“When this war breaks out……” Bring it MFs!
When/If the ROI are changed and we get to fight back with the same rules as you, ie, no prosecution, no jail……your people will be gone in 48hrs!
Bring it!
But it was ok for her to go down there and stage that ridiculous photo op of her covering her eyes and crying in disgust! Complete fraud!
lol, no shit! Getting freakin old!
Big Mike always looking pissed off! What a miserable life.
You know the MSM phucked up when they’re not showing his mugshot much at all! I went to the grocery store and glanced at the newspaper stand. Not one front page had Trump’s mugshot! They all got the talking points to not show it! Lmao!
Thing is, he's not a politician. He works for the American people that have been ignored for decades.
Of course she would say that. He's not part of your club Nikki!!
I would have replied back with the middle finger emoji.
Yup. Been reading tweets like this since Jan 21, 2021 and NOTHING has come true!
Winds won't be that high by the time it gets to California. The ocean water is colder as you get closer to So Cal. Forecast showing 50mph by then.
Pence brought it up in an interview. It’s public info now and Pres Trump can respond in kind. If Trump would have dropped this without Pence’s public interview, then maybe. But Judas Pence opened the door for this response. Pence should just STFU.
No context of the question. My best guess is he’s talking about attending the Right to Life rally and simply jumbled his words. When he says, Sitting President, for life…..he means the only sitting President to attend, promoting life.
Read his entire tweet. He most certainly is talking about Trump. And he throws him under the bus too. Pence is a snake siting at 3%.
So the reporter gives her an out. It’s racism! That’s it!
Not because you’re a complete idiot that can’t string one sentence together without cackling like a hyena!
No where did Q say “first arrest shocks the world”
Sour grapes.
Face it, liberals are just angry, miserable people that live their whole life filled with hate. Nothing can change that.
That coward is all over the world hobknobbing with the elites. You’re in a war with Russia, shouldn’t you temper your world travel and stay in your home country and face Putin like a real leader?
Sick and tired of seeing this dude everywhere EXCEPT in Ukraine!
Guess he’s enjoying our tax dollars!
What stands out to me is Jill. Watch her. She looks over at Xiden for a couple seconds as he's staring off into the abyss, wondering if he'll go off script or why he isn't watching the fireworks. She looks very uncomfortable. That whole family is a mess!!!
Man up boy!
Yeah, me too. Think they’re conflating two people with that post.
Who the phuck is responding with….”mmmm” “mmm” “mmmmm”
That’s one guy that just needs to be punched in the mouth already!
Why announce it? Why the 24-48hrs? Why the warning?
If they're serious, they would do it without warning, then post up that they are responsible.
Losing the internet for months would be the best thing to happen to society. People would become human again.
This is on an IPad.