As a follow up, I'm still taking lycine and vitamin c and my health is so much better. I improved a lot very quickly, as I was in pretty rough shape. Now, I feel good and am still improving - though at a slower pace. Still, the miraculous level of quick improvement I saw must not be understated!
I can't express gratitude enough. I was sure my death was right around the corner, and I feel like I've added decades to my expected stay here on earth! Thank you @johnTiror17 / Dr. pauling
I started taking high dose lycine and vitamin c some 5-6 weeks ago now, I think. Right after I read the first post of this.
Before, I felt constantly tired, ankles swollen (if I wore socks you could see impressions from them for hours) got light headed and dizzy standing up too quick, face got red and dizzy and drenched in sweat from light exertion, and more. I felt, truly, like my life was near its end. I'm not that old, but I have decreased Mobility from an injury and my cardiovascular health has gone downhill fast over the last few years. When I had my bp checked, the nurses checked 3-4 more times because it was so high they didn't believe it.
After just a few weeks I felt so much better. Most of my symptoms described above gone, and those still around severely reduced in how bad they were and getting better daily.
I was honestly at the point where I was worried about dropping over dead any day, I felt it in my heart, in my bones, if something drastic didn't happen I wasn't going to make it long. That shadow is no longer over me, and I cant describe how incredibly happy I am today.
To the one who originally posted this treatment, and to Dr. Pauling, thank you so much!
I'm well versed in chemistry and science, went to college for physics. I researched all of the background of why this works chemically and the theories behind why humans get these issues with high cholesterol in our arteries in the first place. To me, it all makes sense and I tell everyone I can about it.
In just the last two weeks (I saw results after 3 weeks, and some friends started at that point and have been on it for two weeks) several friends and family have already been noticing a difference in their lives and health. One friends relative is scheduled for some heart related surgeries and they feel like it may no longer be necessary, though time will tell.
In short, I believe everyone - even those without obvious symptoms - can benefit from adding these two items to their lives. And for those like me who have had issues with their arteries, this may give you a second lease on life.
Dumb take. Did you notice the link uses the exact photos in this post, which means someone grabbed the photos and used them as if their own to complain. Which goes back to the main point you disputed, is everything they do deceptive?
Dumb take. Even if the perspective changes it wouldn't change the fact the shapes don't match from one photo to the other. One is shaped like a business card and the other like a folded in half dollar, which do no have matching shapes.
This should hinder ANTIFA and BLM... but as we both know, today laws only exist insofar as they are used to punish enemies.
I'm sure if patriots and BLM/ANTIFA were doing the exact same thing side by side, BLM/ANTIFA would get glowing coverage of how stunning and brave they are, and patriots would get 20 to life
Q Star is related to AI.
The AI company that fired and rehired their CEO a few days ago (I'm blanking on their name) has an AI project called Q Star that some employees say could be dangerous for humanity, or so it has been reported.
Not to say explosives weren't used on 911, but it doesn't sound like that's what he is saying here.
It sounds like to me that bush here references that they received intelligence from questioning (likely torture) operatives/terrorists that the terrorists are trained to make sure explosives go off to trap those above a plane impact in an attack. In this context, it sounded like he was talking about terrorist training in general, not specifically the 9 11 attack.
It is also absolutely plausible that he was talking about 9 11, and slipped up, but considering it was likely an inside job a slip up would be more like 'we' used explosives so people above couldn't escape...
Illegals shouldn't be voting anyway. So why exactly does anyone care that they were kept from the poles?
They claim he lost because Giuliani tricked illegals from voting.... The same illegals that are not supposed to vote? What a mentally challenged view to hold. Something only a brain dead commie would think up, in between hits of meth and hormone blockers.
Do they hear themselves spouting this BS? These are the same people who scream at us, salt flowing down their cheeks " it's impossible for illegals to vote so don't even look into it, we swear there are policies in place to prevent it " .
Then the next day they will open up the salt aqueducts, tears streaming, as they rage and spill their soy lattes in anger, screaming ' We only lost because you kept the illegals away. '
Why would it matter if illegals were kept away from the poles then, since their votes are not being counted? Why would anyone of these nambla ( national man boy love association ) members give a shit? Unless, of course, they know the illegal votes are being counted, and they are enough to sway elections?
Fucking scumbags. Perhaps ice should be checking for greencards at the poles. Go dig maggots out of your man made vaginas.
If he's saying this publicly now, they probably already ran the AI and just need to comb through the data in the coming months.
I know if i was trying to detect psy ops being committed on the general public by a bunch of satanic pedophiles, I wouldn't go broadcasting anything about it until it was too late. Why give them time to prepare, alter the way they operate, or even go dark for some time to escape being found.
I feel like 87,000 new agents is excessive for what you write out. The only thing I think an IRS of this size would be needed for us to come after the citizens for every cent they can squeeze for us.
I prefer you to be right, and hope it's so, but the number of agents feel too big for just going after the criminals.
Virgina ross didn't resign to not work, she resigned her current position to take the first guys job. This is misleading because it makes it sound like both people outright quit their election related jobs.
in reality one shit bag resigned and one Ms ross got promoted.
Comments on this original tweet show that people are definitely waking up. It's like a red pill explosion of people talking about the new world order trying to starve us out and people who see that their "leaders" aren't fighting for us anymore, they are playing for a different team. Years ago, it wasn't like this. We are gathering an army!
Looks like Kari lake was right about the raid on non profit in Yuma about ballot fraud
For context, the bill says it's illegal for elected officials to vote for sanctuary cities. Not just that someone votes against his general policies.
As cartels are now officially terrorists, Voting to give them safe places in the US is treason.