I'm going to expand on this :
The covid thing was supposed to happen in 2017\18 under Hilary. The patent for the covid vax goes back to 2005. Hilary wins, covid happens in 2017 and we would STILL be under lockdown procedures. They were never planning to release the 'vaccine' any time soon.
Years of lockdowns and closed down personal and small businesses would directly result in mass populations relying on government for survival - hello socialism into communism. The government payouts ( CERB in Canada ) was the initial run for universal income ( communism ).
Who was Trump before the got into politics? He knew everyone of these cocksuckers; knew how they played, knew what they were into. I full believe Trump was approached by the white hats eons ago to get the plan in place.
Trump knew their plans and he knew about the 16 year plan to destroy America. Trump talked about Ivermectin and HCQ long before the vaxxes got released. Trump knew that forcing the vax release would make the DS fast track their plans - Operation Warp Speed. We are still in OWS.
Funny if you go back before the vax was released, everyone and their dog said they wouldn't take a "Trump vaccine ". Hilary, Biden, Harris, Romney.,etc they ALL said it. Soon as Biden wins, all of a sudden the vax is good and everyone needs to take it or no one is safe.
They never planned to stop the lockdowns and they never planned to release the vax until we had been beaten down and defeated from the lockdowns. People would be so desperate to get some type of a life back that people would be lining up to take the shots.
Well... according to RRN, Hilary, Obama, Podesta and a few others were all hung a couple of years ago at Gitmo and Trump wasn't only there, but he's the one who pushed the button on the floor release.
Sorry... I just don't buy that at all. 100% fan fiction and wishful projection. The old saying " If it sounds too good to be true, it is" comes into play big time with RRN.
RRN is satire; says so right in the "about us" link.
New Brunswick resident here. It's pretty much right down the middle here.
If you think Trump getting elected again is only going to help the USA..I don't really know what to say. Trust me, we want Trump to win as much as you do.
You're probably 100% correct. Been thinking the same thing for quite a while
How the hell could you be a super hero if you're a fucking amputee? This is getting so stupid; it's like they are, on purpose, trying to bankrupt themselves.
I wish it was this pleasant and simple.
However, the fact is, is that the illegal border crossers are men aged 18-50 ; no women and no children. We know the UN is supporting them with phones and money on reloadable credit cards.
There is really only one reason this is being allowed to happen, when the button is pressed and these soldiers are called to action, only then will the normies wake up. They have been targeted for systematic execution ; the war on whites / Christians. Wouldn't be the first time the Muslims attempted it - what do you think the crusades were really about? Eliminate whites and you eliminate conservatism and traditionalism. Remove those two things ; communism is just a walk down the street.
maybe they should stop talking about him, then. Seems like that's all they ever do.
No. The air pressure on Venus is 900 times that on earth. No species could survive there. Venus was never like earth and there's no structures there made by someone.
I don't know what you think you saw, but zero human invention could make it half way to Venus' surface without being flattened by the air pressure. Yes, the Russians did send many probes to Venus ; none made it past 1000 ft once they crested the atmosphere.
Think about make up stuff though from the pre CGI days.
give them the list ( with a brief description ) of the 42 clandestine programs the CIA has admitted to conducting on American citizens.
Too bad, the properties won't last 2 months.
" Many of us are doing everything we can to make it so Trump can not be President again"
Why people think this type of thing isn't believable or possible is beyond me. We've all been to the movies.
And yet, somehow, they flew 12 guys to the Moon, landed on it, and flew them back without any real incidents... how long ago?
sure thing
I do know that if some kind of criminal altercation happens, here in Canada and you have it on your phone or CCTV and you go online with it before the outcome of the trial, you pretty much lose all credibility in court ; this from a life long friend who is also a cop.
However, there is no problem if gas stations / stores post videos of thieves on their socials so...
On the flip side, by going public, if they retaliate against him, they'd be confirming his entire story. It's easier to discredit him if they leave him alone.
You are quite correct on this. That actually makes me think "why did I not think of that'? lol Thank you, friend.
Pretty sad that most of these deranged fucks are white
Just throwing this out there :
If Bob Lazar WAS telling the truth, do you really think he'd still be alive telling his story? Hillary and Co have smoked people for less.
Pretty simple really. Any celebrity or politician downplaying the list or saying it's more conspiracy bullshit - it's called mirrored projection; a form of gas lighting. It's a huge, huge thing that narcissists and other toxic people do to draw the crosshair away from them.
Anyone who does this is on the list, guaranteed.
I can't wait until the world realizes Hitler wasn't the bad guy.
I've always asked the question : Why did the Nazi's specifically target the Jews? I had long, long suspected it was something to do with children.
Everyone will admit the world is run by the elite group of pedophiles. Yet... everyone conveniently forgets who owns everything. Who owns all the banks, the media, and all the big businesses? Soooo..... who are the elite pedos that are running the show then, right?
Why no one has really wanted to put two and two together is beyond me. It's been obvious for a very, very long time who the real bad guys are.
Here's a hint that I ask people a lot : Have you ever seen the higher ups go after anyone as adamantly as they have when it comes to Trump? Yep. One other time : Hitler. Think about it.
Tunnels are for hiding or smuggling something, pretty simple. Guess what I'm putting my money on what they are doing with those tunnels
This will happen.
I play a local radio station in the morning as I'm getting ready for work \ feed the pups, etc. When you first open the site, there's an ad that plays. The morning after we buried my father, I fired up the site, the ad ended and , no shit, the song that started was my dad's top favourite song " Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles. It was a moment that I'm not sure I can even put into words.
Boobery, he will absolutely let you know he is ok. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences.
The Shining isn't a Stanley Kubrick creation. King wrote the book in the late 70s