I thought I heard Vivek dropped out of DOGE.
At 6000 degrees wouldn't the copper at the meter melt before the wiring inside the house got to a dangerous temperature?
Yep, white paste way more palatable than the yellow gel IMO. Unfortunately, I almost always get the gel.
Exactly! Something I've been grumbling about for years here in Michigan.
I haven been using the patch (Rugby brand). If you get the "Step 2" 14mg patches, cut them into fourths. The "Step 1" 21mg patches can be cut into sixths to deliver about a 4mg dose. Nicotine from these patches is not even slightly addictive, at least in my case. I have never been a smoker.
Voted for Trump every time but the 2016 primary. At that time, I wasn't convinced Trump was serious, so I voted for Ted. I am very thankful he won that primary despite my vote.
Voted today in Michigan.
"He consumed the eggs scrambled, fried, deviled, hard boiled and as omelettes."
"...saw him eat the equivalent of 24 eggs per day". Yeah, not sure what's up with that.
ACV = apple cider vinegar
I've been using the 14mg patches cut into 4, so just under a 4mg dose. I used them for several weeks and then stopped to see if his claims about nicotine being non-addictive was true. I felt no ill affects. So, for me at least at this dosage, nicotine was not even slightly addictive.
They seem to have it sorted out now.
I just tried to donate. Probably being overwhelmed.
I think this reinforces the theory that "The Biden" is an actor. He's hamming things up more and more.
Rebuke the accuser in Jesus' name.
It's showing now... wasn't before.
EDIT: OP's link and your link appear to be different... not sure why. Wind gusts vs average wind speed?
Very strange indeed, like there is nothing there. Not even a hint of a disturbance.
The following is what was received and forwarded by a SAGE EAS unit at a Michigan FM radio station.
Alert Received at 10/04/23 14:20:19 from CAP IPAWS Matched filter NPT, Received from CAP. EOM Received at 10/04/23 14:20:21. Audio length is 18.7 seconds, total alert length is 39.2 seconds
A Primary Entry Point System has issued a National Periodic Test for all of the United States beginning at 2:20 pm and ending at 2:50 pm (fromcap). This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 2:20 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Eastern Time. This is only a test. No action is required by the public.
This is sarcasm right? I wish it wasn't so hard to tell these days.
"Experts say..."
Two seconds before scrolling down to this post, I had the same exact thought. Heh