Full disclosure... I don’t believe in flat earth.... but I can’t really write it off. Everything has been a lie, the shit with Antarctica is fucking strange. Why is it so blurred on on Google earth? Why are there ancient maps that accurately portrayed the coast line? I’d have an easier time believing the earth was flat than buying everything in the universe being created with a Big Bang? They say all the matter in the universe was compressed into something the size of a pin head? Okay... but where did that shit come from?
I stabbed my thumbnail and it got pretty infected. It broke off a piece of the nail and it eventually ended up on the other side of my thumb. I have been in pain before, but this was like nothing I had ever dealt with. It was very swollen, and it felt like it was on fire. It hurt so bad , I fantasized about cutting it off. Eventually I got my hands on some old antibiotics, I took them and eventually the swelling went down enough for me to lance it. When that chunk of nail came out, it was the greatest feeling I have ever felt. For wounds, antibiotics serve their purpose.
My MIL is a Devout Covidian, double mask, boostered, hand sanitizer, etc.... she got it, I didn’t. I don’t wash my hands, I eat food I drop on the floor, I slept in the bed with my wife when “she caught it” my MIL rushed a test over when I was at work because my wife had a mild fever.
I know 2 IRL and one guy in his early 30s that had a massive heart attack. So....