emcofan31 3 points ago +3 / -0

See, safe and effective is relative. Compared to knowing the Clintons, getting jabbed is pretty safe.

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

How ya doin.America? Sleeping better? Feeling Better? I knew ya would!

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

I refuse to believe the founders would have such poor frigger discipline! Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

In all seriousness though, I think the government we have is far more evil than the government the founders wrote the second amendment to.protect against.

emcofan31 13 points ago +13 / -0

I agree with OP. One thing that ocurred to me today, is that by the Dems going so far left so quickly, their party has started to splinter. When they were moving left more slowly (think Bill Clinton) their coalition had time to reflect, adjust and re-form.

One facet of the genius of the Trump effect is that their hatred of him drives them madly in the other direction of what Trump says he wants. I think the WHs who planned this operation could see that doing this over and over (game theory? that bit of the Q drops has always fascinated me) would push the left to move ever more recklessly in the other direction. Like anything done quickly and without sufficient planning and forethought, it has caused their movement to begin to self destruct. For example:

Inner City Steet culture (think tough young guys and loud music) often resents LGBTBBQ because of what it does to masculinity

Palestine vs Israel

American Citizens in low/semi skilled jobs are at odds with Illegals fir the same jobs.

Trump is literally making the left eat itself. Queers for Palestine? They are literally embracing their own destruction. All it took was a the right nudge.

emcofan31 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump autographed copies.of this issue will be collectibles in the future, much like the "Madame President" issue.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anyone else chuckle at the fact that last name of a KKK grand wizard is "Black" ? LOL!

emcofan31 5 points ago +5 / -0

A fellow pede on here referred me to Badlands "Breaking History" series recently and while I dont agree with all of what they claim, they do make a fairly decent case that British Intelligence has been very disruptive force in the world for the last 100 or more years.

I don't think Hitler was controlled by any single party 1931-1945(and beyond?). I could make a compelling case for the British, the Russians, Americans and Jewish Zionists.

I think it is likely (and fairly well documented) that pre-Poland Invasion Hitler was trying to ally with Britain (King Edward, Rudolph Hess, all that). Then at some point around the Baytle of Britain that effort is stopped, and Barbarossa(Invasion of Russia) is kicked off. 1941-1942are decent, '43 starts to look bleak especially after Kursk.

Sometime mid '43 or up to the Stauffenburg bomb plot, I think Hitler is fairly effectively neutralized as an individual force, and largely coerced by Himmler, Bormann, Kammler and Goering (who's influence fades). Himmler was trying to surrender to the US through Allen Dulles. I suspect he may have even had an American guarantee of safety- which in my mind is whyy the Brits killed him. Even though technically allies, the US and British intel services were often at odds (especially with Allen Dulles). Some believe the Brits helpes Bormann escape Berlin as well (See OP JB by Christopher Creighton). Kammler likely surrendered to the US, and Goering drew the short straw at Nuremberg.

I think Hitler rebelled against his pre-war British handlers (who created both Wahabist Saudi Arabia AND Israel) at some point in 1939-1940. I think it is likely he ran his own show from then until Sometime in 1943-1944 when intriguers in his circle were able to compromise him with a mixture of drugs (administered by his doctor) and isolation (only a few sources of information). This combined with his failing health (his stress level must have been similar to Abe Lincoln's during the civil war) resulted in increasing bouts of mania and health related downtime. Then the agents in his orbit issued orders in his stead.

Do I think Hitler was a wonderful man? No. Do i think he is the soul-less monster as he has been portrayed? No, I dont think that either. I think he started out compromised, broke free, and then was compromised again.

Considering the state of the other world leaders at the time- Churchill who commited art fraud, took bribes, and cared little about the lives of his soldiers, FDR who may have been a Commie agent himself he had so many Reds around him, etc. I dont think he was any worse than them .

The victors write history. And in this particular case, re-write history 20-30 years after the fact.

emcofan31 4 points ago +4 / -0

So now it is our job to make sure the toasters are plugged in!

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe MK Ultra (or programs like it) are older than many believe... One of the Mk- Ultra doctors was present at the Nuremburg trials. Rudolf Hess started to talk about it (August 30, 1946) and was cut off by the prosecutor:


It wouldnt be a stretch to assume that precursor programs were used on Nuremburg prisoners. Much of what I have read about Nuremburg suggests it was about as objective as the Jan 6th commitee.

emcofan31 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just like picking up a piglet!

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember- the first concentration camp was British. It held Boer families in the Boer war in South Africa.

There was also a strange British connection to Germany (Rudolph Hess, King Edward).

Could the camps have been a creation agreed upon by the big three (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin-ALL of whom were pieces of shit, and Churchill having been in South Africa during the Boer war) to end German agression more thoroughly than the Morganthou plan ever could?

