I just wish he would have had the rally somewhere other than DC, that’s all. Then those poor people wouldn’t be rotting away in prison. Should have been in Florida or another safe place. AND non violent crimes should have been blanket pardoned before he left office
The vax may have been beneficial for old people? It comes down to a cost benefit for the individual really. If you’re old, you’re not really worried about fertility or even slow growing cancers (that haven’t developed) I don’t know, but I do know it’s not beneficial for young and most middle aged people. I also know a proper cost-benefit could never have been conducted given the lack of real information allowed out. It should have just been available for old people who want it, like I believe the shingles vaccine is only for older people, but mandated for no one, ever.
The would love nothing more than for Trump and Desantis to battle it out in a primary. Trump would win, but likely destroy Desantis in the process. Luckily, I don’t think Desantis is dumb enough to primary Trump.
Unlike the Dimms, we actually have a bench of young talent, they want to take out as many as they possibly can.
You know I was watching that Magnolia channel and there was no noticeable wokenss. I especially enjoyed the runner story about Gabe Greenwall and Restoration Road - also I never have to worry about the kids watching it. That being said I always pay attention but there’s been nothing I would even say is questionable on there … yet
I went to a talk with a VP of a major ad agency who is a woman… I was shocked when the main point of her talk was exactly this. She admitted that in her list of priorities, her kids were number 4. Her husband was a stay at home dad. I wonder if she’ll regret it? Who knows. I have a lot of appreciation for her telling this truth.
This whole Chy-na angle is really just blowing my mind. President Trump is truly a master communicator, I’ve always thought GEOTUS doesn’t say things (I include body language in that) “by accident” or a “gaffe”. Truly it’s the next level.
We must keep Kyle in our prayers and never forget or forgive what these corrupt asshats did -at worst what is described here and at best simply by failing at their duties to protect law and order during “the summer of love”
It certainly would! At this point I’d be happy if he simply got let go from his “public servant” employment 😂🤣😂 I laugh, but it really is disgusting to me that someone so inept and so obviously corrupt has been able to keep their post
I feel like if the vaccine backfired that badly they would be happy to blame it on Trump and operation warp speed. I don’t know what’s going on. What you’re saying could very well be true. I just wonder what their motivation for covering it up would be - seems they would get more out of blaming Trump. Strange strange times
Hopefully just a phase she grows out of. I went through it too. Unfortunately a lot don’t wake up, but there’s hope!