QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not everything is staged and a movie people.

Could be Biden ordered it.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every politician and three letter agency knew, not just staffers. They are all complicit.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah... that interview was disappointing for all of us who think a storm is coming. He also said he wouldn't be going after the criminals / drain the swamp because that wouldn't be good for our country and instead would destroy them with success.

Umm... no. They must be drained in order to be successful or else these unelected bureaucrats will continue its shadow operations of turning our country into a commie nation.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

He would bring the Christian, black and impoverished urban vote. America first would benefit bigly from him.

Build up the communities who need help and stop wasting resources on foreign lands who hate us but make DC rich.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Could be speaking of a livestreaming feed... trumps media company, constantly talking about livestream news.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean they are either buddies or big enemies. Guess we will find out.

Ken has been buying up all the property around Mar-A-Lago for years now.

Maybe Trump isn't selling and that is why Ken is out to destroy TMTG.. maybe Ken paid some cronies in NYC to say Mar-A-Lago is worth 15M, so when Trump is destroyed he can pick it up on the cheap.

QDay -2 points ago +1 / -3

I use to think the same but after some digging we should be very cautious on DJT.

The optics on all of this fued is hilarious once you look into a few things.

For starters, Ken Griffin is literally Trumps nextdoor neighbor. It takes minutes to walk from Trumps house to Ken's.

We see this whole show being put on where Citadel is bashing TMTG and Devin is going to battle Citadel for their illegal shorting - yeah right. These two are playing us all for show.

No way in hell is Trump battling his neighborly friend Ken Griffin for anything. Nothing is going to happen here.

QDay -7 points ago +3 / -10

Trump and TMTG will be bankrupt by the end of the year.

That is the plan they are playing. Trump has to be the victim and take all the slings and arrows.. only after he is destroyed will a new set of warriors come to spotlight. It just makes sense that he is sacrificing himself and his company to change the world for our children. My guess is that DJT goes bankrupt but you do what you want.

QDay -10 points ago +7 / -17

Truth Social is going to need to do a lot more then just write some letters to congress to survive. They are up against trillion dollar tyrant tech companies who own DC and the world.

Given that the plan for Trump so far, has been to play victim and show how persecuted he is, I wont be surprised if TMTG becomes the next BBBY and goes bankrupt.

QDay 1 point ago +7 / -6

Sounds like someone has been holding silver and gold and is frustrated that it's not at 70K and wishes they had bought btc.

The world is digital now and will only grow. The internet is not going to go away. Everything is connected to it. If the internet goes down the whole world ends and then what's the point of anything? You'll be back in the stone age and billions will die.

Invest in something that will better your life and your children's. A world without internet and everyone suffers... your gold and silver will only win in a non digital world and at that point you're better off with a bunker / missile silo to live out the rest of your life. Just pointing out reality.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0


Flashlights will work but all other electronics and the grid which is grounded is going to to out? Got it.

Not gonna happen just like everything else.

Might as well go buy toilet paper instead because we all know thats what will disappear with the flares.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait another 4 years and try again? Then another 4 years... Then another 4 yearz...

As long as it takes.

Time may or may not be on our side but what difference does it make.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oooo a boom week post from 4-5 years ago, predicting that we would post about a boom week ahead in 2024. Wowsers.

QDay 16 points ago +17 / -1

Follow these instructions:

  1. Select: General Public User Access: Click Here

  2. Select Search -> Business Name -> Trump Media

  3. Select Case # 2023 CA 008180 NC

Filings are all there

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I agree - But that isnt the story that the rest of the world will hear. They will be told that Biden, Obama and Hillary all orchestrated the overthrowing of the 2020 election at the will of China to install their puppet stooges and that China was in a GIANT campaign to destroy the USA - by means of TicTok and Biden's cabinet they tried to turn the USA into a GAY DISAGRACE to remove it from super power status and turn it into the laughing stock of the world.

This all falls on China in the end - so we can gear up and go to war as a united country against them. - my 2 cents anyways.

QDay 17 points ago +18 / -1

You are missing the picture.

Trump needs immunity for what's to come.

Key pieces have happened in this trial, about specific immunity given to POTUS while they are POTUS but they are not immune after or before their POTUS term.


Having criminals acting with immunity like Obama and Clinton, RIGHT NOW is going to be prosecuted moving forward. Heck, Obama and Hillary are currently handling Biden and using him to push forward their motives and prosecute Trump.

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