Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah. Not even close. Shatner is in a league by himself in that regard.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's one way to measure inflation, and there are reasons to believe it actually under-estimates the damage.

For decades, a $20 bill was legally the same as a one-ounce American $20 gold coin (although the coins were a tiny bit less than a full ounce; the missing portion was the seignorage, which paid for running the mint. You'll see slightly different definitions in various places).

Gold is selling for $2500 per ounce today, per Kitco.com. The dollar has gone from being worth, BY LAW, roughly a twentieth of an ounce of gold to to being worth, basically, a SPECK of gold.

Here's more information about American $20 gold coins: https://www.amergold.com/gold/pre-1933-u-s-gold-coins/20-liberty-gold-double-eagle.php (Includes description of "type 1" through "type 3" US gold coins and others, and photo of a 1904 US $20 gold coin. For more images of the various types, see here).

$20 Liberty gold double eagles are one of the world's most recognized gold coins. A workhorse coin of commerce, it was one of the building blocks of the growing U.S. economy and financial markets in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Also known as Coronet Double Eagles because of the coronet, or crown, adorning the head of Liberty on the obverse, $20 Liberty gold coins were used in every aspect of American economic life. Their large gold content (almost a full ounce) made them especially useful in banking transactions and international trade. The classic portrait of Miss Liberty on the coin's obverse and the bold heraldic Eagle on its reverse stand as inspiring symbols of America's emergence as a mature world power during this wild and exciting period in our nation's history.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think you're on to something, farpointpatriot. Compared to most topics, insider trading and tax shenanigans aren't going to be traumatic to normies -- as you point out, everyone already assumes this type of corruption by politicians, and nothing really horrifying is involved -- yet the way you've phrased it, they completely disarm the anti-Trump hate campaign.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, that's an evocative way to put it. And you're right, some people just won't be able to handle it.

I can't say for sure how I'd react if I -- well, if I weren't me -- and every person is unique, but I think the knowledge that there are more GOOD people than bad ones and that the GOOD were winning, were pushing out the evil ones and had a viable Plan to clean up pretty much the whole damn world and KEEP it clean (not that any such plan could promise to prevent evil from resurfacing forever) -- THAT would be very helpful in preventing fatal despair.

I am so thankful to those who conceived, created, and are carrying out this Plan AND who designed a method for getting the word out at a measured pace. It's an unfathomably large, global project, with EVERYTHING at stake, and they've done and are doing an amazing job. The Q team (whoever and however many they are, past and present) have clearly considered this factor -- the trauma of learning about so much evil -- and, I think, have implemented a near-optimal plan of disclosure. I can't think of a better one, at any rate.

That said, there are people who are simply carrying enough Pain and have sufficiently weak defenses that any small nudge in the wrong direction can push them over the edge.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ultimately, the government compelling doctors to inject poison into people is one thing. The government doing shit we don't like is another. Whether we like it or not, and I'm sure this won't be popular around here, the Christian answer is to obey such laws, not disobey them "because freedom". Changing them is obviously preferable.

So, you are saying that "injecting poison" is something that YOU get to decide to disobey, but other things not? How does that work if the Bible is "perfect, unchanged, and scribes didn't mess it up."

I disagree with your entire interpretation here. Government, as we have known it, is coercion, and coercion is a crime. That's no way to run a society, and because it ATTRACTS and EMPOWERS psychopaths and sociopaths, governments have always been criminal enterprises and typically mass-murderers. Jesus was murdered by Roman government soldiers, as were many (millions?) of people in Rome and Roman territories who did not deserve such punishment.

If the US government, or your local city council for that matter, ordered you to murder children, would you?

Do you actually believe that God would WANT YOU TO just because "He" told you to obey the government?

God gave us free will and a conscience. Not using them to obey Jesus commandment that we "Love one another" is a sin.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well put-together, fren.

4-6% of the population committing suicide rather than accept that they were ruled by the most evil machine imaginable.

I hope you're wrong about that. I wouldn't be bothered about that many suicides by those involved in the worst of the evil, but decent people just ending their lives in despair at suddenly learning about that mountain of evil is just a horrifying thought.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm so glad you found your way here, inside yourself and this community both.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

MOST of today's laws and regulations ARE SINS -- they harm the innocent, steal from the productive to wreak havoc in aggressive wars and among the American people with "regulation" that harms the masses while enriching the hyper-wealthy, and so on.

The now-mostly-forgotten Common Law was a reasonable framework, and Jesus' single new Commandment (to love one another) is truly ALL we need for the base of a legal framework, since Love includes allowing others their Freedom (you don't enslave, harm, steal from, or tyrannize those you love).

As Cicero pointed out: The more laws, the more corruption. What does that make modern America, for instance?

Even in Jesus' day, governments were nightmares of corruption, cruelty, and evil. I've always questioned those two verses; I can't comment on the translation but the plain-text reading of them is simply WRONG and I can't help but wonder if a scribe or whoever wrote them (don't say "God" because human hands wrote the words and humans do NOT always get things right -- not to mention all the tinkering that was done as time went on) was perhaps either describing something that SHOULD and WOULD be right IF the world were a healthy place instead of being run by criminals and psychopaths, AND/OR was trying to shield the young Christian movement from government attacks and outright democide.

