Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am pretty suprised that Musk hasn't gone to the moon himself, or anyone else recently since it was done with a tin can and they brought a whole car up there in the 60s. Then again, he's not stupid and those rockets blow up all the time. I don't believe the moon walking footage we saw was real just because the guys would levitate back onto their feet whenever they fell over. If we actually went there or not who knows. I agree tons of people worked on the project, but maybe they weren't told it was just a production.

Zef_Wookie 7 points ago +7 / -0

The globalists only want the low IQ to reproduce and to keep those programs running because it's how they make money. Poor people are easily killed off by famine, war, or disease before they get too old. And they pose no threat to their power regime like Americans and Europeans do. They've been trying to make us sick and dumb for decades to be more easily farmed. Even asians, although smart, have been trained to be collectivist. But China has their own agenda when it comes to overpopulation.

Zef_Wookie 4 points ago +4 / -0

False alarm, it's just Jamaicans eating roadkill. They were eating people six months ago, I doubt they distinguish pets from any other form of meat in Haiti.

Zef_Wookie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have you tried nicotine? I heard that can cleanse the spike protein. They sell a powder you can snort or maybe the gum or pouches would work. Just don't get addicted to it.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got shingles in my 30s right after my coworkers got the covid shot and I've only had the chicken pox shot. It's chronic now and comes back every time I'm stressed or in the sun too long. It may have also been triggered by dental anesthesia.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

My view is that it's the law of cause and effect. If you cause people or the world to suffer, then you get bad karma which may come back upon you through the ripples of cause and effect. But I also think it's made worse by your own conscience. If you know you did something bad and don't make it right, then you will have extra bad karma through stress and guilt. Maybe they think they are absolving themselves of karma by telling what they are doing, but it's most likely a form of spellcasting by trying to promote their intentions and make you complicit in their actions too.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

The antibiotics the doctor gave me are for parasites and they worked, but caused candida, so that's why I started on a meat diet and after a while I realized I felt better than when I didn't eat meat.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah certain ones do for certain parasites. Some parasites are worms or protozoa or larva and they can infect different parts of the body in different life stages, so not all of them can be killed that way. It was before I knew about ivermectin or I would've just taken that because it works on what I had (protozoa) and has less side effects than antibiotics.

Zef_Wookie 55 points ago +55 / -0

I've told this story before, but I was a leftist vegetarian until I got a parasite and had to take antibiotics for it. I instantly began eating meat. Shortly after that, covid started and I realized that democrats/rinos and the media are evil.

Zef_Wookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Typical welfare queens. I saw a video where an immigrant family bought a boat and sunk it the first day and had to be resucued. They're driving around in UTVs bumping mariachi music. Then they'll complain about being poor when the gibs faucet runs dry.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because monkey pox sounds scarier and no one wants a monkey disease. It was probably someone who didn't know they spent millions on marketing and behavior analysis to come up with the name who changed it.

Zef_Wookie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't shop at places that support degeneracy. Or buy from local people you support. You can have protests, just don't riot and get a permit. Sticker bomb light posts and your car. Start a non profit to clean up homeless camps or whatever you want to change in your community and get in the local paper or hold events. Stand on the street corner with a flag. Start a weekly meet up for a cause that helps people. Volunteer at a place that already exists. Promote local candidates running for office.

Zef_Wookie 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're trying to get in the headlines since it worked for that ugly redhead lady, but Trump had been slandered in every way and shot already.

Zef_Wookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've never been to college, raise your own food, and homeschool your kids? Sounds like you need more government control in your life, weirdo.

Zef_Wookie 6 points ago +6 / -0

At least it's not big Mike. I assumed the first female president would be a man for ultimate demoralization.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's always good to have a retirement and also diverse investments. You want some that are easily liquidated if you need. Buy low, but prices always fluctuate so sometimes that's hard to do. Best thing when starting out is make a budget and stick to it. Don't forget to figure out monthly costs and and make a separate savings account for random expenses like car insurance and repairs, emergency fund, new car, down payment on a house, gifts, etc., then put the rest into savings and other investments and you'll learn which ones give the best returns over time.

Zef_Wookie 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the sauces like ranch and barbeque have preservatives and soybean oil, so I started making them myself. It's cheper too, but then you get down to making your own mayonnaise and ketchup, which is more difficult and you need to do small batches without preservatives. I'm saving up for a wheat grinder so I can make my own flour too.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bird coof? For some reason a yuppie grocery store in my town just put new social distancing stickers on the floor this week. I haven't heard anything about outbreaks and no other stores have stickers on the floor. The marching orders must be coming down from above.

Zef_Wookie 0 points ago +1 / -1

It sounds like you'd make a good pastor or something, but in order to help others you need to take care of yourself first. Giving what you have in excess is fine, energetically or monetarily but don't let anyone take advantage of you. You'll be able to help more people if you set up a non profit or get trained as a pastor than you would by just giving away money that you don't have.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

The illuminati worship lucifer to gain person power in this life time. The zionists worship Moloch because they've sold their soul and will do anything for him.

Zef_Wookie 10 points ago +10 / -0

Don't forget your boosters. There's tons of unvaccinated people who died with myocarditis and cancer because they only lived long enough to get four doses instead of the recommended twelve. If only they were fully vaccinated.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

My dad has used RSO on non malignant skin cancer spots with success, but it's not a cure all.

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