THELEADERSOFMEN 11 points ago +12 / -1

It’s true though. It’s because the mind associates it with a smile, I learned about it while I was getting my graphic design degree, just one of those tricks of the trade type thing kids need to learn. Doesn’t mean there’s nothing more to it in this instance but it IS the standard for all watch advertising.

THELEADERSOFMEN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I pray that you have a quick and successful operation and recovery. Please consider boning up on probiotics ahead of the surgery, my father contracted c diff during a robotic back surgery. It was the prophylactic antibiotics that allowed it to happen. It’s very very dangerous past a certain age, and he has never fully recovered from the devastation it wreaked on him. It’s not something widely known but it is exceedingly dangerous.

THELEADERSOFMEN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dang, you were there?

Lydon is a treasure. Sure he’s a tad short fused but he has a heart of gold and deep down integrity. I’ve read both of his autobiographies and they show what a true free thinker he is.

THELEADERSOFMEN 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would make sense then for the autocorrect of a real estate mogul to make a change that way

THELEADERSOFMEN 11 points ago +11 / -0

As soon as I heard about it I went to /pol/ for a 3 Gorges Dam General but nope, nothing. There was one for weeks a year ago over much less flooding. Curious.

THELEADERSOFMEN 1 point ago +1 / -0

/pol/ today was claiming that frazzledrip was a cartel video all along. I've never seen any of it so couldn't judge that possibility for myself. Anyone here seen it who could?

THELEADERSOFMEN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vatican is nowhere near Venice but I suppose they have properties worldwide

THELEADERSOFMEN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers sent. 🙏🏻

I went through a horrific experience with my father contracting C diff. in the hospital a couple years back. If your father’s feces are at all yellowish, mucus-y or especially foul smelling please have it tested. It causes cramping as well. C diff is rampant in hospitals and utterly devastating to the elderly. It can only be cured by vancomycin or fecal transplant. Sorry to give you another thing to worry about but I’ve kinda made it my mission to spread awareness of it after what we went through.

THELEADERSOFMEN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heh I may have been a little on the death rock side back then. Tried to watch it once but it was mostly animals being slaughtered, which was all filmed up close. Cows bled out, rabbits hung by their Achilles’ tendons while alive, etc. I vaguely remember a shot of a man falling out of a third floor window, from a fair distance. But beyond that it was a lot of animal torture and I couldn’t watch. Now we have Cartel and Chinese fail webms on /pol/ for that sort of thing, fwiw. :/

THELEADERSOFMEN 4 points ago +4 / -0

As if any of them make their living off a paycheck and not insider trading, influence peddling and campaign fundraising. They’ll “heroically give freely of their time, as public serrrrrvants, voluntarily” to keep up the grift.

THELEADERSOFMEN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought maybe the guy in the tv at :48 was JP but looking at it slowly I don’t think so. “Patty” is definitely well-muscled, though, whoever he is.

THELEADERSOFMEN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, so this is the work of that designer, who is definitely a devil worshipper, but did Target stock this actual shirt, as is implied? Or any clothes with explicitly satanic imagery (beyond the simple fact that transgenderism itself is satanic, yeah yeah I know that already)?

THELEADERSOFMEN 17 points ago +17 / -0

Kim is still salty over Trump’s “400 lb hacker sitting on his bed” crack

THELEADERSOFMEN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Says the man who was buddy-buddy with Hunter S Thompson. Interdasting.

I was reading the comments on an Instagram reel about Helena Bonham Carter, Burton’s wife, and all the lefties were reeeeeeing over her supposedly anti-trans sentiments (standing up for JK Rowling) and voting Tory. I know a lot of digging has been done on Burton’s symbolism in movies like Coraline, but just because someone is putting it out there to be observed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s done in approval. Lots of those movies are quite cautionary in tone.

Anyway…I know Depp is shady as shit but it truly is hard to tell who’s an active participant vs disillusioned and disgusted insider these days. Meh, maybe just wishful thinking on my part due to my goth-y tendencies.

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