NeuroticFisherman 5 points ago +5 / -0

She's trolling the people who claim "Hillary never got raided during the email scandal. But what about her emails?!" Even when the news is wholely about Trump and the raid at his place and nothing to do with Hilary. She or her staff are trolling and making a joke. She (or staff) obviously got a rise out of a number of people here even.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can't claim it's not a threat when telling huge subsections of America that they only retain their freedom and Security because you wish it. That's clearly an implied threat; do as we would like or have your freedom and security revoked by us. Every person in the USA retains freedom because it is outlined in the constitution, and is not only deserving to certain individuals. Either we all win, or no one wins.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's actually 33% of Americans believe the election was stolen according to polls. 71% of Republicans see the election as illegitimate. 58% of Americans in the poll believe the election is Biden was indeed legitimate. Perhaps you were thinking of the percentage of Republicans?


NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean, that was like 30 years ago...

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you have a description of Enochian magic? And what sort of things it Crowley and Parsons do that preceded UFO activity? I'm rather curious what sorts of stuff that could be.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +3 / -2

They have in fact isolated and documented the covid genome of different variants. It's the same as reading and saving the human genome, or the flu, or bacteria, or any other organism. There's multiple peer reviewed journal articles from multiple countries about isolating the virus and saving the genome. Then they do the same with people who are sick and compare the genomes. This is pretty basic biological science stuff.

We isolated virus from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimens, and characterized the viral sequence, replication properties, and cell culture tropism. We found that the virus replicates to high titer in Vero-CCL81 cells and Vero E6 cells in the absence of trypsin. We also deposited the virus into two virus repositories, making it broadly available to the public health and research communities.

From the US: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239045/

From Korea: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7045880/

From Turkey: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32936826/

From Australia: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32237278/

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +1 / -0

So lots of members who are on the foreign affairs committee or armed services committee. Seem like the proper members of Congress to be making a trip to a foreign country.

NeuroticFisherman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Congress writes legislation all the time that deals with and interacts with other nations on Earth. They could be trade deals, economic discussions informing legislation, military cooperation which has to get funding and certain decisions by Congress. They could be discussing commodities when figuring out bills to deal with supply issues worldwide. She could be discussing microchip production and what it would take to build more in the US, or have Taiwanese companies come build in the US. Some members of Congress are on the foreign affairs committee, so would even moreso be working directly with foreign nations.

Regardless of if these examples are factually true in regards to current world events, these are examples of things Congress has to deal with and it includes dealing with foreign countries. Speaker of the house is one of the key positions what would go to other countries to discuss legislation or other policy topics.

NeuroticFisherman -7 points ago +1 / -8

Covid doesn't spread as effectively outside and in the open air. Homeless people generally live outside, and not inside close quarters with a number of other people. Covid wouldn't spread as easily through a population that lives outside. Also, there aren't often news stories on the deaths of homeless people. All sorts of homeless people die every winter or summer from the extreme weather in some places, but those stories are never told or publicized. Do you have the inside track on info from homeless populations? Because one of the only ways to know if covid is spreading through homeless populations is to ask them. But also, since they're homeless and essentially off the grid, we have no clue how many may get sick or die randomly outside and aren't found for a while or something. I'm just saying that using the homeless population to gauge the transmissibility of a respiratory virus isn't the best proof.

NeuroticFisherman -2 points ago +2 / -4

Natural immunity isn't perfect either. My parents have had covid 3 times. Similar unique symptoms and time-frames for them for each time they caught it. Not shot or boosted. Natural immunity isn't the panacea some make it out to be. And while you'll certainly have a certain amount of protection, it's not like you get covid once and then can never ever get it again.

NeuroticFisherman 2 points ago +6 / -4

I wore helmets all the time growing up and still always do whenever I go cycling. Why the hell wouldn't you wear protection for your head, where your damn brain is. Human heads are fragile like melons if hit the wrong way, not to mention possibly concussions. It's just basic common sense and good practice to wear a helmet, ESPECIALLY for kids still learning to ride the bike, still unsure or not totally practiced like an adult may be, children not always being the most coordinated creatures. What a damn stupid thing to get upset about... Kids wearing bicycle helmets is the end of civilization?

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +3 / -2

MSM did cover this issue, I remember reading about it at the time. It doesn't matter that Biden took the oath before noon because the language just states that the oath must take place before executing the office, and that the previous president's term expires at noon. So Biden fulfilled the need to take the oath before he took office, then at noon he supposedly took office right away since the oath had already been completed. It makes sense though, cuz if not you'd end up with at least a couple minutes gap of time where no one would be president.


NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +2 / -2

Why should you be worried about having government run security cameras on every street corners? If the citizens aren't breaking the law, they don't have anything to worry about!

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's capitalist monopolies and corporate consolidations at work. It's the elites continuing to squeeze more and more profit in any way necessary from us regular people. Insurance companies and the elite see us, and our employers, as the foundations of their profit that we are. They value us only for the monthly premiums we pay in order to have ok to decent access to healthcare. Insurance companies don't see us as a human that needs compassionate, comprehensive medical care.

The free market can end up causing real damage in the neverending pursuit of profit and quarterly growth. Consolidating resources, the doctors who do the actual work for the clinics/hospitals, and the admin workers, means more profit and seems to be a common sight in many industries, for better or worse (though seems it's often for worse).

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

I got my vaccination (I know, I know, but there's an upvoted comment above about letting people choose themselves, and that the vax may be more necessary for sick or at-risk people, which is me, and I chose to take it for that reason), and when I did it was very clear in the paperwork that it was experimental. It was clear there where some common, expected mild side effects that not everyone would get, and that there could be unknown side effects due to its experimental nature. It was very clear that the vaccine was available under EULA and that the vaccine was not approved by the FDA.

Between that information, and then the other few pages of relevant info. It was definitely made clear the vaccination was experimental. Between these signed papers, and the pharmacist asking you if you have any questions, and answering these questions, before administering the shot. This is basically classic informed consent. How are you defining informed consent? Does someone need to explain it in person to someone, and it can't be in written form?

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, places like feedlots use the cattle manure they have to move or collect. Feedlots will sometimes have fields of corn in order to grow some of their own cattle feed with corn, so they'll use the manure on those fields. I think they sell the manure to local farmers, or at least the feedlot I have experience with does. So they are using cattle manure from feedlots for fertilizer on some fields when available.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why do you wish that hopefully deaths will ramp up? If anything I'm hoping such things aren't true and that the boosted won't be dying, that our family, friends, and neighbors won't die at the hands of the DS for their plans. Whatever the reality may be, we really should not be hoping or wishing that all these people end up dying, it may even end up bringing it about by envisioning it. Should be hoping the understandings of the vaccine and what's expected is wrong somehow, and as many people as possible live.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Strong immigration standards set by the country can be a double edged sword for sure. I'm sorry you haven't been able to see your family, especially ironic when it's only 26 miles away. It's so arbitrary how people, or more accurately governments, have just decided to draw lines on the Earth where real people live and just split things, keeping the people from having easy movement back and forth this pretty darn arbitrary border. And enforcing borders such as these lead to all sorts of violent conflicts around the world as you try to divide local groups of people who have been a collective entity.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Seems more like the reddit post in question here was more about how not to mess up their preferred YouTube algorithm when looking at charged political videos that YouTube will intentionally push in order to fuel political anger and engagement more and more. Seems fairly reasonable not to want to mess up your algorithm feeds, and there were solutions in that thread of how to watch q source videos in ways that wouldn't change a person's algorithm, so they they can in fact check out the material.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Democrats offered Trump something like $15 billion to make the wall if the legislation allowed for a path to citizenship for people who were brought here as young children and have never really lived anywhere else. Trump said no to that $15b, and it ended up in the government shutdown. No would seem not totally non-negotiable, but certainly something they didn't want want.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Seems more like an issue with the medication and its sauce effects versus any mistreatment by the clinic itself, at least from the information here in this screenshot that doesn't imply any harm by the clinic itself. Doesn't even mention a gender clinic or anything, all it's saying is that a some medications, probably puberty or hormone blockers, caused bad side effects in 6 kids, 5 undergoing treatment for precocious puberty and one for transgender care.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +2 / -3

I assumed you would know that 5 of 6 kids were taking it for going through puberty early because it literally says so on this post, the screenshot of information given that you were commenting on. Far be it from me to assume that others in the comment sections have actually read the source material they're commenting on.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

It just mentioned how this can spread from touching the rashes or touching objects contaminated from the rashes. These rashes will appear all over the skin. Otherwise it spreads like some other respiratory illnesses, where you have to be rather close to someone in order to catch the illness. You do not have to be gay or engage in homosexual activities to catch such an illness, and it has nothing to do with being gay. It's an illness similar to smallpox, and the rashes all over that will spread the infected fluids is what drives the spread of this illness.

NeuroticFisherman -3 points ago +1 / -4

None of the real perpetrators were brought to justice. They had a show trial for some of the minions amidst the operation, while the big guys are still free and doing their thing. The same people are still in power and it didn't change their grasp on that power, if anything it increases their power as many possible dissidents against the government there see they got away with killing Khashoggi without any real consequences.

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