Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

I suspect it wasn't JUST to prevent these execs from getting stock options or whatever . . . but also to make the point that they DESERVED to be fired for their roles in creating and maintaining a woke hell of a propaganda and censorship engine which, among other things, put shareholders at risk of massive lawsuits.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

My typo problems are far worse than yours, fren -- sincerely, Narg-who-sucks-at-proof-reading.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That certainly could be the case. It's weird though, seeing a building in that condition without walls or windows or anything else other than concrete slab floors and the uprights holding it all together. And the demo DOES remind of WTC7.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn't look like there was any evidence left in that husk at all. I only saw empty concrete floors and and posts and beams; no walls to hide anything in even. It appeared even the glass from the windows had been removed before the demolition.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Solid, logical post. Yes, lots of reason to be cautious about these people; Jones in particular has always seemed off to me, and when he was trying to convince his audience that Q was bullshit early on it really turned me off. Elon has so many red flags in his background that I can only hope he's doing more good than harm, and that ultimately he's on the side of the angels. But that really IS just hope at this point. And so on.

u/thephantom1979,s comment --

Out of this... You are going to get certain famous people to disown the DS before it's too late.

. . . makes sense to me also, though. And sleepers are an actual thing, on both sides in this war (as in other wars). As are Double/triple agents and decent people who just wake up and join the good guys, like more than a few on this board.

Keep an open mind in all directions and know that you'll be surprised by events and by PEOPLE. Even in science "the truth" is often found to be wrong. In this ancient, global war between Good and Evil, unexpected revelations about what we THINK we know are going to become a flood.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you about the TeeVee and, to a lesser extent, other legacy media, but I don't think that element has been overlooked at all.

Trump has been hammering on the MSM since before he ran for President and relentlessly since then, calling them Fake News and proving it in many ways.

Kari Lake is taking them down constantly (see https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6lfYDzV/kari/c/ and https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6lfWZhH/kari-lake-destroying-the-fake-ne/c/ just in the last day or two), CNN has new ownership and is firing LOTS of uber-woke dickheads, and such things have had an effect: polls (both BY and REPORTED BY the media themselves) have shown that a MAJORITY of Americans DO NOT TRUST the MSM anymore.

I expect there's a serious plan to end the Enemy of the People aspect of mainstream television one way or another. Those corporations are too large, and owned by huge hydras of Cabal corporations, to deal with as Musk has done with Twitter, but their time is coming. Indictments and/or military tribunals, and possibly massive asset confiscations as per Trump's EOs may be part of it.

Just my opinion, but I'll be damned surprised if it's not the case.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, there is solid scientific evidence that it's the jabs causing the huge uptick in deaths.

Here's a recent Steve Kirsch substack on one such tidbit, and browsing his substack will bring you more.


Ryan Cole is the most courageous pathologist in the US. He’s willing to perform the tests that implicate the vaccine in a death. So far, 100% of the cases he’s looked it implicate the vaccine in the cause of death (he’s only looked at 3 of the over 25 cases he has because he’s been on the road too much).

The CDC isn’t interested in his results and neither are any other pathologists. I wonder why?

Includes Rumble video, 11 min 16 sec. -- Terrific interview, worth your time. Dr. Cole points out that the "vaccine" spike is specific, not shared with a COVID infection; likewise, COVID-specific signs do not show up with the "vaccine."

Cole also says that the spike protein causes blood vessel damage wherever it goes, and of course "every organ in your body has blood vessels in it."

People who die immediately or within a few days are probably dying from anaphylaxis from PEG in the shot, he says, but the spike protein is "more like a smoldering fire" causing damage gradually, leading to symptoms or death further out in time.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know. But it's easy to forget (well, for me . . . I rarely visit these outlets) the amount of such propaganda, and how shameless it is, that most people are assaulted with.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, AngelCole. I came across an article a week or three ago claiming that the flu shots contained the same poison as the COVID jabs. Don't have the link and of course can't confirm the assertion but given what they're already doing to us, why WOULDN'T they use the flu jabs as part of their depop plan?

And I agree: ANY discretionary injection right now is probably a deathy-bad idea.

Very sorry to hear about your patient.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't watch Cramer -- from what little I've seen he's a clown, in maybe more than one way -- but I've heard that a reliable way to make money is listen to what he says and then do the opposite.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had to check to see if that was right . . . and it is. Damn, I would have sworn that at least Blackrock and Vanguard were in there somewhere.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1

Horrifying. Just horrifying. I hadn't been too worried about my occasional contacts with the jabbed, but this article has changed my mind. I may need to find a new hair cutter and a new dentist.

Narg 7 points ago +8 / -1

Anger is a natural and often useful, even life-saving reaction. It is only when we are angry at someone WITHOUT CAUSE that we do wrong; then we are directing our anger (or another unconscious feeling) at the wrong person.

Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment

People -- many, many people -- are facilitating a global mass-murder. How could anyone, WHY SHOULD anyone, not be angry about that?

We do have control over how we handle our anger. You've been very constructive and bold in your response to the jab dangers, ShakeAndBake1776. I hope you can use your anger constructively to give you stamina in your efforts to protect the innocent and to wake up and/or bring to account those inflicting the jabs on others. And I hope you have support and blessings in the real world as well.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0


The more I see DeSantis ignoring, vaguely disrespecting, or disagreeing with Trump -- and the longer he avoids highlighting the 2020 Steal -- the more I see him as an incredibly focused and effective sleeper for the Deep State. He's near-perfect in his handling of Florida and constantly spouting MAGA-sounding rhetoric. Patriots can't help but appreciate that.

But I can't shake the feeling it's all part of a long con to advance him into the federal power structure -- where he'll become the next Mitt Romney, although probably a more stealthy and camouflaged version.

I really hope I'm wrong.

Narg 1 point ago +2 / -1

Also: This film should be the Horror Movie of the year. Perfect red-pill during Halloween season . . .

Narg 8 points ago +9 / -1

I'm not addicted to datefagging. Really. I can stop at any time. If I want.

But datefagging helps keep me sane, so . . . I'll stop when this is all over. 😐

Narg 2 points ago +3 / -1

Another link: https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2022/10/died-suddenly-official-trailer-streaming-november-21st/

I was once on the fence about Stew Peters' true intentions; no more. The film is a Stew Peters production (trailer says "Stew Peters Presents") and the trailer alone is an epic red pill about the "vaccines", about the mass-murdering elite, and about the horrors being inflicted on millions of innocents. It is clear, terrifying, and I cannot imagine anyone seeing it and not waking up to the intentional and global genocide now in progress, or to the culpability of those helping to impose it.

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