everyone on the same thought and mentalities for things to start changing. But it doesn't seem like the whole system is the target. It seems like DS was always the target since the beginning.
Audit as much as they want. Bezos already left the company and divorced, when you have that much money, a divorce is not about relationship issues anymore. It's to compartmentalise your finances and protect them.
If there is something here, it's something quite deeper I believe.
You can put the delta in front of their faces, wave it around like a potato chip in the shape of the symbol for Delta even. One will only see what they are looking for. You can make a doritos commercial filled with symbolism during the superbowl and one will see either DS or Delta. The entire thing is a show.
Beginning to understand why it had to be this way in many more reasons.