Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry to hear that.

I had both pneumonia shots - you take them five years apart. My Doc insisted that i get my first when I was 60 and second when I was 65. First one was no issue. The second hurt for weeks, I had a reaction to it. This February I caught the COVID from a business trip. I developed viral (from the COVID) and bacterial (from having to wear a useless mask on the airplanes) pneumonia. Fourth time in my life with that shit. Wasn’t fun.

Saw my Doc three weeks ago. He tried hammering me about the COVID vaccine. I let him rant. I told him I will NEVER take another vaccine. I told him that he pushed the pneumonia vaccine on me and I still got pneumonia so what the hell good is it? He had no answer.

Modern medicine makes zero dollars if you are healthy so what is their incentive to help us?

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Underground imaging has been around for decades. It’s done with both orbital and flying platforms via sub-millimeter radar. How do you think we knew the exact locations of Saddam Hussein’s underground command and control bunkers?

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doc appointment yesterday. He hammered me about being a pure blood. I told him that I will never, ever take another vaccine. He asked why? I told him he pushed the pneumonia one on me (I am 66, it’s two shots five years apart, got my second last year) but when I got COVID in February I got both bacterial and viral pneumonia so what good is a vaccine? He said, well you’re alive - the vaccine just lessened the pneumonia.

Bullshit. Will I have a mild case of polio if I contract it? He said let’s stop arguing.

I firmly believe that all the vaccines they push on us are complete shit, designed only to make money for the Pharma industry and the hospitals. Prior to this plandemic I believed they made a difference. Now I know the truth.

By the way, my BP was 110/65 during this conversation. No fucking way I was the one who was rattled.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +3 / -2

Nope. Still number 180,563

Very soured on Truth Social at this point. I sold DWAC stock at ~$92, made a nice profit. I think it may be headed back to $10.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +5 / -1

So when I got back to my car in a grocery store lot this afternoon, the car parked next to me (an older Subaru) had rainbow flags, coexist and Biden/Harris stickers on it.

Too good to be true!

Here in Massachusetts we get little stickers for the license plates that show your registration is good to a certain year. This one was good until 2024. I just so happen to have a few spares from years past…

This vehicle is now sporting a 2019 sticker! They cannot be removed and the State Police love to hang out looking for people who didn’t register their vehicles…

Passive aggressive!

And yes, I’m an asshole.

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the polar ice cap melts, water level goes DOWN, not up. Simple experiment. Fill a glass with as much ice as you can get in it, fill the rest with water. Wait an hour or so for the ice to melt. It does not overflow the glass, in fact the level drops because ice is less dense than water which reaches maximum density at 39 F.

There would be a seal level rise if you melted all the ice on land but unless Earth flips (again) that it unlikely. And if Earth did flip (again) there wouldn’t be any coastal elites to bitch about it.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has always astounded me that people voluntarily go to McDonalds to eat. I think they could offer a Barbecue Bacon Swiss Piss McShit Burger and people would queue up for hours to buy one.

McDonalds/Burger King/Taco Bell/KFC are successful only in marketing horrible food to stupid people.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

In one way it’s funny but in many other ways it’s not. Some day the bill will be due and we won’t have any money.

Photoncounter 12 points ago +12 / -0

I was in Florida on business when it happened, I drove home to Massachusetts and saw the buildings burning, listened to NYFD on my scanner. I was in shock and got suckered in by the MSM. But something didn’t add up. As a Mechanical Engineer I understood how strong buildings are and knew a little about the WTC construction. I could understand the fire devastation but the structural collapse didn’t make sense.

Over the years I’ve learned a lot and now do not trust a single thing the MSM nor US Government say. I trust the Fire Science and Civil Engineering experts who analyzed the failures. It was deliberate. Aviation fuel and furniture cannot make molten steel that lasted for days.

Photoncounter 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am patiently, but frustratingly, still waiting to get in. I’m supposedly #180,583. I hope they get this fixed soon.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember those shortages. You could only buy on odd/even days based on your license plate and only if you had 1/3 a tank or less. I vowed I would never pay over $1 a gallon. Sadly, I had to but as a college student at the time it really hurt.

Fortunately I had an economical car: a 1973 Chevy Vega. It got 30 miles per gallon of gas and 30 miles per quart of oil….

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet he will still vote, though.


Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine ordered all their ham radio licensees off the air. However I worked many of them this weekend and today. No political discussions but things seem to be quite normal.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m part way through the process. Took me a while but finally got the email address confirmed. Am hung up on adding my phone number. Servers are obviously overwhelmed.

I will be patient.

See you all son Truth soon!

Photoncounter 13 points ago +13 / -0

Amateur Extra here, licensed 51 years. She is a Technician, he an Extra. She has very limited bands, mostly VHF, to communicate on. There is no Morse Code requirement for any ham license so why would she “communicate” via Morse? This doesn’t add up.

There are many Weak Signal digital modes that would be better for communications. However, the most secure is to try and find a public phone and call someone. NSA sweeps up all the cell phone conversations but I doubt they bother with the few remaining public phones.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

GMRS radios too, very cheap. It’s also easy to get your ham license. Cheap (all Chinese made) radios do work but most in the know stick with quality Japanese made radios.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pure blood here. No shoveling the expected 24”. I have a tractor that can handle it! Boston, home of the majority of Commies in this State, is due for 30”. Sucks to be them!

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I come to this site frequently because I threw out all my TV’s and cancelled cable due to the constant MSM lies. I’d believe Baghdad Bob before I’d believe any of the shit coming out of broadcast news.

Photoncounter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or my co-worker who got the boost, traveled and collapsed with a heart attack at a customer site. He hasn’t been able to work for three months now, needs cardiac surgery to repair something. Very healthy and athletic before the shots. My guess is he will have to go on disability.

The “vaccine” is doing what it was designed to do: kill the healthy.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Big Pharma and Big Medicine do not make any money if you are healthy. By keeping you sick they make billions and spread some of that to the politicians that keep them in business.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +5 / -1

Why use FarceBook in the first place? I don’t get it. Prior to FB we used to call, visit or write our friends and family. Now everyone has been suckered into giving their private information to a Godless corporation that just wants to profit from you.

Yeah, I’m 65 and grew up in a different time. I do not see any value for any type of social media.

Hats off to all who fuck with them, though!

Photoncounter 16 points ago +16 / -0

McDonalds used to be cheap. In the 70’s they would have McFebruary: 7 hamburgers, 5 cheeseburgers, 3 fish filets or 2 Big Macs - all $1 on different weeks. Worked for a poor college student but since then the prices have dramatically increased, sizes have gotten smaller. I cannot compare the flavor as I haven’t eaten at one in over a decade. Now I never will.

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