I see a lot of comments here, diverting attention away from the core issue and focusing instead about how coke is garbage. Yes, coke is a mild poison. But the main issue is this:
This is the key issue. The world hates Jesus, because He is LORD of heaven and earth, and the whole universe. He is the creator and savior of all. He is the one we all must go to for forgiveness. He will return in glory and will establish His kingdom forever. All who resist Him will go to the lake of fire.
Get used to it you pedo pig
I don't get this. Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer is an oxidizer. By itself, it should not be explosive. It requires a combustible material to be combined with it. Every explosion requires oxygen and a fuel. Oxygen on its own is not combustible. But add fine aluminum powder to that oxidizer -- now you have big boom if it's ignited.
I made little rocket engines from potassium Nitrate and powdered sugar. Such fun!
Oh please, make it so!! Sweet retribution!!!!
Wow. After all this labor and technology, and they can't come close to a self replicating, self-repairing, machine that can refuel itself with all kinds of random stuff growing out of the dirt.
Oh the wonders of what God has created!!!
Can't wait for the big pharma/big medicine prescription scam to end.
They turn inexpensive and safe meds into a prescription drug to "protect" us from ourselves. So you have to go see a "doctor", pay him/her $300 for a 30 minute visit, then pay more for a "prescription" med that sells for pennies in India.
Land of the free??? No, not these days.
Fantastic!!! Lowest cost I have seen yet!
Govt top to bottom is one big org crime biz.
And what about our greatest enemy? The US Fed govt!! Put them on the map!!!!!!!
We have attended a conservative Mennonite church for the past couple years. We are not Mennonite, but they accept us as fellow believers. They are the most delightful people I know. There is no dysfunctional behaviors in these people, unlike in other more mainstream communities.
And all these years, we thought the Russians were the bad guys. I think we all agree that they were horrible years ago, but now it seems that they may be the good guys and the west has turned bad.
Nitrous oxide doesn't make you instantly unconscious. Guards would feel the buzz and be able to realize that something very wrong is happening, and take action.
It would be sweet if they are preparing for the rapid replacement of those sent to Gitmo.
Nah, the leftists won't be able to figure it out.
Why would gov't ever want to do something that exposes their crooked practices? Govt today is organized crime.
Commie Commala is finished. Trump will win all 50, if the cheating can be held at bay.
A strain on resources? But dumping in unemployed foreigners isn't? These crooked politicians are the real strain on resources.
If they can't manage to shoot him, then poisoning, or gassing him may be the next approach.
Pagers had to have been custom built with explosives and a triggering mechanism. Normal lithium batteries can start on fire, but couldn't be triggered to explode like this.
I feel bad for the hospital staffs that had to try to patch up a bunch of assholes.
Praying that the Lord is glorified through your father and family, and that He may see fit to restore him.
I heard thar Blow Job's .... er Ben N Jerry's was leftist. Now they've really gone.off the deep end.
As did I. But when the choice is a rino or a dem, at least there's a hope of.something good coming.
But I was always wondering why the GOP never unwound the tangle of flaming disaster that the dems made. They just slowed the burn.
lmin: sarcasm, right?
Treason of the most blatant sort.