That's up to you. I bought AGBA, because I never really mess with warrants since I don't totally understand them and they rarely move like the main stock.
I also found this old article:
And there are tons of articles about the news last week that Triller and AGBA are merging. AGBA is and will continue to be the ticker. Upon merger completion the press releases say the AGBA shares will be valued at 10.75. PLEASE NOTE: I BELIEVE THAT IS A SPECULATIVE PRICE. The stock (AGBA) soared just this past Monday. It is closed today at 2.24.
Someone posted this video that just came out today where the CEO was interviewed of Fox Business. Interesting that he said TikTok stole their architecture design from them and they are working on upgrading their entire platform. Sidenote......... I like this guy.:
Please Lord, pour your help on us and our nation to cleanse and heal us. Thank you for President Trump and the prudence you have given him to act.
I watched it on his site without a paywall.
I'm gonna guess a controlled detonation.
Did no one catch that he said how closely Epstein was tied to HARVARD???
I love how they don't mention the race percentages of the population when they show the race percentages in the workforce. Isn't that extremely deceptive? It's basic math. If, for example, 60% of Americans are white and 15% are black.... you have to be clear about that when comparing employment. If you, for example, employee 80 percent of all available black people, that is a really high percentage OF (of being an operation of multiplication mathematically) of the 15% total. Then if whites are only employed at 50% OF their total 60% population.... it still looks like more whites are employed than blacks... and there are. But it is a lower percentage of their total populace. Sheesh.
Oh snap! On it!
ESGs just billions of dollars and are being dumped.
Our friends from England had to go back even though they wanted to stay back in 2008 time frame. They were self-employed but apparently that wasn't sufficient for them to stay. It was so bizarre. Meanwhile, in Texas....
I hope you persevere and make it, fren.
Derp will never fail to make me laugh.
Dear Big Giant World looking at national issues. In our little corner of the world we also have a lying bitch of an Army officer, who has been put in control of the best military college in the nation, VMI.... after Blackface Northam accused the school of being..... wait for it... racist in 2020. A diversity hire general came in and has been sucking so badly no one can decide if he is more incompetent than evil or more evil than incompetent. Any major eyes out there, please help us. That is all.
God, bring down your holy wrath onto these people. I ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
Here is a very timely call to action, just below accurate historical context. The call to action is from a former member of Virginia's board of historic resources. This is very short notice, but if you all can send an email it could help!
If you don't have time to read, just know that you can send your email here: Please call her at 804-482-6087 (work) or 804.385-6936 (cell) or email her at Be very respectful and polite. Urge her to delay.
I didn't think about that piece of it at all... interesting thought.
So sad. A fraud at the tippy top, racism, Marxism........... just humanistic pagans when it was intended to train pastors and scholars.
Lord, Garrick is a kind soul with giving in his heart. We know that all good things come from you, and I trust that you have been working in his heart for a long time. I ask you first God to give Garrick time in the quiet moments he has as his life hangs in the balance to repent of his sins and ask you to be his savior if he has not done so already. You formed him God and sent your son Jesus to die for Him. I pray he will accept your free gift of eternal life. Second I ask that you heal and restore him Lord. While these vaccines were used for is evil, I pray you will somehow work this whole situation for his good. Only a miracle from you can heal completely and we ask for it God. Please bring about your good and perfect will in this situation and be with his family as they stand by him... please provide them your comfort. Amen.
This is terribly sad.
Byron Donalds is a sharp guy. I don't know enough about his knowledge base to know if he is prepared for a role like this, but he is able to handle himself very well with media.... a quick-thinking, principled sharp mind is critical in a role like that (especially in this climate). Honestly, a lot of the other people are already old news to the public, but he is not. I also like Tucker Carlson, but I would be surprised if he'd be interested in the job.
Lord God, please bring your rescue swiftly. These children need your mercy. Help us to know how to help. Please strike these evil wretched monsters down and cast them into the abyss of hell, God. Amen.
My favorite scene from that movie was toward the end- there was a player slicing the ice with his skates at an angle around the backside of the goal. Minute 3:08.
She was a human being with a family. I hope all of our hearts don't grow cold before this is over.
I forgot about that- I will try it! I think I just had caffeine way too late again and my mind wouldn't shut off. Thanks, fren. :)
This is significant- thanks for sharing! Discrimination against whites is rampant!