NCPatriot34_ 10 points ago +10 / -0

This was in DC on Jan 6, 2021 backstage at his speech/rally, just before he took the stage. Video of this has been floating around since that day....


NCPatriot34_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every time i see this stickied I read "we don't do it for the clicks" and my mind then says "we do it for the chicks" EVERY. TIME. Tells you where my mind is at... random thoughts...carry on...

And great work by the way ashlanddog

NCPatriot34_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

was going to ask the same thing...can't seem to find the "Who the Eff Are You" video...

NCPatriot34_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really need an Aussie to opine but from what I hear, Bosi is the man and has a pretty good following...

NCPatriot34_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

i heard markets...but marxists makes more sense! Thanks!

NCPatriot34_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Enlist in Biden's Army for WW3. it's his war, you voted him in, so I'm gathering you are ready to fight his war...right?

NCPatriot34_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is great! What does he say right at the end though (1:46 in the vid)? "instead of following _____ like a bunch of f-ing sheep..."

NCPatriot34_ 9 points ago +9 / -0

Came here to say exactly this πŸ‘†! So great to see the success of Sounds of Freedom while Illuminati Jones tanks! Will be heading to the movie theater this weekend for the first time in a decade to see Sounds of Freedom...

NCPatriot34_ 18 points ago +18 / -0

I couldn't see Freedom today so watched the "other" Jim Caviezel movie...The Passion of the Christ. Incredibly impactful as it depicts what Jesus went through for us. To me, the start of the Great Awakening was 2,000 years ago when Jesus showed us the way. Fast forward 2k years later and we are getting close to waking us the masses. Caviezel's latest movie will help in that regard....can't wait to see it!

NCPatriot34_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

$300m on a film is outrageous. Probably costs them $50m in reality and the rest is laundered...

NCPatriot34_ 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's at least 17 πŸ˜‰

NCPatriot34_ 9 points ago +9 / -0

My niece now can't drive a car as she "blacks out" from time to time, not realizing where she is. Seems like dementia...she's 35. My brother walks with a limp and says it's not pain, just his "balance". My sister is very irritable. My father in law died. Plus hearing other stories about other family members. The ironic thing is that my mom at 88 is doing great...sharp as a tack!

They all looked at me like I was crazy when I quit my job so not take the vax...I think my wife and kids made the right choice.

NCPatriot34_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a video still on YouTube by Chuck Swindoll (his first video that he made) that talks about the mindset of these "people". You are right, they are not people. These luciferians are creatures that prey on our the most vulnerable....our children. Evil to the core.

NCPatriot34_ 6 points ago +6 / -0

So what's with these 200 fake patriots? We know now that these are just fed faggots that don't even have the balls to show their faces. What possesses an individual to go to this extreme to support a sick/evil agenda? Are they bribed? Is it blackmail? Are they mind controlled? Who are these sick fucks and how on earth do they think this is a good thing?

NCPatriot34_ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just like there's a 2 tier justice system, there exists a 2 tier media system. Just imagine Biden getting grilled like Trump right now! Trump answering everything perfectly and punching right back with truth (hopefully waking up a few along the way). If Biden was grilled like this I'd say the over under on the amount of times he'd say "Come on man" is 500....and I'd take the over.

NCPatriot34_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The enemy is attacking our children via pandemics, vax's, social media, etc. all of which impacts their physical and mental health. 2 students died recently on the NC State University campus bringing the total up to 14 for the academic year - 7 suicides and 7 "sudden deaths / undisclosed". It used to be where one death on a university campus made national news. Now 14 deaths gets barely any coverage. My prayers go out to all the families impacted. πŸ™πŸ™

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