Ummm I haven’t checked to see if others mentioned this but that isn’t a “crumbling” that was hit buy something. Fragments 50’ away.
Meh. I don’t think this has any really merit. Why has Scientology been attacked by CNN forever? Paper tiger if anything. Also why has Tom Cruise or John Travolta ever came out for Biden or Killary?
yup this was 2019.
Guys do better. This was 2019.
Came right here to NEW on GAW to find this post. Where else would I go to check whats up with Gab? I wonder whats up.
this guy gets it
Typical Psychiatrist. Crazy AF.
The pedo left has no memory. No consistency. So this set no example for them.
This was inspirational. Thank you.
Can’t believe the authorities didn’t beat and kill those obvious insurrectionists.
Episode called the Plague from 2003.
I don’t their first and last names, ss#, fav foods etc. Otherwise I would have been specific.
Sunday July 13, 2003.
Reminds me of the 2003 Dead Zone episode where they found that chloroquine (HCQ precursor) is the cure for the new Corona virus that just came out of China. The talk about lockdowns and quarantine and masks.
Would be cool to mention JFK.
If you go to Florida you will not want to leave. Life is normal there. I spent a week there during Thanksgiving and I am now trying to see how to move. It will blow your mind after living where you are living.
All true but you are missing the other meaning. The 100+ years of “development” only to get 404miles on the Tesla. The electric car development was intentionally hobbled.
No we wouldn’t. Speak for yourself.
Definition of inter alia:
“among other things”
TDS has always been a symptom of pedophillia or pedophillia sympathizers
Spent several months In Istanbul awhile back and saw a LOT of cats but never saw a dog. Saw a lot of people feeding cats. They really take care of stray cats over there but dogs..not so much.