dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

That kind of stuff should come from the states - via income tax, sales tax, tourism - whatever. Some states, like Texas and Florida, get by without income tax because of large populations, tourism, and business/industry. California could do that too, but it would have to stop nearly every idiotic program they have first.

The Feds should get by on tariffs. They would have to eliminate like 90% of their people as well, stop funding everyone and everything except the people they should be funding, and stop being the world's police and arms dealer.

dec3169 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn't do the math, but I do know some states have personal property tax on vehicles - yearly. Then, assuming it is a gas car, you have a ton of gas taxes until you stop driving or sell the car. Some states' gas taxes are way high. Then you have sales taxes on everything you buy for the car, from the fluids to the tires to any required service. If they bought a used car I think it could happen if they kept the car long enough. If you count the registration and inspections as taxes they will push it higher as well.

Honestly I'd like to treat the uninsured motorist insurance and the other crap they mandate as taxes as well.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe they are expecting thousands of bicycles, so they brought in bike racks. Kek

dec3169 7 points ago +7 / -0

This also can affect the ATF crap. Maybe that is why the bump stock ruling came out early. Chevron will affect all of the govt agencies that like to make their own rules and tell us they are laws.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cooled his heart though - room temperature.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't that giving him a LOT of credit that he may not deserve? A whole lot of people that came before him did the heavy lifting. Isn't the statistic something like 4 of the last 10 governors went to prison? I'm sure Pritzker will end up there eventually though.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look up the 16th Amendment. Amendments (ratified) are part of the Constitution.


dec3169 4 points ago +4 / -0

The 16th amendment would have to be repealed by a Convention of the States or 2/3 of both houses of CONgress. So no - a regular law couldn't change it.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

States can do a Constitutional Convention with two thirds of the states ratifying it, or CONgress can do amendments - but they still need 2/3 of both houses of CONgress to vote for it. We couldn't get those numbers to vote for a post office to be named after Trump.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're paying 50% income tax you either need a better accountant or you need to get out of NY/NJ/CA/IL. I think the highest Federal rate is 34% unless Biden had it changed.

Now - if you live in CA and can make a living winning Lotto jackpots you won't pay CA taxes on that so you would be at 34%. Let that sink in - CA doesn't tax lottery jackpots. Makes me wonder if that is because they cheat on that.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Sergeant-at-Arms can only arrest a Cabinet member on House Grounds (including in the chamber(s).

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

He could've just stayed in the cockpit (hehe no pun intended) with the pilot. It was a guy.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

No they weren't. He lied on a government form. Perjury - period. It isn't a gun law, it is a perjury law for that charge. It would be the same if he lied on any other government form, like his tax forms he doesn't file.

dec3169 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good catch!

By the way - if you rotate that Q drop 90 degrees it kind of looks like a bird or an animal. More like a bird thanks to the Q forming a beak. I'm sure it means nothing, but who knows anymore?

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am actually in the process of going hard-wired at home. I just got a package about an hour ago with a bunch of cables I needed, and a patch panel for the attic.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah - if you fly on American they tell you to use your wifi to connect to their movies, tv, and sometimes music for free onboard.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Google. People have seen their location info even when they had location, wifi, and BT turned off.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't see your reply when I sent mine.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can do that with a screwdriver as well...

If you are that worried about it, either get a laptop with the wifi hardware switch, or take it out and use a USB wifi.

dec3169 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is very recent, and it sucks. The last time I got a clearance was in 2013 when I was an NRC Cyber Inspector. That was when I got the "Q" clearance (after getting the TS and having it moved to the "Q" via reciprocity).

I had zero issues. In fact when they asked me if I ever did drugs I told them about trying weed in Amsterdam. The investigator was shocked and I asked her why. She said nobody ever tells the truth because they think they will be denied - and laughed. You only got denied if you lied about it and they found out from one of your people that was also interviewed. I had the Q all the way through 2018 when it expired and I went to another job.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. I tried using that in the early-mid 90's but stayed with Linux. I stopped playing with all 3 of the BSDs at the time - probably due to the whole Theo De Raadt spat. I still give props for OpenSSH though.

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