They also lied about Vietnam and the gulf of Tonkin. Communism is bad, but you can beat it without firing a shot with the right people. Look at Milei.
Love the sweatshirt
You don’t.
However, polling locations are supposed to ask people wearing political paraphernalia to remove or cover it so as not to influence other voters. But, if the person refuses, the poll worker is supposed to let the person vote and be on their way.
It’s dumb, but that’s the training I’ve received in my short time as a poll election official in a different state.
Voted before work on Wednesday. Snapped a photo of my ballot selections as well.
Any Theo Von Fans? 😂
Some fates are worse than death.
Anecdotal and slightly related evidence, but I have business colleagues who recently traveled to France for our company and they rented an electric vehicle and hated the experience. There’s nowhere to charge them so they get stuck throughout the city. Very stressful looking for a charging station in a foreign country.
Just another thing that could be ruining the experience.
She didn’t ask for proof of life, she demanded it! (Office fans will get this 😝)
Well, this was an attempted assassination so……kinda hard to make a worse security plan.
If anything, they should have made it less obvious it was an assassination attempt by picking a slightly harder/longer shot and having those responsible for the new position, get pulled last minute to a new crisis/event.
This is just blatant.
I wish the crowd of people who noticed would have charged this dude or thrown rocks or something.
And a second, less well known blunder, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!
My parents taught me that finances is too hard for one person so you need to split the responsibilities 50/50. I make it, she spends it 😂😅😭
What is the dual banking system?
One of my family’s favorites ❤️
Can I drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead? 😜
Gold destroys the fed. Not crypto.
I don’t know how much the programming was supposed to be used in older movies, but Jurassic Park has a point where the electric vehicles are not good enough to use and they have to use a gas Jeep to go save characters who had been on the electric jeeps.
The Matrix is about AI taking over the planet and enslaving humanity. We are currently fostering AI.
What other movies have pointed out or had similarities to contentions going on in today’s world? Any vaccination versus natural immunity movies?
She had me at her first point! Why’d she keep selling Trump? 😂😂😂😂
From what old definition to what new definition? I’ve been unplugged for a while focusing on family and work. Haven’t followed on here or in the MSM propaganda for a few months.
Signature verification should be highly scrutinized on absentee ballots, but is likely not.
In person voting requires a photo ID in my state, so the in person voting process is more secure. However, we still have electronic machines. How does that get fixed by November’s election?
I prefer the content on here to be somewhat vetted. Not a fan of grifters. I like when someone highlights some Q post with some deltas and it relates to something prominent in the news.
Just a for instance, but real raw news articles read like fan fiction for someone who wants to hear how the deep state is being beaten back/rooted out.
I was gonna say, “might as well put real raw news in there.” That site is constantly saying “a source close to the operation” or some BS acting like there’s an inside scoop and yet no other organization ever corroborates it.
Not 30 years, but since legal drinking age!
Don’t men get to do that automatically by keeping their father’s last name?
Tried gold and failed or had gold confiscated and people back in 1933 didn’t have any recourse besides watering the tree of liberty?
Hillsdale doesn’t take any money from the government.