I see two major issues with voting machine:
- You can make a machine lie with a straight face.
- It is just one more layer of opacity that is completely unnecessary.
Interesting interview. I managed 50 minutes but my brain is full now!
Basically, Escobar confirmed what I am sure many of us have already guessed that BRICS wants to join the mainstream West but if The West objects, which it almost certainly will, then they are prepared to go their own way and set up all the organisations they need from scratch.
I had not fully appreciated Iran's role in all this. That was interesting.
We were also told that Karaganov, who sometimes debates Putin in public, said that we were living in Biblical times (45:44). I seem to have heard something similar closer to home!
And 13 minutes later, it was gone!
That is my understanding as well. I look at VPN as like having another person in the loop. That is, you send all your keystrokes to him and he re-types them into another computer. When he gets the response he forwards that on to you.
OK, that second person is actually another computer but even so it is another delay in the system.
This could be a Dem ploy to say Trump has already had his two terms.
Then they spend the next four years arguing in court by which time he will not have been POTUS again!
I think I need a visit to the opticians. I read the title as: The hamster of justice is coming ...
One of P'Nut's friends, I hoped.
Coincidentally, I have just been watching this YT video about UK and US food prices.
They concluded that the UK was about 35% cheaper than the US which is another way of saying that US prices are about half as expensive again as UK prices.
Chicken was cheap in the US. Some things were a similar price but others were either two or three times more expensive in the US! UK prices have increased quite a lot in the last year as well.
As a Brit, I see why Americans are complaining so much about food prices now.
According to "Robert Gouveia Esq." on YT this has already been the most litigious election ever.
,,, and to swing a state you often need to swing only one county.
It turns out that if you focus on just the most populous cities in the right states then you can swing the entire election.
I think they are dead easy to steal!
You identify the swing states. Then you go via the most populous counties to the biggest cities and you often discover that by rigging the counting in just six cities you can control the entire national vote.
Great chart!
Look how the former Communist eastern bloc states tend to vote Trump while the brainwashed westerners tend to be happy with Harris.
Some disconnected but related thoughts of my own:
There is a famous saying about if the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. It sounds silly but physicists have only mathematics! I think it was Planck who queried the relationship between maths and physics but even the ancient Greeks recognised the differences.
One issue with maths is that it likes things to be linear or "well-defined" in some way. For instance, you can design your perfect amplifier that converts 1mV into 1V and 2mV into 2V but if you give it a 100,000,000V lightning strike you do not get 1,000,000,000V at the output. You get a pile of burnt and melted materials. The equations will not tell you that. That kind of "non-linearity" applies to everything that is real.
I heard Poincaré published E = mc² before Einstein did.
Peer Review: Most of the great science was done prior to the days of peer review so is it actually useful? One journal did ask Einstein to subject one of his papers to a review but Einstein refused and published elsewhere! Peer review is a great way to control "the message". Ask the climate fraternity.
As pointed out in the video, demonstrating how gravity works by using gravity is not an entirely convincing ploy.
Celebrity is certainly an issue. Some people appeal to the masses and some go out of their way to do so. Others are happy to just do the science without all the public relations. For instance, three scientists won a Nobel Prize for quantum physics which included Richard Feynman but who were the other two?
Scientists have similarities to inventors. Progress is made slowly with each step contributing to subsequent steps. However, only the famous ones get remembered no matter how small their contribution was.
My theory of quantum entanglement: If I get a postage stamp, I can cut it in half and put the left half in one envelope and the right half in another envelope. Those parts are now"entangled." I can send the envelopes miles away but when I open one I will know instantly, much faster than the speed of light, what is in the other envelope. Spooky action at a distance! One day, someone will be able to explain the fault in my logic but it has not happened yet.
You are right there. It goes back to Alinsky's: Problem, Reaction, Solution.
I have heard rumours that certain law enforcement organisations do this. They help people to commit crimes and then claim all the kudos when they make arrests.
We see it in the workplace as well. All those managers who can manage a crisis are highly thought of and tend to get the biggest raises while the managers who manage so well that they never have any crises are looked down upon because they have such an easy life!
I agree with your summary.
The body takes in food and by the time it gets to the small intestine much of it is in the form of long sugar molecules which are then split up into small glucose molecules which are circulated by the blood stream. The brain takes what energy it needs as a priority but other cells need to be "unlocked" by a key to accept the fuel.
That is where insulin comes in. It is the key. Cells are unlocked by the insulin and the glucose fuel is taken in and the mitochondrtia convert that fuel into another fuel used internally (ATP).
Glucose left over is stored temporarily in the liver where it can be retransmitted between meals. If there is still glucose left over it gets put into long-term storage as fat. If you get too much fat the body becomes insulin resistant so more and more insulin is required to get the fuel into the cells. It is almost like a self-destruct mechanism.
Why does the body have such a dangerous mechanism built in? I think it is connected to hibernation! When it comes to winter, bears stuff themselves with food. They become insulin resistant so need to eat even more food to get the same amount of fuel into their cells. They can put on ten pounds in a day!
They eventually go to sleep and ketosis trips in, it is really an emergency mechanism, and provides glucose while they sleep. They wake up in spring and continue as normal. If we could crack that part then maybe we could fix Type 2 diabetes. It certainly puts ketosis, as in "keto diet" and intermittent fasting into perspective.
Type 1 is where the body does not actually produce any insulin in the first place so insulin injections are required to keep alive.
(Sorry, I have been reading up on the subject recently!)
Obama is right. Trump cannot change tyres. Here is the story from Liz Crokin.
In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: “We’ve paid off your mortgage.”
No problem, I am happy that you appreciated it!
It is still a bit suspicious when your candidate wins by 60,000 votes to 50,000 and you have only 80,000 eligible voters. Even some Dems will spot an issue with that!
Too big to rig could also be when you need to add another 50,000 votes for your preferred candidate but only 10,000 people are left who have not yet cast their vote.
I find it difficult to like General Flynn but if he is not a white hat then they put him through hell unnecessarily.
I assembled some notes if you want to catch up.
Remember Charlottesville?
Richard Spencer acted like gang boss, Charlottesville conspiracy trial hears
What a great idea!
To get things off to a good start, the new religion need some kind of event that will bring it to the attention of the general public. I wonder if what worked last time would work again? Maybe we should we crucify the proponents?
If only his name was Donald John Aardvark!
I came here to say something very similar. Two minds with single sense of humour!
Just as long as the Chinese let us know a few years in advance which day they are going to strike, we will be ready!