The OP is mistaken. It is easier to compare PPM numbers.
At 150 PPM and lower, plant growth shuts down (not at 200 PPM as in title).
During the last ice age, which peaked approx.18,000 years ago, CO2 got down to 180 PPM. That was a close one...
Most CO2 is stored by the oceans. Once temperatures started to warm up in the interglacial starting around 11,000 years ago (give or take the Younger Dryas period), CO2 went up to 280 PPM from the warming oceans... one of the strange characteristics of water is that cold water is able to absorb and store more CO2 than warm water.
The fact that it is now approx. 400 PPM is a very good thing. Greenhouses keep their CO2 at around 1100 PPM to maximize plant growth. That is something to shoot for...
Preppers have a very expensive hobby. Sooner or later they get pissed they wasted so much money "prepping" for disasters that did not happen... and eventually they start hoping disasters WILL happen to justify all the money they wasted.
The OP is a good example. Complaining about the expense of stuff Q "required" him to buy... (it's all Q's fault, and he plans to track Q down and knock out few teeth, etc.)
I also have a friend like that now... sitting on hundreds of gallons of water, hundreds of pounds of rice and beans sitting in a special shed he made to store all of it. He hasn't started complaining yet - probably can't figure out who to blame (other than himself).
Me, I just buy a bit of extra stuff that I already like to eat, that has a decent shelf life, and call it a day... that is the extent of my own "prepping".
If she was fine, she could have (and should have) spoke up 2 years ago to put all the "conspiracy theories" to rest. Why didn't she do that?
This Tiffany does not look like the one that fainted. After 2 years, why bother to float out a fake Tiffany now? None of this is making any sense at all...
Agreed. You have to compare how it played out vs. what the DS/cabal had planned in terms of the many years of lockdowns and total destruction of the economies of the world... all in preparation for their great reset, and the enslavement of humanity under their one world government (patterned after communist China). Also, WW3 to help kill off a large percentage of the world's population...
Without this context, President Trump's statements about Warp Speed make no sense.
As far as beer-flavored-water goes... it is not even "good" beer-flavored-water.
People that drink Bud Light (or Bud) are window-licking retards... and they can prove it.
Bud destroyed their own brand, and it is glorious. I can't wait for other brands to self-destruct just like this.
Agreed. High scalability is very difficult - as many of the newer replacement services are just starting to figure out.
TS had some similar problems at first due to their incompetent tech team that launched the service (they were all fired and replaced).
There is no substitute for empiricism... (learning from experience). A lot of people that think they know the answers, in reality they don't even know all the things that they don't know... if you know what I mean.
The case is so weak, and the timing is "biblical" (Holy week leading up to Easter Sunday)...
This is all TERRIBLE for the demoncraps, mainly because of the multiple precedents it sets, not only for indicting former presidents, but also allowing local DA's to indict members of the federal government.
It is so bad, even the demoncraps themselves are noticing, and speaking out about it. It is so bad, it screams white hat control. The demoncraps are evil, not stupid (at least, not THIS stupid).
After today, it will be open season on Clinton, Bush and Obummer this spring... which is necessary since the federal cartel is not going to arrest itself.
Well, many, but not all of us "forgot how to play". Some of us are former military, for example. We play a different game, by very different rules.
Speaking of which, the OP did in fact forget one very important thing that is extremely relevant to our current situation. To remind people of what he left out of his post, I will ask two simple questions: why was the 2nd Amendment added to the US Constitution? What is it's purpose?
I will give you a hint: it has something to do with tyrannical governments...