You are right, Sept. 9th is in my mind, as it is my deceased husband's birthday, and this time of year I constantly think of him, racing home from work to be with me. It was a hard day - two relatives in the buildings
Sorry about the error. Getting old I am.
I have been mulling this over, and I am thinking about the date of this "debate" - September the 10th, if my senior memory serves me.
Lots of us follow Q, and the comms. September the 9th is the "anniversary" of 9/11. I cant help but wonder if a "terrorist threat" will take place, threatening important people - causing a shut-down of all sorts of stuff - and cancelling the debate.
But, it is probably just my overactive imagination. The dark hats would never do a thing like that just to stay in power, now would they! Silly me.
Have only read your comment so far, but just had to respond with my quick intuition - "they" (both sides of the aisle) want to get this covered up ASAP!
If Trump gets elected in January, and "has it all", the game is over for the guilty ones in Congress, and they just cant have that, now can they?
I am praying that God (with the help of Donald John Trump) saves our Republic, in spite of the depths to which it has disintegrated. Do we deserve it?
I thought it was R. Reagan that gave Big Pharma full immunity from deaths/injuries back in the late 80s after a bunch of kids got bad vaccines.
When I was a young mother, back in those days, there were only about 7 different vaccines. Now the kids get over 70 mandated vaccines, and the pediatricians/docs get financial rewards for demanding that their patients get them.
I forget how much they got paid for giving the Covid jabs, but vaguely remember it being over 100,000$ or thereabouts. I was shocked at how corrupted the system gas become. I should do a fact check on my memory though.
That was the weird notion that fluttered through my mind when I read the headline... that the Rinos :: might/could:: fear Burgum the most. I consider that a knee-jerk reaction on my part to all the gorilla dust being tossed around these days.
I know nothing about Burgum except that he is rich and is supposed to be in hi-tec. Whether he is equipped to take over should something happen to Trump? no idea.
As to whether he could "pull the trigger"? I am assuming that he could be ever so quietly and politely ruthless in issuing such an order. Surgeons are not known for being faint of heart when it comes to matters of life and death, and are able to make very quick decisions in emergency situations.
I have confidence that he wouldn't be "trigger happy", either, but able to make solid choices in complex matters of state. If Trump sizes him up as capable of taking over in the event... I have to pray, then trust that God's guiding Trump.
I listened to every single minute of it too.
I will never forget that nasty smile on J. Biden's ugly mug as he tried to stick the knife into Clarence Thomas.
Biden is despicable, and gives the Irish a bad name. He reminds me of the Irish Gyspies called Travelers. Horrible con arrtists and cheaters.
We are all in various shades of gray. I like the interviews that War Room provides, but wish Bannon's grooming was up to standard. I wondered early on if he might have problems with adult beverages.
If so, that could result in a lack of judgment on his part - in behavior and speech. I am not criticizing him, or justifying anything, just observing the possible explanations other than disloyalty or being a pretty snake.
I hope he can endure his time in jail, and that he is kept safe from harm. I watched his daughter's face as he spoke earlier today, and she looked so worried, even fearful. There is risk, or so it appears, for those who are on the left's hit list, for both themselves, and their loved ones.
Not pointing a finger at you - I have no idea what I would do in a similar situation. I would hope I could withstand the threats, but must not judge others who reach a different moral calculation. I think there was one doc, cant remember his name, who got fired, so started up an alternative natural clinic in his church, and took on all who needed help.
But, I dont know the legalities, or how he managed to keep his medical license. Maybe we should be hoping for more doctors to follow that path, and get out from under .gov control?
Well, yuppa, if I understand your defense of the doctors correctly, as I may be misreading it, it sounds like the "just following orders" excuse.
Wasn't that decided as "not a defense" back after WW2, and during the Nuremberg trials?
If this is what we have come to as a country, then we are no longer free, and why would anyone trust either their doctors or the government and the people controlling our government?
I am not criticizing your point of view, but feeling very discouraged that you and others would reach this conclusion, which seems so defeatist.
My best guess - Pompeo went on either the keto or the carnivore diet, eliminating sugar, carbs, seed oils, and highly processed foods.
Why do I think that? The rapid weight loss, and the changes in his face, losing the puffiness that comes with high carb processed foods eating.
Weight loss is very dramatic if one goes back to a "proper human diet", with 10 lbs or so a month in the early months not uncommon in men. The reason is that by cutting the carbs, the body switches from glucose for energy to ketones, which involves burning body fat for energy.
Not sure this really. matters in the long run. I find it hard to b believe that Pompeo would betray his West :Point training, and his oaths.
It has been my thought, or maybe my fear, that the 3 letter agencies informed him that they has 6 ways from Sunday to totally discredit him, have him arrested, and tried for horrific crimes involving children.
The black youth he was fostering didn't turn out too well, with a rap sheet. This might be involved in whatever the "agencies" are using to control him. Further, it is my worry that almost all our congress critters are equally controlled by similar methods, and or carefully constructed and presented legal cases threatening them with total discreditation, financial ruin, and jail time.
These are the times that try our souls. We have no idea how much we don't know...
In my opinion, Kate is extremely thin, and is choosing the horizontal stripes to disguise that - knowing that the camera generally makes a person look at least 10 pounds heavier than they are, she is trying to disguise a figure that looks as if she has an eating disorder.
I hope this isn't true. Cancer isn't the cause, as she has been painfully thin for years before this episode.
I am praying for you, your brother, and all who love him. I am praying for the doctors and nurses who care for him.
I know others who do not post are also doing the same. Let us all pray that our medical system gets fixed, and doctors recover their rights to treat us each as individuals.
When the towers fell, I called my husband, architect, and begged him to come home. Seeing the second tower fall really upset me. My brother in law, and a nephew were there at the time (both ended up being ok, at least physically, not so emotionally, but that is another story.
I asked my husband how this could happen. He said that the building codes were changed because of the completely different method of construction - the building wasn't supported by the central column, but by the outside walls, and that they had to change the method of fireproofing those walls, not using the existing standard - asbestos. Whatever they used instead wasn't as effective as asbestos which was too heavy to use, so the substitute fireproofing on the exterior steel failed, the steel weakened, and the collapse began, with each floor failing in return as the floor above added it's weight to the floor below... domino fashion.
Not, there may have been asbestos elsewhere in the building, but it was the "open floor" plan that was the achilles heel, according to his understanding. He graduated from MIT, so did know his stuff about codes, changes, etc.
He died 12 years ago, and obviously may have looked for an understandable change in construction and building codes, so he could understand what might have contributed to the collapse, and thus fastened upon the explanation he gave me.
I would prefer that one, emotionally, than to believe that both USA and Israel deliberately killed all those people.
I have't read any of your comments yet, but my immediate thought when read big headline?.....
What good will that do? So many ways to forge docs, disguise, head for the southern border, (heck, they are probably already here!) and all sorts of other subterfuges that our new "hiring" preferences will fail to notice, or even care about..
Sorry to be such a negative nellie... but do they really think this will accomplish anything? Shame on those 2 for not going along just to posture. They will probably be the first to bring in a few more relatives, or needed "advisors" under diplomatic cover.
I am wondering it possible that there are gender differences between males and females with autism that affect how hormones, behaviors, and social expectations make it harder to identify autism in females?
Woman, for instance, may mask their feelings/behaviors, conforming to expected social norms and expectations. These may not be as easily identified and categorized. Just wondering aloud.