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Obama, clinton and bush were all in on it……treason
A liberal criminal she needs to be arrested
Support the truckers around the world…….the people are making a stand
It is also about selling the seat….who will give them the most return on their investment, not who is most qualified and who will uphold the constitution
Government is out of control (all gov’t) and if we don’t stand up and stop them. They will dictate and we will be their puppets
Another liberal lier
Power and control is what it is about
This should scare the living shit out of everyone……if it happens in Washington, your state will be next….hitlers plan is taking place in washington
If law enforcement doesn’t stand up and say NO, Washington residents will be living in nazi washington…….
The un vaxed should jail the president…….the people are in charge……the president works for the people
These justices are willing to force a vax and kill americans
Satans church is turning away the pure bloods
A ray of hope, keep the faith, he will be back
They all failed because basic science is what works, heard immunity
Nazi Germany is BACK…….that should scare everyone
Way to go Kyle, break the bank, take all they have
Yes please, this guy is an traitor and has sold out america to the highest bidder
Pure blood
Can you say rigged,
Variants my ass, this whole thing is meant to create fear and cover up those vaccinated who are dying
Variants are only meant to cover up that the vaccine is killing those who took it
Again the communist left dictates what happens. When are we (the people) going to stand up ans say NO MORE
Didn’t FG just get hospitalized with myocarditis……..slide 16
Sue her for every penny she has
Obama, clinton and bush were all in on it……treason