WakeUpWorld 9 points ago +9 / -0

I believe the interview had 2 goals.
Show the World that Biden is incompetent and could never talk for hours straight like Trump & Putin.
Show the World that Putin is not some Hitler from across the sea and give their historical account of why they deserve those lands in Ukraine. And the US were responsible for them not being in NATO. It was for the normies, not us. Even though we wish he would have said he was cleaning out the filth that is Ukraine

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

The World believes what the TV box tells them. 9/11, Covid, 2020 Election, shit every election. And even if the people don't believe it, as long as the TV box says it, it somehow still has this magical hold over us. Uniting is impossible it seems even though it should be much easier with today's advances. Our ancestors would be ashamed

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe it was the reason for this part of the interview. Show their side of the History and show the World, Biden or just about any World leaders could not do what Putin just did there, Speak for 2 hours on the History of their Country

WakeUpWorld 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or to prove that Biden is not a real President because there is no way he could have rambled off that History lesson. Shit, Biden would have issues with staying awake for 2 hours

WakeUpWorld 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great idea. It must still be legal for the homeowner to do upkeep on their own property even if squatters moved in.
What do you do when cockroaches infest, fumigation!!!

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

9/11 was just like the 2020 election. They used multiple ways to bring those towers down as they used multiple ways to steal the election. Using some methods to steer attention away from others. Using multiple methods also helps hide the truth by saying that 1 method was not enough to accomplish what happened.
Thermite was used, planes w/ fuel was used to divert attention and give false explanation, bombs were set in elevator shift and basement/parking garage, and then mostly I truly believe was thus high tech weapon that Dr Judy Wood discusses that justified the towers. Building 7 was done the old fashioned way of explosives that were preset.

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

Frens!!! Stop fooling yourselves. The Republican party is the Uniparty. They will never give us an America First MAGA candidate.
Breaking up the 2 party system needs to be one of Trumps requirements this term.

WakeUpWorld 30 points ago +30 / -0

Wonder what school will have a mass shooter tomorrow

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm wondering if something happened in late 2020-21 where we were forced or chosen to go on a different timeline than we were supposed to. Chiefs & Biden were not supposed to win. Everything seems upside down since. Do we fix it all this year and get back to a form of normalcy with a 49ers & Trump win?

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like that will pass. Even though that is exactly how any act of war should be treated. We don't need them to run the Country. Start a war, go to war. They will think twice about it.

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you have any issues with hair thinning? I take pellets HRT and never had hair issues, but this last yr it has really thinned out up top and freaking me out

WakeUpWorld 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's hard to see a positive in starving out citizens. I think those in power and those installing restrictive green regulations have plenty access to resources

WakeUpWorld 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can you imagine how much value of our dollar is gone when they keep giving it away

WakeUpWorld 13 points ago +14 / -1

I jump up and down when my favorite team scores and when Trump wins. I don't believe that is why we should be critical of her.
Her naive or paid for political endorsements and her music turning Satanic, now that's what we should be critical of

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is the OP sharing some bullshit post by a Lefty psycho.

WakeUpWorld 10 points ago +10 / -0

Last time I checked. They burned down stores, destroyed city property, destroyed cultural statues, beat innocent people, killed innocent people, attacked police....... and was paid millions to do it.
And J6ers are rotting away in prison. I can't anymore

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