NoMoreMB 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Islamosfascists are in charge of the Oval and have been since 2008, with the exception of the Trump presidency... so America is falling from within, and the question is, if Trump doesn't get back in, who do you want, CHina, Islamic terrorists or Russia.

Putin has deported illegal immigrants, Islamic terrorists, managed a thriving economy despite Western sanctions, hmmm...

Russia seems to be the only answer.

He will be able to "nuke" DC/DS faster than the rats can escape.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surely the Muslims are aware Obama is behind everything the WH does, and I am sure they know how to "get" to him. That would be priceless.

NoMoreMB 7 points ago +7 / -0

Obama runs Biden, or what's left of him. Obama HATES Bin "Salmon" and the feeling appears mutual.

"Apr 20, 2016 — US president's low-key arrival and meeting with King Salman underscores tension that has deepened over US policy towards Iran "

"Did Saudi King snub President Obama?"

And the Salmon openly mocked Biden "audi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom's 37-year-old day-to-day ruler, mocks President Biden in private..."

Ssay what you want about SA and BS (Bin Salmon) negotiations preferable to war.

PRESIDENT Trump steps in where no one else can. Deserves Nobel Prize twice if he pulls this off.

NoMoreMB 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it's how TPTB will get their martial law and another lockdown. Tens of thousands gathering, what an opportunity to pay groups to instigate riots.

NoMoreMB 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not any celestial or high tech space plan of chaos that awaits. Tens of thousands of tourists and thousands of criminal gang illegal immigrants are assembling.

You can bet your bippy TPTB are NOT going to let this deliciously delicate situation go to waste, and will foment all sorts of bloody chaos so they can have another one of their lockdowns, institute more martial laws BS, for "2 weeks" which will turn out to be 2 years.

Or until a well organized high tech militia hangs them high.

NoMoreMB 3 points ago +3 / -0

And decades later to come, the connection to 9/11, as previously outed, will be Netflixed too late for anything real to come of it.

NoMoreMB 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welp, that's what they want you to think, all this highest of high tech satanic shenanigans.

When what may actually happen is good old fashioned mob riots intigated by TPTB, given hundreds of thousands of ppl and violent criminals in the same place at the same time.

If it were millions I'd say they'd take advantage of the dark to mass exterminate said crowds from space...and blame dark matter, or the aliens.

NoMoreMB 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seriously, if any will sign up again it had better be with a well organized MILITIA. The govt brand is defunct.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

C'mon man! There will be tens of thousands of tourists and gangs of illegal criminal immigrant in the mix.

Do you really think TPTB will let this rare opportunity pass without stirring up complete and bloody chaos? ** They've practically ANNOUNCED that's what will happen, and are warning folks that 2 weeks of lockdowns will be forthcoming. **

Meanwhile people are superstiousing about weird space happenings and not keeping their minds focused on what governments have always done to control their people.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

MILITIA. Don't let them stop you. It's America's constitution, and do not let Obama's Muslim Brotherhood Caliphate or WEf/WIEF agenda con you out of it.

Liberty is bought with blood. Unfortunately it has been the only way. UNLESS TRUMP GETS BACK IN.

by G-Anon
NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct, should have referred to no "record number of..." Hindus's. Sunak is a Sikh, a die hard Conservative, with an oustanding education. Again, Patel is a hardline conservative.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have a situation where many states see a huge influx of people, tourists and illegal immigrants, among whom are deadly violent gangs.

You have a government that routinely pays to instigate riots.

You have a government that is hell bent on declaring lockdowns, martial law, new restrictions.

They see April 8th as a hell of a opportunity to carry this out. Hence the MSM beating the fear drums, and telling people to stay home, lock up and stock up.

This won't take any arcane CERN or comet or fake solar science show. This will just take old as the hills riots and crackdown.

NoMoreMB 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess we need to pray for the chickies, which they will now slaughter by the hundres of thousands.

How to stop this madness?

Ans: Democracy- where you must destroy the few despots to save the millions.

NoMoreMB 5 points ago +5 / -0

EV'S you say? Better for the envt?

(1) The additional environmental cost of transporting EV batteries results in a higher carbon footprint than ICE vehicles. (2) EV batteries are require rare earth elements, lithium, nickel, cobalt, ...materials are rare, extraction requires intensive mining/polluting processes. (3) damaged cells in the battery cause uncontrolled increases in temperature and pressure (thermal runaway), which leads to uncontrolled fires. (4) EV batteries cannot be recycled (5) By one estimate, more than 12m tons of lithium-ion batteries are expected to retire between now and 2030 and will leave mountains of untreatable electronic waste.

Whenever that peice of crap opens its mouth, more craps pours out. He is a walking load of bowel excrement.

NoMoreMB 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's because SWEDEN harbors DOZENS of Islamic terrorist NO-GO zones in their country, including one where a 9/11 American disinfo schmuck who is well funded in the US and had a well paid news outlet featuring him regulalry, has a home. In the middle of said no-go terrorist zone.

It would be good for the citizenry to let Putin in to clean those ratholes out.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

True that, however, we will still kill him AND BLAME THE RUSSIANS!!!

Because, well, as you said, the tactics are sooooo obvious by now, time to change the tactics.

PS Your handle, it sounds like the chorus to a song you need to write.

NoMoreMB 2 points ago +2 / -0

You saw that recent SR too, it's been kicking off at levels not seen for the last several months. Solar 25?

What I think is MOST LIKELY, April 8th given these factors:

(1) Large influx of "tourists" (2) Similarly, large influx of criminal, illegal immigrants (where do you think they will go/mix) (3) Paid covert action to start riots (like BLM) (4) Bloodshed among innocents and martial law.

Make sure your boom sticks and freedom seeds are plentiful and dry.

And of course, like the state governments are all saying: 2 weeks of water and food, fuel and meds.

(More like 2 years)

by G-Anon
NoMoreMB 12 points ago +12 / -0

You can thank Prince Phillip, the now dead King Deadly-Virus for those two, plus the one in Londonistan.

(1) There is The Islamic Party of Britain was founded in September 1989 by Muslims.

(2) ...a record number of Muslims were elected to the House of Commons in the UK's recent election. Muslim candidates won 19 seats.

(3) ... .there are nineteen Muslim peers in the House of Lords.

Think about it.

Intersting you don't see e.g. Indians (India, Hindus) in similar positions given the British Raj made their mint looting India for so long. They certainly earned their right to some seats. There is a reason for that having to do with the Crown and their long held allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood, going back to the days PRIOR to WW2, while the Brits were still controlling India.

(King Deadly-Virus: Prince Phillip infamously stated : "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.")

NoMoreMB 3 points ago +3 / -0

That e/q did not look natural. That location of faults is not set up for the series of 7.5's on down. Instantly expected this is what China would do.

Be careful April 8th, whatever they are up to, they can make e/q's fires etc. at will.

NoMoreMB 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm voting for Roman style crucifictions, with lots of scourging, for the demons.

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