Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve spent some solid time digging into parasites and mental health. There really isn’t a lot out there so it takes time to find info. I was also digging into vitamins and supplements, red light therapy, etc. at the time. Then I picked up a cookbook that belonged to my grandmother and was surprised to see how focused it was on the nutritional value of certain foods correlating with what I was reading. I would talk to my parents or that generation and they used to all take castor oil. It started making some sense to me. When you think about terrain theory, big pharm, the increase in vaccines, the increase in mental health issues, the fact that many countries deparasite, the push for veganism, it all kind of came together for me. I’ve seen first hand what it’s done for people I care about. Again not medical advice, just part of my story. Share away, if it could give one person “relief”, then commenting on this post was well worth it!

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

While doing a dig on parasites, I came across some studies with schizo, bipolar, and t. gondii (a parasite). There have been very few studies done even though there seems to be a correlation. Shockingly, I would guess there’s not a lot of funding for finding a potential cure to mental health. Anyway, it’s found in a lot of things, cat poo, seafood (bottom crawlers like crab, crawfish, etc), pork, etc. These parasites have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and there’s absolute proof of cognitive changes in animals infected. One of the studies suggested the cyst like images of schizo patients could actually be eggs or larvae. Made me wonder if it would help with anxiety or depression? Ivermectin doesn’t hurt, they give it 5yo for lice in other countries. Told my friend about who was staying with me and suffers from depression and anxiety. The second week after doing her first cleanse, she came down super excited and told me “she has no idea how to describe the way she felt when she woke up other than RELIEF”. She still has bouts but WAY less. I’ve shared the story before and another anon who suffers anxiety said he noticed a difference too but never would’ve thought to associate it with his cleanse. Anyway, not medical advice, just sharing a story. Here’s a good place to start and you can click on some of the citations to find other studies.


Edit: some of what got my tinfoil crown tingling was the serum levels and correlation with serum levels. Also the fact that there are very few studies, especially since mental health has now become such a money maker

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody really knows but there are a lot of theories out there based on events. Here’s a good substack if you’re sincerely interested.


Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the response “Broccoli, fenugreek, sunflower, cantaloupe. Really any. I ate them for 2 weeks straight and my vision was perfect. So crazy”Honestly, they don’t taste like much so throwing on a sandwich or in eggs or sauce doesn’t effect the tast much. I like them on avacado toast or use them like lettuce on sandwiches so they’re easy to incorporate

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look into micro greens. They’re super easy to plant yourself, take about a week to grow or go to a farmers market. I have a friend who stopped needing her glasses, her son grows them.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

How exactly can all of the dresses, heels, and accessories (on top of all the uniforms and personal items) be packed into two seabags? Any military (navy especially) care to back me up on this?

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hmmm… so they used this secret “police station” to help track ONE person. They are a threat to National sovereigny, spreading misinformation, sharing conspiracies that the US had something to do with covid origin, looks like beginnings of the Restrict Act.

Nolagirl99 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hmmm… so they used this secret “police station” to help track ONE person. They are a threat to National sovereigny, spreading misinformation, sharing conspiracies that the US had something to do with covid origin, looks like beginnings of the Restrict Act.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’d be surprised what you can grow in limited spaces or even growing indoors. Lettuce is one of the easiest things to grow and can be done indoors. A pack of dirt, a couple of pots (can use containers), and seeds. I grew a garden in the NE winter in my basement. If you ever want some pointers I’m happy to help. There’s also some videos of I believe Thai people, who use everyday containers like plastic soda bottles or gallon jugs to plant. It really can be done!

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not sure you’re ready to let go, nor is this world of you. Keep fighting fren and put it out there… you’ll be amazed at the knowledge and faith this place has. We’ve got your back

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know you’re a little busy at the moment but when you do the dig on red light you’ll see how healing they are! Praying for y’all

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go buy lentils, beans, rice, pancake mix, granola, etc. and get yourself a food saver to vacuum seal. Costco Carrie’s the best price. You’ll save a ton of money doing it yourself. There’s a ton of info on what to buy and how to store it.

Nolagirl99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nanobots infecting everything, food/water etc. and 5g. Having the power to control or infect bc it’s so easily spread. Old news but interesting he tweeted it.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

So glad he’s doing well! I agree with coconut oil and I would add red light therapy. The cost can range but I use this one when I travel. It’s amazing for scarring and will help internal healing as well.

InfraGlow NIR & Red Light Therapy Lamp - Infrared Red Light Therapy Bulb with 18 LEDs & Clip-On Lamp - at-Home Red Light Therapy for Body, Chronic Pain Relief, Skin Wellness, & Recovery Accelaration https://a.co/d/fF2bO1v

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a great idea, we should have a list of products/companies we deem safe. For milk, Trader Joe’s grass fed organic is the best milk I’ve ever tasted and it lasts months

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