And kick out that globalist UN garbage!!!!!
"Whoopsies, my hard drive crashed and all the data about this case is gone", sorry Rep Jordan!!
Seriously, we pay these people, so those records belong to the USA. Delete them and you should go to prison.
Start with dem commies deported to gitmo for a quick tribunal and, well you know.
More winning means more dems losing. I want MOAR dem losing!!!!
Just imagine what a beautiful woman Eve must have been! Perfect in every way, except her shopping.
This was not just just one drug company pushing an oops. This was the greatest crime against humanity in all history, that was planned well ahead of time. When Faucci predicted a big infectious disease outbreak during Trump's term, he exposed the plan.
And the media outlets that conspired with this crime must also be charged. Follow the money.
Sure nice idea. But we are dealing with comminusts here. They will take that money and stab him in the back with it.
This is war. They don't play nice. They must be destroyed
These cheaters need to be hunted down and chained to a pickup truck for a quick ride down a gravel road.
Audit the Fed. Then get our money back - with interest!!!!!!
Empty the Fed!!!!!
Nah, DOJ is terrified of pissing off their future boss.
Wow, I hope they fulfill their promises.
Destroying evidence?
If the USA withdraws from UN, it will cease to exist.
Ugly lib butches don't need protection. They're already frightening enough.
Thanks you! Keep bring us more joy. After all the torture conservatives have endured, it's payback time.
Glorious to see evil leftists melt down.
I keep telling my ultra lib brother that in the future he will love Trump, once he finds out that he has been tricked by Communist News Network.
He may be part of the 2% that never wake up.
Wow! I have seen quite a few lib meltdowns, and they seem so batshit crazy that they seem to be staged. They are totally out of their minds.
He's lucky to be untangled from this bitch.
If there are dems, then there's cheating.
Um.... It's because the dems add 20 million votes to Biden, in 2020.
Thank you, thanks you, thank you!!!
I so much wanted to see leftists eat sh3t.
Third time I voted for Trump:
2016, 2020, 2024.
My brother, probably one of those who will never wake up, said that if Trump wins , he won't be able to get out of bed because of the depression.
I told him to get ready for depression.
My greatest hope is for my two daughters to wake up from their liberal leanings, and the ultimate hope is for them to turn to Christ. They were both raised in the Lord, and both professed Christ, but married unbelievers. Good men, but not in Christ.
They should be pa panicking. Many of them are guilty of TREASON!!!!!