QuantumPsychosis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gloves off Mr. President!!!

Let’s rope-a-dope these sons of bitches!

QuantumPsychosis 8 points ago +8 / -0

Republic sounds way cooler anyway.

The D word doesn’t appear in the Declaration of Independence or in the Constitution.

Great choice to name your political party after, ya asshats.

QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don’t even know how to shill right! Lol

QuantumPsychosis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

QuantumPsychosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wtf?! I didn’t even know she lost. Thought she would win for sure.

QuantumPsychosis 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you’re sad you could probably meet up with lebron and cry about it together.

Charles Barkley is the only good thing about the NBA.

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

90% of the population knows about Q now. Unfortunately 60% of those think Q is only about Hillary eating babies and JFK Jr rising from the dead.

Once all 90% realize Q speaks only TRUTH and their overlords are lying to them, it’s OVER.


QuantumPsychosis 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Nothing happened” when I thought it was going to happen; therefore, nothing will ever happen....

QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

DEW Video

Here’s a reddit thread with some interesting info too in case ya’ll haven’t seen it.

QuantumPsychosis 21 points ago +21 / -0

Trump always says Operation Warpspeed saved millions of lives. Didn’t say what lives or how.

If we had the original DS plan with multiple years of lockdowns and forced vaccines made without Trumps oversight, we would have lost America entirely. America lost = all hope lost.

With only 60% getting the vax, their plan isn’t going to work. It was rolled out way too quickly which kind of snapped people out of the MSM’s programming.

I freaking hate to hear doomers say “I’ve lost all faith in Trump since he’s clearly pushing a deadly vaccine.”

He had to to save your dumb asses!

QuantumPsychosis 16 points ago +16 / -0

It’s a limited hangout. (A term I just learned recently!)

Releasing some info to get everyone on board with only half the truth, intentionally hiding the bigger truth.

The bigger truth in this case being that the virus was INTENTIONALLY released.

They’re only halfway admitting the truth by saying it was ACCIDENTALLY released.

Tactic to distract from the real truth by telling some truth.

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right. I say let the cities burn if that’s what they want.

If they wanna pass crazy socialist and unconstitutional laws on their citizens, those citizens are dumb for being there.


It’s already happening.

Now we just need to reinforce that with an emphasis on government by the people on a more local level. Like Wikipedia meets government tycoon. (if that was a game)

QuantumPsychosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

There’s a populist uprising that’s going to occur on several different levels. Financial, economical, political, social, you name it. Even if you’re not in on GME (18 shares), everyone is going to benefit from the GA in the long run.

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I’m going to attempt the same thing at my job on Monday.

I have to wear a mask, but if you show your injection papers, you don’t have to.

They can’t discriminate based on health or religion for that matter, and I’m healthy until proven sick.

I think they’re gonna backtrack on their position in a month and allow everyone to be maskless. But in the mean time, I’m happy to be part of the much needed push back.


QuantumPsychosis 8 points ago +8 / -0

From Q1363 “Comms understood?”

Solutes 5:5

QuantumPsychosis 36 points ago +36 / -0

The MAGA team hasn’t even thrown many punches yet.

The last big one really was Hunters laptop. Since then, they’ve just been dodging, jabbing, and letting the left run wild and use all its ammunition.

Trump is gonna start swinging, he’s just been conserving energy for the final unleashing of haymakers.

QuantumPsychosis 18 points ago +18 / -0

The fact that Fauci just keeps saying the same thing over and over in his responses is not because Rand is lying or incorrect. We heard you Fauci. Then Rand says different things and re-explains himself in a different way and you continue to repeat the same exact words.

All Fauci can do is argue semantics at this point because he knows he’s in the wrong. It’s a dodging technique. Focus on a word Rand got wrong instead of the point of the discussion. He doesnt touch Rands point at all that what they’re doing is dangerous and he knew it and they did it anyway.


QuantumPsychosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are trying to paint q supporters as crazy from all perspectives. They want Dems to think it’s crazy and regular Republicans to think it’s crazy and people who don’t care to think it’s crazy.

But Trump IS a sort of trump card. He is obviously affiliated with Q, and he goes against Dems and Republicans, and he rallies regular people who don’t care. He’s taken over the party. His message is Qs message.

Even if Q was controlled opposition to round us all up behind one cause and corralle us into a small corner of the internet, it backfired. It woke too many people up in the process.

QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

5:5 Mr. President!

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