Versailles proved a Germany with a boot on its neck was still (very) dangerous. But a Germany with a stain on its' conscience? Germans are mostly upright, rule following people, and believing your people perpetrated that kind of thing would (and has!) affect the psych of ten generations- AND allow the state to instantly crush any politician who talks about militarization or national sovereignty.

emcofan31 7 points ago +7 / -0

Americas Voice News mentioned that before the walkout music (God Bless the USA) they were playing Metallica- Enter Sandman. The hosts mentioned this was the first time they heard it af a rally. Given the lyrics, I find this VERY interesting :

Say your prayers, little one Don't forget, my son To include everyone I tuck you in, warm within Keep you free from sin 'Til the Sandman, he comes Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light, what is it? (Enter night) Take my hand We're off to never-never land Yeah, yeah Something's wrong, shut the light Heavy thoughts tonight And they aren't of Snow White Dreams of war, dreams of liars Dreams of dragon's fire And of things that will bite, yeah Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light, come on (Enter night) Take my hand We're off to never-never land Oh yeah Put your hands together Now I lay me down to sleep (now I lay me down to sleep) Pray the Lord my soul to keep (pray the Lord my soul to keep) If I die before I wake (if I die before I wake) Pray the Lord my soul to take Hush little baby, don't say a word And never mind that noise you heard It's just the beasts under your bed In your closet, in your head Exit light, come on (Enter night) Grain of sand Exit light Enter night Take my hand Off to never-never land Yeah, yeah, yeah We're off to never-never land Take my hand We're off to never-never land Take my hand We're off to never-never land

So many Q refernences....I see this as comms, I like to think of it as a warning to the DS "sleep with one eye open,griping your pillow tight".

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Curious regarding your sources of this info. Not arguing or denying, would like to read it myself.

I think Stalin was a self-interested thug. Whatever it took to keep himself in power, and grow the country he ruled, thus increasing his power.

I would be very interested to understand everything MI-6 has been involved in over the years- that is a very shady and nefarious group of characters.

The Soviets had a very good intel network in the west (and likely still do) in the '30s, '40s and '50s. Think Kim Philby. One would think they would find any deep cover agents in their own government because of this.

The US integrated Reinhard Gehlen's (Originally Nazi) intel org into the CIA after WW2 because fhey didnt have any assets in Russia. Interesting that MI-6 could, with vastly fewer resources (albeit more experience).

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Germany had been providing machinery and military know how to the Russians secretly through the previous few years (late 1930s) in exchange for space to train their Army and Luftwaffe away from the western powers as well as oil from.

The Pact codified the cooperation and targeted Poland to carve up. After the Polish campaign, Stalin kept pressuring Germany for.more and more territory. Hitler (likely rightly) believed that Stalin was gearing up for war in the next few years. He knew he had no chance against a fully prepared and supplied Soviet Army- so he decided to strike with all possible haste when Germany appeared to have the upper hand.

While Germany was preparing to launch Operation Barbarossa (invasion of Russia), Soviet agents in the Roosevelt government (Harry Dexter White and Harry Hopkins among others) were working to goad Japan unto attacking the USA, eliminating the need for the many Far East divisions in USSR securing Siberian border againat Japanese invasion. These divisions were needed sice Japan embarassed the Russians in the Russo-Japaneae war in 1904-1905. They succeeded in doing this, and theae Siberian and f Far East divisions ended up arriving just in time to defend Moscow from the Germans.

The name "Molotov Cocktail" actually originates from the Spanish Civil war-a very misunderstood and interesting conflict in its own rigbt.

I can understand arguments regarding factional stryfe in the 3rd Reich. I think there were some very nasty actors in that regime, but also se honorable military men.

It would take a hell of a lot though, to convince me that ANY portion of the Soviet hierarchy under Stalin were white hats. That was a genocidal, murderous regime of thugs.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

"It all began with a book ban".

These are childishly uninformed mental midgets who have no business teaching children anything.

It began with Versailles. I am no Nazi sympathizer. I think the way the treated Russian prisoners of war, the mentally ill, gypsies jews etc was pretty nasty. However, Germany had a legitimate reason to be angry at and want revenge on the Western powers who off food and milk to the point that children starved (in the early 20s). And Occupied the Ruhr valley with colonial troops that wantonly raped and pillaged, etc, etc, etc.

As far as this school district goes, these people need to go. Parents need to take over the school board and fire every one of these useless political operators.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Stalin's Secret Agents" by M. Stanton Evans. All avout the communist spies in the Roosevelt administration. Really helped me understand how we got to where we are.

emcofan31 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe fusion may have actually been created ( or re-created after being originally discovered in an underground bunker complex in Jonaastal) by Dr Hans Richter on Huemal Island in Argentina in the 1950s. some very fishy circumstances around the "discrediting" of his work, and the US Govt seemed very interested despite his being a "charlatan".

emcofan31 15 points ago +15 / -0

Just sayin...

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward." Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh oh...was that made in a Jeb! Guaca bowl?

by G-Anon
emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love the idea! A projector may be easier to armor and more secure.

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Carter Hydrick in "Critical Mass" talks about the U boat that surrendered to the allies off Massachusets, with a cargo of Infra red triggers (for nuclear weapons), enriched uranium and other gadgets, along with Hans Schlicke, the inventor of said IR triggers.

Then there is the curious case of Dr. Kammler, likely the most important man in Germany in late '44-45- who managed all of the rocket and secret weapons projects and disappeared after the war...although records of a US interrogation in '46 appear to exist.

Most interesting to me- when declassifying JFK assination records, the Trump admin also released CIA reports about Hitler surviving the war...Comms?

All this is to say- Nazis definately played a large role post WW2. The question is WHAT role, and why.

My latest research pathway has been looking into Francois Genoud- a shady swiss banker who bankrolled the defense of various Nazis after the war, and held rights to all of Hitler Bormann and Goebbels writings. It appears that Naziism merged with extreme left nationalism and Islamisist fundamentalism in the 50s and 60s. I think Naziism may be the root of the movements (BLM, Antifa, etc) we are fighting now.

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