Still over exposed under talented actress. It’s a little thinner and in the wicked witch of the west way.
Wow that student deserves respect. To stand in the face of a lie and call it out in this day and age takes courage unfortunately.
Wtf are they thinking?!
Absolutely. One by one the precedents set by the President will come back to bite those traitors.
That’s an excellent summary article. “In plain English, “the damage pattern in the shoulder (injection site) was the same as in the heart.” This means if the vaccine didn’t kill the patient, this may be the greatest “coincidence” in medical history.”
For all the brouhaha re: rino, deep state hack he continues to step up against those same criminals.
I ran across this video that ties SVB Bank to the Gill story.
Thank you that was refreshing.
Good riddance FB is a drug to most. Zuck is a stooge for the ds.
Here’s a handy website to get past the paywall.
That is perfect.
I recall this, the first narrative part. I believe it was part of an project looking glass video.
Bizarre didn’t signature bank go belly up over the weekend?
Wow that was a miracle.
Yeah that makes sense, not.
That is awesome!
Very good video. Thanks for sharing.
I’m so disappointed. He’s been a breath of fresh air as governor.
Hannity lost my confidence years ago. He’s swampy.
C&C is an awesome resource. I’ve followed Jeff since the early days of the Covid scam. He’s an attorney by trade.
Like that was ever in question!
It continues to amaze me that people like this still exist. So blinded the objective facts are irrelevant.
I’ve been waiting for them to resurface, that whole dem servers / awan bros fiasco was swept under the rug way too soon to not have legs.
And this comes as a surprise? Dr Tennpenny cautioned this in spring of 2020!
The one on the left looks like a bizarre meld of McCain and buyden.