citrouille 17 points ago +17 / -0

I remember when Jill Green tried to get a recount done in 2016 though, and more votes were found for Trump than tallied on election night. So I don't really think the tactic will pan out for them because actual victories stand up to recounts.

citrouille 6 points ago +6 / -0

The rural folks are even worse, sad to say. CCP propaganda has historically done a number on them and the modern Chinese culture is quite selfish. Really this is the case with most non-Christian cultures but the cultural revolution definitely toppled the good aspects (courtesy et al.) of traditional Chinese culture, and they don't seem to be coming back anytime soon in the mass consciousness.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very well said. I want to hear what your opinion is on Xi himself. My personal impression - drastically different from the prevailing one here, I know - is that he wants to be de facto emperor and all his actions have been striving toward this goal.

citrouille 0 points ago +2 / -2

Could just be a boomer reposting all the memes he sees on patriotpost. There are a couple boomers around these parts you gotta be patient with 'em. But we'll see how OP responds

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that's imo the easiest tell, also they tend to be deployed en masse on subjects that are heavily shilled or popularly used to slide forums

citrouille 0 points ago +1 / -1

The dude you replied to is probably an AI bot, try and see if you can fish for its IP address

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have a good kvass recipe? I am a big fizzy drinks fan so I kind of miss soda. Thanks.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a great thread yesterday on how ubiquitous astroturfing and shilling was.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was replying to a now-deleted comment which thought she was somehow posting 7 minutes before the swatting :) I certainly don't expect people who get swatted to post first thing on social media about it.

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

That says 12:53 PM UTC, which means it was 8:53 AM EDT when she posted this (I'm assuming she's posting from Kentucky). Nearly 8 hours after 1 am.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not at all. The fact that you despair merely means you are not up to date on the situation.

Fun fact, one of the reasons Trump was allowed to gain so much media traction in 2016 in the first place was because they initially thought he would be the silver bullet against Jeb!'s bid. (Of course, that turned out not to be the case, and a torrent of media backlash ensued once that became clear.) See more details here.


citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's actually not a particularly uncommon stratagem. Trump has read the Art of War, I am sure he is familiar with these.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be honest I'm pretty sure he was always like that. Xi is pretty good at politicking and intrigue and not much else, see the fact that he turned the province he was running back when he was younger to shit.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

From my relatives who live and/or used to live in China. The ones that aren't indoctrinated by the CCP anyway. Also the Chinese grapevine, i.e. their contacts and various underground news sources. Also, history.

citrouille 1 point ago +2 / -1

FWIW I agree with you, this forum has no idea about China. The west is so hopelessly detached from China that most of their conclusions are idealistic guesswork at best. None of the prevailing theories on GAW take into account culture or who Xi is. I genuinely hope I am wrong, but do not believe so at present.

citrouille 6 points ago +6 / -0

People who don't believe in God do not realize the spiritual invitation that things like that pose to the forces of darkness. After all, they don't believe in it.

The most we can do is try to convince him otherwise and pray for him.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you're talking about the Jews I think it's fine to express your dislike of Israel / Zionism / whatever here. It's just that the site attracts different breeds of shills, one of which pushes for that stuff hard so it gets correspondingly banned.

I agree this site is like a cross between FB and plebbit but I don't think it's doomed. Boomers need a place to hang out, too (and I'm not a boomer :). Bear with your elders because you're going to become a boomer too someday and then maybe you'll understand them better. When I see stuff like that I mentally filter it out and move on, much like the porn and random tangents/___posting on imageboards. Maybe it's easier if you think about it like that.

the only difference is you can call people joggers on imageboards straight to their face and sadly you can't do that here

citrouille 12 points ago +13 / -1

To be fair, what I heard the mods mention is that stickies != confirmed info. Sometimes stuff gets stickied because they want it to be fact-checked. Sometimes someone just requested it and they're happy to oblige. Mods aren't capable of being everywhere at once, sadly, and they're probably not bots.

It would be ideal to see that noted somewhere in the sidebar just so everyone was on the same page about that, though.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm suspicious that this is related to the death of popular mangaka and father of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, Kazuki Takahashi. That may have been comms of some sort in order to trigger this. (That event was yesterday, btw)

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

FWIW sleepydude I read what you said and thought it was interesting and in fact quite plausible. So I appreciate you speaking plainly sometimes. But I absolutely agree that it generates more mental and actual engagement when you don't do so instead.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes Pepes turn into Pepegas. We must accept all our froggy friends just the way they are. Except the ones that are radioactive green of course.

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