Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

My point is that Satan has never been bound. None of the prerequisites to that events have occurred.

Rando_47 1 point ago +4 / -3

I listened through enough. I'm also already versed in the theological aspects of that view in general.

A few points to consider, the two Witnesses have not come. According to Biblical clues, they will mostly likely be Moses and Elijah, who also met with Jesus on Mount of Olives. Moses' body was fought over and kept from Satan and Elijah was taken directly to heaven. They would be calling out the ENTIRE world and we would know if two witnesses were doing that or had done it.

The Bible says that every eye will see the returning of Jesus and Satan would only then be sealed. Frankly, we are not during the millennial reign of Christ and he would not be ruling in secret. We would also certainly know if the reign of Christ had already happened because Satan would only have a short time afterward before the ENTIRE universe is wiped clean with fire. Interesting scientific note on that, enough heat can even break apart atoms and the smallest of molecular bonds, so very appropriate for the purpose.

Now, as to when Jesus said, "This generation shall not pass away ..." I found this handy reference and theological explanation. ( https://licc.org.uk/resources/this-generation-will-not-pass-away-the-hard-sayings-of-jesus/ ). In short, Jesus was referring to the destruction of the temple and other matters, not his full return as the conquering king.

There's just so many other things that HAVE to happen chronologically BEFORE Satan is bound. We're just not there yet.

Bear in mind, Satan is a great deceiver. What better trick than to make people thing that a) he doesn't exist, or failing that b) that he is bound and not actively working his plan.

Rando_47 4 points ago +7 / -3

I fundamentally disagree with this notion for the simple fact that the Bible says the Holy Spirit would be pulled from the world. All true believers still have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that helps guide us and allows us to pray directly to and get answers from, in various forms, from God.

Where I believe we are, is in the lead up. The condition of God's word being heard around the world hasn't been met yet, ( https://biblehub.com/matthew/24-14.htm) but with StarLink allowing high speed internet around the world, AI that could help translate for unreached language groups in record time ... We're on route.

Also, from what we know about the world before the flood, the world was a surprisingly advanced place. Consider what advanced things we found of clockwork mechanisms that we can barely comprehend WITH modern computers. Our brains have not only been degraded by pharmaceuticals and other poisons in our environments, solar radiation degrading DNA each successive generation, but entropy in general. We, without a doubt, are all dummer than our distant ancestors. However, with advances in computers, we're on a trajectory to have advances that may very well rival that of the hidden, distant, and deliberately burried past.

About the last part, I'm not being conspiratorial, but I've seen enough stories come out about archeological discoveries that have been sealed away because they indicate the existence of far more advanced societies far earlier in history than our modern 'science' says would have been possible. Some things bore a striking resembles transformers and pole insulators.

I could make an entire post by itself just on what all likely went on during the flood and how thoroughly it destroyed evidence of the past ... But I'll just summarize that it involved likely nearly liquification of the Earth's crust due to intense seismic waves emanating from multiple asteroid hits, accompanying geologic upheaval that unleashed the literal oceans worth of water contained within ringwoodite (look it up) within the planetary crust that are the cited fountains of the deep within the Bible, extreme volcanic activity, torrential rain likely caused by what would be going on in the atmosphere at this time, and probably more. Needless to say, it's amazing that we've gotten the small clues that we have about the time before the flood.

To the point, there's been some hints that, even with our advancement, we may be behind our pre-flood distant ancestors in a lot of ways ... but those gaps are closing in my view.

Rando_47 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds like that was just from the alcohol and soaps pulling too much moisture out of your hands. I have problems most winters with my hands getting real dry when the weather turns real cold and dry.

Application of lotion is the best counter, as well as trying to avoid getting soap on the backs of your hands.

Rando_47 5 points ago +5 / -0

Colloidal silver. Twice a day sprayed on the troubled spots is my suggestion. I've seen it clear away moles, severe pink eye, help clear sinus infections, help a wound that was down the bone heal without a single scar ...

Look up Institute Katharos Colloidal Silver 40 PPM

Silver is a natural anti-biotic, anti-viral, and even encourages nerve healing. I think it also naturally helps with inflammation.

The brand I mentioned is about the highest concentration of silver I could find that is also not overly expensive. It's billed as a skin product, but is no different than the silver billed as health supplements. We use it in nasal spray bottles to help prevent sinus infections (which USED to be a reoccurring issue for my daughter) and I often use the included spray bottle to put it into my mouth while inhaling sharply to get it to my lungs to help some with asthma.

You might also try goat milk soap with no fragrances or dyes or plain glycerin soap. The goat milk soap, I think, has some moisturizing properties while glycerin soap is about as neutral as you can get and still call it soap.

Switching to hypoallergenic detergents, if you haven't already, would be a good thing to do as some residue remains in the clothes and may agitate skin.

Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

Much better! Makes "Mean Tweets" come off as a positive trait. The uninformed may get angry, but I think the core target demographic would get the mean tweets reference to Trump.

Rando_47 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh. Mean tweets should be written before "abolition of income taxes." The wording makes it sound like abolition mean tweets, ie the introduction of censorship, is being promoted.

Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Discovery Institute has done a lot of research into this. There's a lot of evidence that, before the fall and introduction of entropy into creation, a lot of animals that are carnivores today were herbivores in the past. Just look at the Panda and the jaws of a lot of current herbivores and you'll find that many have very sharp teeth used for ripping and tearing away at plants.

If I remember right, there's been some 'carnivore' dinosaur fossils with plants in the stomach.

Where meat eating came about is that digestive systems no longer function well enough for carnivore animals to get the nutrition they need directly out of plants. Instead, they have to rely on eating herbivores as intermediaries that can get the needed nutrients from plants.

It's all a symptom of decay and degradation of creation after sin was introduced.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a different thought. Satan does and demands a lot that is opposite to what God desires or has defined as his law.

God himself provided his son, Jesus, as a blood sacrifice to atone for the sins of man. He demanded the sacrifice of animals as a stand-in/object lesson to impart the understanding that committing sin requires heavy atonement which helps establish the significance of God himself being required to pay the price.

Satan, in his desire to be as or equal to God, demands blood sacrifice of humans and animals to him as worship. Also, it is described and hinted at in the Bible that an altered state of consciousness allows demons, which are otherwise disembodied spirits, to come in and commune with an individual. So, Satanic worship in blood sacrifices combined with sexual abuse (putting it mildly) for adrenochrome production to help facilitate the altered state of consciousness and a high that is reportedly better than cocaine.

As to what 'benefits' can be gained by communing or being open to disembodied spirits? Feats of great strength, divination (likely knowledge being spread among demons about what is going on elsewhere as only God is beyond time), counterfeit miracles in the form of 'magic,' and more. All it costs is your immortal soul.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! That's the kind of resource I was hoping for. Summarizes what's really going on so I don't have to troll through Yandex results.

Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason I'm asking is because I already knew that Ukraine didn't stand a chance. I was just accustomed to gleaning regular updates on the war here as people posted things they've heard.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about all the stories of people trying to buy guns, get flagged by the existing system as not being approved, only for a fed to call and tell the seller to go through with the purchase?

Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to dismiss things like this. There's a lot of wonderful applications for AI that can be used to empower creative people, supplement legitimate education, and a lot of other things.

I think where we are is that proper uses of it are still in their infancy, as far as general public use is concerned, so the main thing most people have to go on is hype and hysteria.

Rando_47 6 points ago +9 / -3

Not that I necessarily believe it will be the case, but the heck with it. I'll come out and say my off the wall guess.


There. Someone said it. Move on.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm still skeptical. There's been too many crack scientists like the idiots who originated the 'coconut oil is bad for you' thing some years ago. They had no science but had lies and an idea and were good at pushing it out for publicity. As a result, one of the healthiest oils there is was pulled from use in popping popcorn as a standard.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's from a healthy cow, goat, or whatever dairy animal, just drink it straight. As a note, raw milk does start to sour after two weeks or so, but then you can use to make other things like sour cream. Don't know how, just that it doesn't go bad in the same way that pasteurized milk does.

Rando_47 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sold on that. Many of the things that the site attributes to Vitamin A being the cause of have already been linked to other things through decades of research with solid connections. Many of the things, specifically, are linked to heavy and toxic metals building up in the brain, vaccines, and other things.

I feel like this is entirely missing the mark. It may be that Vitamin A in the body is toxified, but so many other things with known causes seem attributed to this toxic Vitamin A.

Rando_47 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, though destroying natural means for people to keep themselves healthy is also part of it.

It's easier to control people who are kept ill, less attentive, and less intelligent.

Rando_47 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's actually been established before that, in order to digest pasteurized milk, certain things are leached from your bones. In healthy, raw milk, there are naturally occurring enzymes that do the job of allowing for proper and full digestion.

Rando_47 4 points ago +4 / -0

Absolutely. Also, pasteurized milk has another dark side. In raw milk there are enzymes that allow humans to digest it fully. Without that enzyme, digesting milk causes certain nutrients to be leeched out of our bones so the milk can be digested.

So yes completing where your mind may be going, osteoporosis, including in children, can actually be caused by drinking pasteurized milk. At the very least, your skeleton may become more brittle over all.

Rando_47 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bigger problem than unsanitary conditions are the health of the cows. A lot of the slop given to cows in feed lots in that era was stuff like spent leftover barley after it was used in beer making. Not exactly fit for proper consumption at that point and resulted in sick animals.

The natural ecosystem within raw milk keeps it sanitary and actively kills bacteria that gets into it, though cleanliness is still an important factor.

Rando_47 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the issues with lactose intolerance are due to two things. First, digestive enzymes occur naturally in raw, healthy milk that play a significant role in allowing the human body to digest it. My wife is lactose intolerant but can drink raw milk without issue.

Another issue are allergies. I've heard anecdotal stories that point the finger at childhood allergies being caused by vaccinations. In other words, kids with few or no vaccinations generally have few to no allergies compared to fully vaccinated kids.

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