Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

... I should mention, this is in the Twitter desktop web app...

Rahndo 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have read summaries that said there is a difference between CiC and President, or something like that. Two roles normally held by the same individual.

He might be President in Exile, like back in WW2 for the Philippines.

Or maybe devolution and CoG transferred power to the military commanders, and we don't really have a President right now.

All I know for sure is that the Buy-din regime is fake and ghey.

Rahndo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It will have no noticeable effect. Instead, they should force the POLITICIANS to take the additives... that might actually do something.

Rahndo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Liberal women are the source of almost all of our current problems.

Change my mind.

In the meantime, I just laugh. Women are getting a small taste of what they deserve.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are dead to me. I buy other chocolate - anything except Hersheys...

They are still the brand for Hershey Squirts though. They own that.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Understandable mistake, I guess...

Since it does not work in automatic transmissions - then what exactly is it for? Do they think this will actually improve sales of their crappy beer?

Rahndo 17 points ago +17 / -0

Some other posts on TS have hinted as much - and they have been correct in the past.

Not to date fag... but Easter Sunday (give or take a little) seems about right for the party to get started.

Given how bad the legal case is, and now much it helps President Trump no matter what happens - it is hard to believe the DS/cabal are THIS stupid... just saying.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given posts like this, I can't imagine why you get banned every few days as you say. It's a mystery. You must be "baffled".

Rahndo 4 points ago +6 / -2

Baby booms are an indication of economic prosperity. The 50's after WW2 in the US is a good example, as you mentioned.

The OP has his head soooo far up his ass, I think it is probably permanent at this point.

Rahndo 3 points ago +4 / -1

No. Fiat currency means it is not backed by anything tangible. It's has value because various institutions SAY it has value (that is the "fiat" part). How more fiat currency is created has nothing to do with it.

The only currencies that have worked well historically for the long term have been backed by precious metals. Our current USD is called a "petro dollar" because it is backed by the value of oil... mainly due to Saudi Arabia agreeing to price their oil only in USD. That is how the USD became the world's reserve currency.

Catsfive clearly has his head up his ass regarding crypto... but he is not alone.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

The OP is simply too stupid to understand the difference between a payment system (PayPal, credit card network, etc.) and a digital CURRENCY.

Rahndo 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is the shortest accurate answer. The woketards deserve what they get... which is little to nothing. In the long term, crime DOES NOT pay.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does not matter what they try to do. The things done to disarm people that have worked in other countries will not work in the US... because of the 2nd amendment. 2nd amendment shall not be infringed. Period. End of discussion. Changing our constitution is not going to happen either.

Any attempt to confiscate our guns will result in [their] death. [They] also know these things... but they have to try anyway since disarming all of us is necessary for their evil plans to succeed.

However, in the end, nothing they do or try to do matters... and all we have to do is stay frosty in the meantime.

Rahndo 4 points ago +5 / -1

Thousands of years is too short. Climate cycles last for millions of years. For example, the Earth's climate has been cooling from "hothouse" 65 million years ago (dinosaurs, etc). to our current "icehouse" climate of the last 2 million years.

There are cycles within cycles however - the hothouse and icehouse climates describe the long term trends. We are currently in a geologically short period of warm climate called an "interglacial" within the overall icehouse climate. Interglacials generally last 10 to 15 thousand years, and then the ice ages come back for 100,000 to 120,000 years.. The current interglacial is called the Holocene.

Within the interglacial, there are warm periods (Minoan, Roman, Medieval, modern) and cold periods (Sporer, Maunder, Daltan). Cycles within cycles on a shorter scale as well.

As an example, I grew up in Wisconsin, and my degree was in Geology/Geophysics. 18,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age, Wisconsin was buried under continental ice sheets literally a mile thick. The great lakes were carved out by those ice age glaciers, and filled up when they melted around 11,000 years ago (start of the Holocene interglacial).

The Holocene is coming to an end, and over the next few thousand years the climate will be cooling back down to icehouse. We have plenty of time to adapt, but the whole global warming/climate change hoax is just another DS/cabal attempt to create a one world government... exactly the same as the plandemic, CBDC's, etc.

All the globalists, worldwide, need to stop breathing... soon.

Rahndo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think somebody just found a picture of Barry's butthole after a "mandate" with Big Mike... super massive black hole, indeed.

Rahndo 25 points ago +25 / -0

Agreed. I read the article, but found no mention of when Benedict Buy-din would sign the resolution. Tomorrow would be nice...

The injections belong 100% to the demoncraps. They delayed their release until after President Trump was out of office - allegedly to deny him credit for them, but in reality insuring that he was not to blame...

Bring on the reprisals... we have waited a long time.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communists won't change their mind, and they won't stop trying to enslave the world... until they are dead.

The best option is to let God sort it all out - we just need to arrange the meeting.

Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup... gonna have to nope right out of that globohomo bullshit. Buh-bye.

Rahndo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Whooooosh !!!

That was the sound of the free and fair elections part going right over your head...

Rahndo 12 points ago +12 / -0

Agreed. Most NCO's were pretty good, but the higher up they went, the more they became politicians. Most officers are politicians from the very beginning.

Rahndo 2 points ago +3 / -1

I can top that... I wonder why ANYONE (other than a flaming globohomo communist) would vote no... something is very wrong there.

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