In the south of Chile there is a ethnic group called: MAPUCHE. They are Chilean, but a very small minority of the mapuche claims to be the owners of pretty much a huge chuck of the south. One administration after the other does not want to deal with terror attacks by these very small minority.
Btw that group of terrorist (which I really doubt are all mapuche), are very well funded by NGO's, so much that they pretty much have guns that not even the police could get his hands on.
There fires would not surprise me if it is started by this organization
I do not feel sorry for anyone unless they admit they acted with malice. No to harass or try to insult them at any chance, it is just that I do not feel a single shred of emotion nor time to someone I know was coercing and deceiving people despite been presented with conflicting evidence.
And there are people among my family who are like that. Not one single tear unless there is a kind of apology. That is just my take
I try as hard as I can to not hate anyone who was vaxxed, and to show mercy to those injured. (among my family pretty much everyone is vaxxed with the exception of one of my sister)
But until there is no mass acknowledgement that the jab was poison, there is nothing that will wake the vaxxed up.
Patience is all that there is left, but the wait will kill millions unnecessarily
there is a mixture of things that I see in Zurich. Some people are still using the mask in public places. Friends of mine are now getting covid again, while I haven't got it once despite been in contact with several people who had it.
While working in the civil service (I am doing it till September), when the topic comes along no one wants says or is admitting been in favor of the measures (I am the only one unjabbed), it is rather like "this is over". And some of my friends who were VERY in favor of all the measures now kind of say it was done as the only alternative whit the knowledge we had (which I point is BS).
But many say they won't take the third... so I guess they are nervous.
Paycheck... they only care for that. I am so angry at them, at the doctors, politicians and government workers.
My parents were coerced to take a fourth dose of poison!!! they promised me they won't do it, and then, just like a slap on my face, they go and take another dose.
I really hope this whole shit crushes down beyond doubt. Once that happens, I will only have nasty words to any person who allowed this travesty.
I just want to see my parents one last time, hopefully nothing happens to them.
I live there. They are just covering up the bs they did, We have constant protests and they ignore them all (small and large). They are really hoping that people are going to forget the coercion into taking the vax if they lift the mandates, bc once the info is out... duuuuude, I know many people here that will be in shock.
Just one? You think that could possibly satify him?