Wrong information can cost you your life.
If you think someone being a scam artist depends on you LITERALLY buying shit... actually I'm 100% sure you don't think that, but maybe you'll insist you do to double down on your point.
I don't think Clif is a scam artist.
I'm just annoyed by your answer. People who ask "what did you buy exactly..." are the exact same kind of annoying as people who say "I'm not buying it" in the first place.
Explain why he's not a scam artist or not don't I don't really care.
But it would be nice to know WHY instead if just seeing nonsense Asperger-like literal word thinking arguments like "how is he a scammer, you didn't 'buy' anything".
An endorsement is like "he's the best shot for now".
Trump is a hire fast, fire fast leader.
Hiring is HARD. And knowing who to reallllly really trust us impossible.
Give them the job. Boot them the minute they appear to be at odds with your goals.
It's definitely unfortunate he keeps hiring and endorsing assholes and corrupt liars.
But it also exposes them every time.
If you have a long term strategy this is a win-win.
If you don't, it's a real fucking problem.
If Trump or the white hats have a strong long term strategy, bad endorsements and hires have SOME benefit as long as they don't significantly interfere with the long term goals. And at the very least, at least they don't matter.
Seriously. I feel I here about this movie coming out once a month ... and have been hearing that for about a year.
Honestly everytime it gets hyped without a definitive release date the more I really don't care and feel it's going to be a disappointment.
But we'll see.
Pretty much everything that's hyped ends up being disappointing. If it was really good, the hype would build the second it got released like any actually good movie.
I really hope I'm wrong. Sometimes this theory is wrong it's just a rule if thumb so hopefully it won't disappoint.
Of course you can! Give Archer Daniels Midland a call bro they'll help you out.
Look into GHB. It's a neurotransmitter. Originally available over the counter. Then big pharma came along, scare campaigned everyone into thinking it was a date rape drug that needed to be outlawed TOMORROW.
Once it was made illegal... they patented ... get this... binding it to salt. Like that's somehow original. And now ONE COMPANY is the sole producer and seller of GHB and it costs ~$20,000/year. Before you could buy it for pennies.
They can DEFINITELY patent a plant. And make themselves a monopoly on a plant.
Even an existing one. All they have to do is change one tiny aspect of it, even a none-important aspect then and convince the patent office that it's original.... which is not hard. Again, give Archer Daniels Midland a call.
People take NAC to increase their glutathione levels because glutathione normally does not absorb well directly.
However NAC also can cause mild side effects in some people, especially those with inflammation as it can cause a histamine spike intolerable to some people with "long-covid" or vaccine side effects.
Glutathione is available in a liposomal form which is absorbed much better than regularly available glutathione and is much less expensive than glutathione injections.
I use Aurora Labs product however you can easily make this product yourself very cheaply using an ultrasonic cleaner available for ~$80 and extremely cheaply available bulk vitamin c and an appropriate lipid. Plenty of recipes are available if you search around. It's common enough it's easy to find information about.
I'd also recommend looking into liposomal vitamin C. I've been using this to treat people experiencing clot shot MCAS-like symptoms to much better success than normal vitamin C.
Maybe. You miss a lot of nuance in the WAY people say things and which milleu they may be part of by listening at an unnatural and unoriginal vocal pace.
It's a useful thing to do sometimes. But overall I would not recommend it as standard behavior. People who do this end up pulling lines for people as their only hearing information and not the humanity, for better or worse, in the person saying it.
** If you think you're not missing anything, I'd like to see you agree to allow a jury to listen to your defense testimony at twice speed to save the taxpayers time. Go ahead if it doesn't make a difference, surely you can agree to it before you are ever, hopefully never but if ever, you are accused of a crime, any crime, no matter what your defense testimony is.
I'm not saying to never listen to overspeed. Just tune-in normal too. Frequently. Check back into homebase WITHIN THE SAME PROGRAMMING. It's just good emotional instinctual perceptions hygiene. Or something like that.
Really lol I think it's hilarious 😅 it's definitely kinda annoying but it's annoying in a funny quirk sort of way like no way would I tune out good information just because I don't like their phraseology
would be pretty similar to tuning out Trump just because he (insert something annoying to you)
and you know they're not how?
literally all he said was 3.11
maybe you should think mirror?
we've been hyping 3.11 as a mirror for 11.3 for a bit now so it's not unreasonable for someone to just post 3.11 as a hype comment
We're all aware they used HIV in the vaccine. That doesn't mean HIV is AIDS, which is what you said.
It could very well be the case that the HIV in the vax is related to the cause of AIDS or not. But that's the not the subject you or I commented on here.
