Honestly, we need a black ops group that hacks every company in America to wake them up to better protecting themselves. This would be to better our nation they would look and act like real attacks but in the end no real harm would come, or maybe a lil harm if needed. Our nations grid and security is a joke.
Autism had its definition changed a few times to open it up to wider amounts of people. Im sure there is also funding tied to more people having Autism just like the medical industry did with Covid. There is also victim culture where you can claim to have something you dont really have to stand out. it could be tied to the vaccines we pump into children for boosters the amount of shoots children get now far out paces what children got in the past. And lastly the food we feed our children, things you think might be clean like farm fresh GMO free meat might have PFAS chemicals in them from the land the livestock are on.
I feel like we will catch more people stealing 2024. Its a giant sting, remember for a sting to work people have to think everything is normal. 2024 would be the third election that the military intel watched fully. Letting it happen a third time will highlight where the problems still are. The Biden Admin is a movie controlled for asleep people to watch and to wake up, the elections are just another part of this.
My sense is McCarthy is playing a role on the side of Trump to highlight issues that need to be put in the limelight. McCarthy seems to be ok playing the bad guy at times, my spideysense says he is net good but I've still got my side eye on him. He came out with his big China report and then shortly after started working with Trump and then sided with Liz and started his games.
Kappy ran in circles with some nasty people, used to be really good friends with Seth Green till he found out about Seths hobby and hidden room. Kappy also played a role in a movie as a pedo, maybe he feels that is enough of a sin. He also leaked footage from a pedo mega hotel in turkey, but I dont know if it was him filming it or not, but if it was it meant he had access to that. Could be any of these or something smaller or bigger. No way of knowing.
Just because the article says that doesnt make it so. When selling a product is it easier to tell people it comes from a normally discarded item from a diplomatic 1st world country or to tell people its stem cells from aborted fetuses or young blood farmed from children keep in cages in a shady country like China?
The Korean baby foreskin was only the story they used for many years. But the fact is that it was farmed blood from many countries USA, Ukraine, and others but from my understanding the Chinese had the most production.
To each their own, no judgement. But if you want to get the light activation codes the fastest way you will need to go full veggi. Animals carry bad karma and its a big issue for the beings of the universe to not eat animals.
Weed should be legal, the Federal Gov having it set at schedule 1 is moronic and it is there because Big Pharma benifits from keeping it from us. Look at he benifits CBD has shown for killing covid, look at the kids with seizures that canibus oils stop them from having them anymore 100%. Being schedule 1 makes it illegal for science to study without a massive amount of red tape. Weed is way safer than alcohol. The federal gov having it illegal makes it so banks cant work with weed farms or stores and has lead to cartels being able to launder money through the fed (look it up).