I would bet that there's a "fire" or other catastrophic event that would destroy that building(s) in the next week or two. This will end up just like a "school shooting" where they will want the building destroyed.
The bar my friend works at was serving beer floats yesterday. I hung out and had a root beer float, as I don't drink (anymore). IMO, dairy and beer don't go well together.
Depends on the platform. Some anons focus on one thing while others focus on another. Gotta spread it around. No one person can focus on every aspect of an investigation. And considering we are in the middle of the largest investigation of all time, and battling those involved that are trying to keep the truth hidden, the more people that focus on one potential aspect, the better the outcome will be.
I'd bet that there are some anons that are compiling all the info somewhere that aren't even posting about it. Then when everything seems to be coming together, those people will come out with an amazing investigative report. Patience, grasshopper.
Who knew the Dutch liked pizza??
Maybe we should be glad he wasn't shooting an arrow... KEK
I constantly speak about Operation Looking Glass to my friends. They've never heard of it. I firmly believe that it is real. And President Trump and Q knew this attempt was going to occur. And that's how President Trump knew to turn his head. He knows everything that is going to happen, we are all just going through the motions. I also believe that if we knew what he knows, our minds would be blown. I trust in President Trump and I trust God. I also agree with the fact that there are parts still in play. But in the end, we have already won. That's why President Trump wasn't fearful when it occurred. He knew he wasn't going to be shot again. I have told multiple people over the past months, look at President Trump. Does he look worried? NO. Then neither am I. He always looks calm AF. That doesn't mean that we are not still under heavy attack. We are. Because we are literally at war. Keep your heads frens. We will lose friends/family. That is life. But when this show is over, we are going to see a world that we never thought possible.
A lot of people here in OK don't like him at all.. Not gonna lie, I don't agree with everything he's said or done. But I do agree with about 95% of it. And this just underlines the fact that he is the correct person to be heading up the State Dept. of Ed. Standing up for kids being taught properly is the reason he was put there. Now, that said, I also feel that in the future people should home school their kids. Teach them the values YOU want them to have.
Meanwhile, the butt-hurt on reddit, lose their minds. Which makes it even more spicy.. Well done, boss!!
Interesting that he has the same name as an officer who was previously in the news, making it even more difficult to find legit info on this officer.
Cue, the US Marines.
I bought a ton of this stuff a while back. Get it while you can boys and girls!!
Mostly off topic but since someone mentioned Ozzy in a post a bit ago, I figured I'd throw this out there. These kids are freaking AMAZING!! Check out how well the kid KID!! playing drums fumbles his stick twice and keeps going like it never happened.
Then watch this one..
Oh, I'm sure that will occur. Just give it time.
Someone could rob them.. KEK..
Just a general question for you fine folks..
Think for a minute about the people you interact with on a regular basis. Are they acting odd as of late? Saying odd things, doing odd things, expecting odd things? The majority of my clients seem like they have absolutely lost their minds. It's like they've all become narcissistic sociopaths with unrealistic expectations. I've had to put a few of them in their places over the past few weeks and it has not gone over well. They are all acting like scorned high school girls and it's mildly entertaining to watch.
Anyway, just seeing if any of you all are seeing people acting any more weird than what we would expect given the state of things..
Carry on..
Don't be surprised when we are awarded the Game Ball, after this shitshow is over.
Find wherever this is being done and take it over. Surround the place with patriots and don't allow those trying to control it to get in. This will also tell you whom in your local LEO community are actually patriots and truly stand for what is right. I feel similar things are going to start happening all over the place.
It already has if you look at all the food facilities that have burned down. Look at all the chicken places that have been "burned". Who is allowing this crap? Why was there no one in the place that got on social media and alerted everyone it was going to happen? If there were a place like that near me, I would gather all my friends and secure the place 24/7. It wouldn't magically burn to the ground overnight.
I haven't read the books, and it's been forever since I saw the movie. BUT.. Why would someone take a medication for something they didn't have? Clearly we are not all that stupid. The only way to get literally everyone medicated is to do it in a way that they don't know they've been medicated. Was this their ultimate goal? I'm sure! But we free thinking humans, are smarter than that. The only way to do it is to give everyone cancer via the air we breath. Which is also probably how they will do it.
But...But... who would write Biden's speeches??
What makes you think President Trump needs money for his "campaign"? He has plenty of cash. He's Donald Trump. The numbers that we can already see he has, and has had that are going to clearly vote for him, show that he is going to get the majority of the country behind him. Money isn't going to firm that number up. Keep your money and buy more food for your family. Help someone who can't afford groceries. But Trump doesn't need your money.
My doctor could tell without even asking me that the vax was a no go. Most of what I told them was a lie anyway. I just see them for certain issues and scripts.
"Congress passed" means nothing to me except what they try to pull over on us. Nothing "passed" by them is lawful currently. The vast majority of them were illegitimately put in place, therefore nothing they put in place has any lawful authority behind it. The only thing that gives their "laws" power, is that people follow along with it. Say whatever you want about this, nothing will change my mind.
I know it comes in liquid form. Would be interesting to try in different dilutions. Put in a spray bottle and give it a try.
I can say that I had a skin issue that started early teenage years and had it for probably 20+ year. Wasn't bad but more unsightly and just a pain in the ass. It would migrate to different places. Sort of started as acne and then i started noticing spots on my knees and elbows. Small pimple type things then would become large scar areas that took forever to go away. Then went to my arms, then to my scalp. When the ivermectin thing began, I thought what the hell, why not give it a try. So I got a tube of the paste at a local feed store. Just dabbed it on the spots and it worked when literally nothing else would. Doctors tried to give me multiple topical meds.. All of which did nothing. Could never give it a legit diagnosis. I never told the doc about my trying the ivermectin. But after 20 or so years of this crap, it's all gone. Needless to say, I purchased 12 tubes of this online just to have on hand. My local store sold it for over double what I got it for online. I may order some of the liquid form as well. Never know when they may try to take it completely away again. It's inexpensive enough now, so get it while you can.
Not to hijack your topic, but just throwing out other things it works on and who knows what else it will help with and/or fix completely. On plants is a great idea! Makes me wonder if it could be put in with tiki type torches and used as a bug repellent. Although not sure if the heat/burning would do anything to the chemical aspect of it. That I would have to research a bit further.. I'd love to hear other peoples ideas on what we may be able to use it for.
Suppressors don't work like most people think they do. That's why they are SUPPRESSORS and no silencers. They simply change the tone of the shot. I wouldn't be surprised if the shots from the window were suppressed. If you check out any video of being down-range of a suppressed shot, you can still hear it. It's just different. Suppressors are meant to protect the hearing of the shooter. The only "Hollywood" quite suppressors are .22 cal. And even those depends on the distance to which they are shot. To me, the shots from the window do sound suppressed. The first 3 don't.
I'm going to go off on a slight tangent. IMO, we are currently and have been in Devolution, or COG. I know there are a lot of people who don't buy into that, and you are also welcome to your own opinions. This is mine. It is military practice to always have a satellite over the CIC. I believe for multiple reasons. First is recon, second is comms. That being said, I believe the military has not only the overhead evidence from what occurred, but they also have all radio comms during that day, and any and all text/email and other communications about the planning and execution of their plan. It's just a matter of time before it's made public. It will probably be quite a while, most def into next year before this occurs. I think that, along with proof of every other attempt on his life.