Perhaps this is just my ignorance showing with election matters but, can Trump just run on his own.... without endorsement? Can he break the two party system? Heck, I'd probably be inclined to just write his name in even if he doesn't run.
I use child/sex trafficking a lot when talking about the tier of thugs. Headlines read they "arrested 50 'labor thugs,'" etc. and normies think 'oh good, they caught more bad guys,' like really!? That's really where you think the buck stops?
Do you have a dr. script or buy OTC or online? Do you have a source you recommend? I found this link
Looking for opinions: If I want to withdraw almost all my cash from the bank should I do it in $9,999 or less increments or just take the flag from withdrawing it all at once? Are there any real short or long term consequences of withdrawing it all at once I should be concerned about?
I've had a handful over the years, more so in the past few. I've usually just increased my fluid intake (water), up to 2 gallons per day to flush it out on its own (I also stay very hydrate normally with 1 gallon of water per day). For what it's worth though I started listening to hertz frequencies/ binaural beats about a year ago to help with stress/anxiety/love/gratitude, etc. About 4 mo ago I started feeling a UTI coming on, couldn't sleep, unbearable pain; I had a thought to search online for UTI hertz relief and ended up finding links like below and that same night within minutes experienced relief and was able to sleep soundly. I listened for a couple more days (still drank fluids) and it was gone. It sounds like the person you mentioned has more of an underlying issue to address, but perhaps these tones could alleviate some pain they're experiencing when a UTI occurs?
For only a mere $299.95...
"The very first of his kind, the Butt Baby is a fully insertable, anatomically correct, platinum silicone bundle of joy!
With two sizes in 9" and the bigger brother in 13", when inserted feet first, he will crown just like a real birthing baby boy.
The Butt Baby is 100% platinum silicone, soft and supple but firm enough for easy self-impregnation (see video), and as smooth as a newborn baby's bottom. You've never seen anything like him before.
Experience first-hand the joy and agony of childbirth. Surprise your parents with the grandson they've always wanted. Bestow your husband with an heir."
This site also features support for the "Achilles Brotherhood " apparently "gay Ukrainian soldiers wear a secret symbol into battle to help identify themselves to each other - and now they're sharing their secret with you. The Achilles Brotherhood is a group of man-loving Ukrainian troops currently fighting on the front line of the ongoing Russian invasion."
Headline grab. The area was home to the Aryan Nations in the '80s and '90s and the media doesn't want you to forget it. To think a group of 30+ men from 11+ different states would coordinate their outfits let alone a trip to a town of 50,000 people to disrupt the smallest pride parade in the nation makes zero sense.
No. Not at all. I believe the US is one of the only countries where Big Pharma is allowed to advertise directly to the public in the ways that it does here en masse and by encouraging us average joe's to "talk with your doctor about X".
sounds like a caged bird singing, perhaps?