TheBRAINz 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are thankful to be vaxxed because their deaths would have been much more severe without it.

TheBRAINz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Italy is a parliamentary republic with representative and multiparty democracy. The Executive Power is in charge of the Government, formed by three bodies: the President of the Council of Ministers, which is the head of government, informally called “prime minister”, the Legislative Power with a Chamber of Deputies and Senators. And the Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.

The President of the Republic is the head of state and represents national unity. According to the Constitution, the election of the president It is developed through the issuance of the secret vote of the 630 deputies, 315 senators and 58 regional representatives.. In the vote, two thirds are required in favor of a candidate for his election; however, if after three rounds a president has not been elected, an absolute majority will suffice.

TheBRAINz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who says it has to be his country?

TheBRAINz 4 points ago +4 / -0

This comment won the internets today. Congrats and well done!

TheBRAINz 1 point ago +1 / -0

'Tis better to have fought and lost, Than never to have fought at all.'

This thread is an excellent example of intelligent debate and dialogue on a complicated and generally difficult to understand topic. The contributors add much to our community, unlike the armchair quarterbacks whose contibution is casting shade on the players from the safety of the sidelines.

TheBRAINz 4 points ago +4 / -0

The puppetmasters of that idiot in DC have another agenda in mind.

TheBRAINz 3 points ago +4 / -1

Given your grammar sensitivity, you may want to stay away from the internet all together, just to "be safe."

TheBRAINz 1 point ago +1 / -0

You wouldn't need tunnels. Just drive across the longest unprotected international border in the world.

TheBRAINz 11 points ago +11 / -0

There appears to be significant differences between batches of the injection. High incidence of vaxx injuries are being traced to specific batches.

TheBRAINz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some parties get direct input from citizen members of the party when selecting a leader (think primary election in the US).

Some ... but not all? What do those parties do?

I was commenting generally and not specifically to any party in the UK. I suppose different political parties have their own systems for internal elections that vary from each other (i,e/ In the US the Dems have "super delegates," party insiders with more influence in the leadership selection process).

As for the House of Lords/Commons question, not something I know about. Maybe someone in the UK can answer.

TheBRAINz 10 points ago +10 / -0

In a national election, the citizen votes for someone to represent their voting district in Parliament called a Member of Parliament/MP (like a Congressman in the US system). Each voting district = 1 seat in parliament filled by one MP. The political party that wins the most seats (has the most Members of Parliament), forms the Government. Each party chooses who among them will lead/ speak for their party in parliament, with each sitting MP getting one vote. The leader of the party with the most seats is the "Prime Minister." Citizens in this system never vote directly for the Prime Minister, only for their member of parliament. In practice, political parties determine their leaders ahead of national elections so the people will know who will be prime minister if that party wins the most seats. Some parties get direct input from citizen members of the party when selecting a leader (think primary election in the US). Because Johnson resigned mid term, his party's MPs will select a leader now who will immediately become the Prime Minister.

TheBRAINz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Question...for shares bought through a broker where the contract specifically says your shares are NOT lent out ever, is DSR still needed?

TheBRAINz 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good luck, but I just don't see the story the same way some of you do.


TheBRAINz 5 points ago +5 / -0

Diamond hands HOLDING to the moon! 🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀

TheBRAINz 8 points ago +8 / -0

Date fagging is bad mojo, on the Q boards, in the stock market, and with the return of Christ. All 3 have been messed up badly. However, someone wrongly guestimating a date does not invalidate an event's legitimacy or prevent the event from occuring.

TheBRAINz 45 points ago +45 / -0

Not really about video games. In basic terms, huge deep state controlled hedge funds (professional market manipulators) are running a scheme where they artificially buy and sell nonexistent shares of certain selected stocks, over and over and over, raking in billions of dollars by screwing the little guy. Retail investors got wind of it and bought large numbers of shares from companies targetted in the scheme, screwing up the Hedge Fund's game. At a certain point in time, the Hedge funds have to return the shares they own on paper (but don't actually possess), forcing them to buy actual shares, causing a sudden metoric rise in the price of the stock (called a mega short squeeze) resulting in bankruptcy of the hedge funds and retirement payday for the legitimate small retail stock holders. GME is believed to be ground zero in this deep state stock manipulation scheme. Some have speculated the stock could hit anywhere from 4 digits to upwards of 7 digits PER share. Some have proposed that GME is part of the white hat plan to return stolen wealth back to the people. Holding until the moon.

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