13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 

13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Back in the '80s, I read R. J. Rummel's Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900. (Here's his website).

I also have a copy of The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, the Foreword of which is titled The Uses of Atrocity.

So I'm already clear about the level of horror and depravity that those who "run the world" are guilty of. Still, I find myself forgetting the details; my defenses cover the full truth with gauze as time goes on. This post by SpartaJustice on X pulled that gauze away (for now; it'll drift back, I know from experience) and horrified me all over again.

I can't say whether you (any particular person) will benefit from reading the post; some will only be emotionally harmed. But I'll describe one benefit I got from the post:

I am even more aware, vividly so, of HOW and WHY the world is in such horrible shape and why taking down the Cabal is taking so long. The Cabal filters upwards; if you want to get ahead in politics, business, or any other area the Cabal wishes to control, you MUST, at some point, allow yourself to be compromised by BECOMING A PART OF THE HORROR, and doing so ON CAMERA, so there will be no doubt that you are fully controlled and will never, under any circumstance, betray the Cabal. "Pain of death" isn't the worst of it; the Satanic Cabal inflicts worse that that, much worse, merely for ritual and entertainment.

What would they do to someone who betrayed them (and/or to those they loved) and put them in serious jeopardy? You wouldn't want to find out.

I knew all that before, but it is much more clear and vivid for me now.

My respect for Trump, the White Hats, and for everyone else working to bring an END to the global Satanic Cabal is even higher than it was before, and I am more aware of the importance of this Great Awakening.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, excellent point. It'd be nice if THAT need could be fulfilled in addition to whatever other necessary qualifications (that we might not be privy to) -- I assume that those "other" qualifications, whatever they might have been in 2015, are why Pence was chosen.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christians have been targeted by Evil ever since Day One, because Christians believe in and teach LOVE for others.

That is the important, worldly part of Christianity. Christians aren't persecuted because they are going to Heaven; they are persecuted because here, in THIS world, they believe in and teach LOVE -- and that requires that they not align themselves with cruelty and other evil -- which almost always includes the State.

The same is true for other true religions -- that is, religions that teach LOVE instead of accepting and teaching malice. Align yourself with Evil in this world and you're usually left alone; refuse Evil, preach and practice love and compassion, and [they] come after you.

My fondest hope for the Great Awakening is that it bring an END to that, so that decent, compassionate people are left alone and unharmed because Evil no longer has such power in this world.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

And knowing that you've been injected with a bioweapon that hugely increases the risk of cancer -- to the point that the phrase "Turbo-cancer" has entered common discourse -- has GOT to be stressful.

I keep remembering that "They won't be able to walk down the street," because that time is coming soon.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

That Satan -- or at least the head -- is Tim Curry (in five and a half hours of makeup) in Ridley Scott's Legend -- or see IMDB here -- with Tom Cruise as the protagonist, Jack.

Sorry. Film nerd sub-unit showing through.

Excellent meme.

EDIT: Legend is an interesting film about an Innocence fighting back against an Evil that is trying to corrupt and destroy it.

Narg 25 points ago +25 / -0

Devin Nunes as Trump's VP -- that works for me. Nunes is one of the few I have no issues with, and he brings a lot positives.

That said, Trump could pick almost anyone and he'd still get elected and do a great job.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump Tower is mentioned (one ping on the sidewalk opposite Trump Tower), but given that the Tower is huge and the ping could have been from a person just walking by on the opposite side of the street instead of a tenant or visitor to the Tower, that doesn't mean much.

The building has thirteen office stories spanning floors 14 to 26, then another thirty-nine stories containing 263 residential condominiums on floors 30 to 68.[60] ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're probably right; see CuriousLurker's reply on this thread which includes Q drop 1866. I had it wrong, apparently.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. Thanks for the correction, CuriousLurker. And after now doing a quick bit of research on Flynn I'm more confused than enlightened -- separating fact from fiction in what I found will take awhile.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

As always, FractalizingIron, clear thinking and a well-thought-out and well-presented post.

Like ThisIsHowItStarts, I have mixed feelings about Flynn; his negative comments about Q (including the idea that Q has been a factor keeping people pacified instead of acting), but that doesn't mean he opposes Trump in any way or that he'd be a poor choice. And I do remember that Flynn was the one who alerted Trump to the Cabal's surveilance of him at the very start of his campaign.

If Flynn is who Trump wants, I'm willing to believe that Flynn is the right man for the job. He's certainly been put through Hell without compromising himself or anyone else.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Now it's Trillionaires who are the almost-unthinkable ones, but they DO exist.

The television show The Millionaire (1955 - 1960) was about a benefactor who changed the lives of people by giving them (Dr. Evil voice) ONE MILLION DOLLARS, which Wikipedia says would be equal to $10.9 million in 2022 dollars.

On the other hand, in the 1950s, Coke machines dispensed sodas for 5 cents and the market price of gold was roughly $35/oz versus a smidge under $2200 today -- (2200 / 35) = 62.857 times more than in the 1950s.

-- $1 million back then was Way more than $10.9 million today.

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