Annnnd lawfare in 3 2. 1
LOL, spot on.
He has no power over the executive branch
I’d sure like to hear the voice recording from the helo.
Genius, lol
I think they’ll regret it if they don’t……mass layoff incoming, this is their one chance to take the money and run.
This shit is getting good!
Oh man, they should make a point to go to her “unit”and hook her up for inciting and obstruction. I’d pay to see it.
Odd that she used the word betrayal, (Betray Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Synonym Discussion of Betray. to lead astray; especially : seduce; to deliver to an enemy by treachery;)
What pray tell was promised for your betrayal.
Chuck, he’s a senator.
State charges I believe, he can’t help her.
lol, he said we have a billion dollars to buy with, and he’d sick the dps/dot on the trucks to slow them down.
I guess we’ll know tomorrow
Good info, but the way it reads I don’t think the preemptive part is gonna hold up. How can you pardon something/ crime that hasn’t even happened according to them?
I think that’s a hanging
California is lost…..let it go.
Let them sweat a bit!