covfefe_americano 1 point ago +1 / -0

Howard Zinn, yikes!

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were never in the dark, literally or figuratively, on COVID.

It's one thing to have the information kept from you, but these folks had all the ability to side-step fact-checkers and find the information for themselves. It was well hidden, not gone. They just... didn't look. They still don't look.

People usually ask for forgiveness without knowing what it is they are asking forgiveness for (they just want to feel better). Although I haven't read the article here, I somehow doubt that Emily really knows what she's saying, when stating things like "we need to forgive". I think Emily has the right idea, but the Branch Covidians will never back down from their tactics. And we will never forget that.

Be brave in the face of evil, my fellow Anons. Forgiveness is a powerful weapon.

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any loans forgiven become "taxable income", so do be careful.

covfefe_americano 7 points ago +7 / -0

Q1 and Q2 are also a "no" for me. Q1 is about adding more language to the equal opportunity clause in the NV constitution, including making it possible to "interpret" men as being able to participate in women's sports. They also muddle things by using the word "creed" to generally refer to religion, which I don't like.

Q2 is about constitutionally requiring minimum wage, even though the legislature already passed this same measure as law (to start in 2024). I could be wrong, but my general reaction to min wage has been a "no", anyway.

covfefe_americano 5 points ago +5 / -0

Felt the same. Did my hw for the primaries, and many strong conservative candidates got voted out. Sam Brown and Joey Gilbert were my chosen candidates for Senate and Gov, respectively.

I had written to Mark Amodei regarding True the Vote and 2020 election fraud, and from his reply I'd rather write in a candidate than ever give him my vote.

covfefe_americano 3 points ago +3 / -0

Based on a long line of violent, psychological thriller-type anime and manga that have been pumped out the past decade or so (Attack on Titan comes to mind, as does Tokyo Ghoul), I'm not at all surprised at the hype for this.

Looking for drama, comedic elements, optimism despite the bad, and strength to overcome obstacles? Full Metal Alchemist would be my recommendation.

covfefe_americano 4 points ago +4 / -0

If nothing else, getting back INTO the US right now is ridiculous. I wouldn't leave, simply because coming back requires you to jump so many hurdles.

As an aside, if something bad happens in Taiwan at the same time and those kids get stuck, do you really think Biden would do anything (helpful) to get them back? I would have zero confidence.

There are plenty of opportunities to go abroad when the world is safer and the kids are smarter and savvier.

As someone who did a lot of traveling in my early 20s, I think you're completely right to say no. They can go once they're older, with their own money.

covfefe_americano 3 points ago +4 / -1

I will remain a stubborn minorty on this issue until my last breath, but I'm not a fan of marijuana. My reasons are myriad, among them being fiercely allergic to it, but two instances stick out in my mind: 1) a very dear friend of mine who hardcore smoked pot for years due to peer pressure now believes this has permanently damaged her memory (I wouldn't doubt this. Possibly unrelated, but her speech sounds perpetually "high" now), and 2) my cousin who suffered a terrible psychotic break after intaking a huge amount of marijuana grown on his father's farm. He will never be able to live normally again.

CBD? I really think it can be healing, and is proving to have many health benefits.

The smoking stuff, though, is a public nuisance and has got to stop or be better filtered... Something. Do people really enjoy smelling like skunk?

And again, the best way for me to tell marijuana is no good (at least to me): the people who get really, well and truly angry at me for having this opinion/outlook. I understand this the least.

covfefe_americano 13 points ago +13 / -0

Very well explained, thank you for this!

For those who don't follow him on Telegram, see a recent interview on his split from the CIC:


covfefe_americano 7 points ago +7 / -0

We can replace the politicians, we can start on new monetary footing, we can go back to paper ballots and homeschooling children to know better -- but we can't make the jabbed unjabbed.

...and I don't mean literally (although, yes, that too). I mean mentally. These folks have stepped down a path toward compliance and ignorance at all levels.

Relevant anecdote: my leftie grandparents (I'm lucky enough to still have one full set, although we get along like oil and water) got all the jabs and boosters, complete with side-effects ("but it's worth it"). They wore gloves at the gas station, wiped clean their groceries before bringing them into the house -- however woke and hypnotized you can image a person being, it's them x10.

Then they got "C19" (or, more likely, the flu). It was awful, my grandpa went to the hospital for medication - probably Paxlovid, neither are doing well, the house is a mess, etc.

But taking vitamins? Ivermectin? HCQ? Quack nonsense. Even at their lowest, health-wise, vitamins and IVM are no-no's. In their opinion, ivy league universities don't support that, so it can't be good science. The CDC now has it on their webpage, but still: NO WAY. What they and many fail to realize, is that the universities know as much as their funding allows them to know. That's it -- that's the magic.

And now that they've gotten over their flu (but still aren't 100%), they act like it's all a nothing-burger. They can do anything now! The world is their oyster! I just... I don't even know anymore.😅

They can't un-learn their brainwashing, for whatever reason. I believe the "jab" is simply their way to show the world they "did what's right". Nothing more, nothing less. A badge of honor, worth everything to some and nothing to those who matter.

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

My brother and I are both on here, early 30s. We do exist, I swear! 🤣

Happy birthday, Fren. May God grant you many years!

covfefe_americano 7 points ago +7 / -0

Gwyneth Paltrow

covfefe_americano 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have never seen such a force to be reckoned with as with TDS. Normally thoughtful, smart individuals go absolutely crazy in the blink of an eye. I do not get it.

I imagine the cognitive dissonance like building a muscle that hitherto was never used. The pain they must be going through.... I do not envy them.

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

She won on religious grounds, but it doesn't say exactly how (I skimmed the article, so I might've missed it). I wish they'd provide this info...

by gamepwn
covfefe_americano 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot of MGTOW bros here, I think, which is unfortunate.

I liked her points, and thought she was brave to say them at rabid and super-libtard Berkeley.

covfefe_americano 1 point ago +1 / -0

I use a Note 8 (4G) through Verizon and it still works great. Different towers, so who knows...

Regardless, I would never go 5G -- too many health risks and the towers are only in select cities, as far as I know. I suppose it could also just be a tech issue within the phone itself, but I've read a few articles now that make me suspicious of 5G in general.

covfefe_americano 6 points ago +6 / -0

You and your posts have been on my mind.

I hope we continue to see you here, but I understand also that our world is greatly changing. I think it is a good idea, to have the awareness you speak of, and I am grateful for your posts. I wonder... although not an Anon as such, have you watched any videos by Probably Alexandra (Odysee, I believe)?

Well, anyway. What matters, ultimately, is not the physical but the spiritual. There is peace in that, I truly believe it.

You are in my prayers. Lord, have mercy.

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