They are related. But not the same thing.
Accuse me of semantics if you want. But you're wrong about HIV and AIDS being the same thing. And words matter. Especially in a time if so much disinformation.
No it's not.
AIDS/VAIDS are as you describe, same thing but different cause. AIDS/VAIDS and HIV are NOT the same thing.
Though HIV (pretty much no matter WHAT HIV is, but that's a different discussion) is obviously related.
It's an important distinction to understand the true crime taking place here.
there's this whole "drill rap" genre or some shit going on
basically it's the same ol' shit rappers killing rappers for fame but it's gaining major traction again
definitely could play into this prediction, it's trending pretty hard on YT
Well the Canadian ran the perfect meme strategy with hot tubs and feeding the town and just being super great to the community except in the way of being loud and heard.
And yet here we are politely driving around like it's Sunday.
fucking DUH the Canadians got coverage! It was hella fun to watch!
This American convoy.... let's face it from a pure entertainment production standpoint WHICH US IMPORTANT is EXTREMELY LACKING.
And their plan is to talk to Ted Cruz!?
Yup. Fucking DUH they don't have coverage and they don't deserve it in a capitalist sense.
The product just isn't there.
Now rig me up some hot tub flatbeds? Or plans to feed the homeless in DC? I'll be in Maryland TOMORROW.
Remove that shit about wanting to talk to the idiots we should be demanding resignations from their website and I'll donate $1000 right now.
They get no coverage because they low key suck at protesting.
Sorry 😐 I really wish we had what Canada had going on. But the spirit for that was months ago and we missed the mark being too scared of a false flag.
Your welcome fren! Added as I was kinda surprised nobody had mentioned it yet.
It's kinda funny how most lib you'll encounter will agree straight away this was terrible and shouldn't have happened. Only for you to ask what news stories since they think have been influenced since then and their answer is basically "well they don't ACTUALLY do that it's just a law..."
Kinda like how they're all against wire-tapping. But if you criticize anyone they like for wire-tapping all of a sudden it's "what do you care, you're just a masturbator... they don't wanna watch you!"
Guess I'm preaching to choir lol just feeling ranty today....
oh most def
I tried to kill myself a number times before I turned 18.
I'm familiar with the psychology of being in that mindset more than most.
I can't tell you how distressing it was to BEG my friends to consider how destructive these lockdowns would be especially for the many friends I have that suffer from extreme depression.
They basically all ignored me or blew me off.
Two years later and 5 people from that friend group are dead. All suicides.
I called every one our friends up that ignored me two years ago and told them I thought their lack of empathy for suicidal people they claim to care about is bullshit, that our mutual friends killed themselves as a direct result of the society they wanted and I never wanted to speak to them again.
A few cussed me out. Most just ignored me by way of saying I was just depressed and lashing out.
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act passed ~2012.
Allows State Department and CIA to operate within US borders to "facilitate information flow" previously prohibited by the ~1948 Smith-Mundt Act.
No Agenda has been reporting on it since basically when it was passed.
Is it that inconceivable? You lock someone up with basically ZERO recourse, abuse them, make it look like basically there's no hope of justice, and make them into a terrorist or crazy person ... it doesn't take a lot to break an untrained, even a very strong untrained person. Sometimes it doesn't even take a lot to break a trained person.
They weren't Epstein'd. Maybe. But it's just an Occam's razor thing. It's totally unnecessary for the DS to kill them. And it makes pretty good sense some of them, even several, would commit suicide.
Many of them were likely to made to feel betrayed by very people who encouraged them to go to DC.
That pipeline is DONE but doesn't get turned on for MONTHS anyway.
I'm not sure this Ukraine situation has anything to do with the pipeline at least on the surface. But even deeper I feel it's more tangential to other motive.
I have the same opinion about people who don't care they're making logical and principles based errors as long as they reach a moral conclusion.
I'm just fucking sick of people making dumb fucking arguments for things they believe when they COULD make good ones that ultimately have a similar conclusion.
A slippy slope implies you SLIPPED DOWN IT.
This country was fucking pushed. Nobody SLIPPED down the slope of the gay agenda.
Nobody SLIPPED down the slope of using FREEDOM to create tyranny.
Pushed. Not slipped. I know you said you have to compromise your values to be realistic.
If ANYONE slipped... it's people like you.
Anyone else was pushed.
The arguments you're making are the same arguments that got us into basically every cabal war of the last 30 years.
There are good arguments that don't require you to compromise your commitment to the truth and your commitment to God that would get you the same resulting conclusions.
And yet you choose to make an argument for the abridgement of freedom of speech instead.
Who slipped?