giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

The disappearance of “developing news” is part of what made me see that our MSM is fake. It used to be that when stories broke there was a time of confusion where you’d get different and conflicting versions of events as each INDEPENDENT news org tried to figure out what was going on.

At some point they started getting their 4 am talking points and the concept of developing news disappeared almost over night.

If anything you might be able to view this contradiction positively, except it’s curious they both came out on the same day. Optimistically I’ll guess the are both reacting to the same scientific paper but they were left to interpret it themselves, and one of them fucked it up.

I’ll take it as a win, but we won’t really know for sure until we see true diversity of opinion in our news orgs. I’ll never trust them again regardless. I think it’s interesting to understand as it impacts the national discussion, so to speak.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

They may very well be right. If Trump has no immunity then neither does Obama, Biden, Bush, Clinton etc.

I suspect Trump is trying to establish precedent. Who knows, maybe he’s trying to set precedent for stuff happening in Gitmo.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aren’t those the records that allegedly prove a bunch of illegal stuff done by the deep state?

So that means the jury will have to review those documents


What happens once those records are entered in the record as evidence?

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read a hypothesis on here that the documents are currently “in transit”. Apparently there is some law that prevents documents from changing their classification level while they are “in transit”.

So the hypothesis is that they were declassified and transported to who knows where. But they haven’t arrived yet. So they cannot be reclassified without breaking the law until they arrive at their destination.

It’s kind of a trap set by Trump: if they accuse him of holding classified documents, the question is which documents and when were they classified?

If they answer the documents that are in transit then they have broken the law, not Trump.

They had tied in Air Force one too I believe, along with the strangeness that surrounds Biden and his travel arrangements / security / etc. I think they were speculating the documents were in the real AF1.

Where were they in transit to? Who knows? Maybe to the Continuity of Government bureaucracy? Maybe to the White House in 2025? Maybe to a special lawyer with security clearance that would give Trump privileged attorney client communications? Maybe the documents are on the desk of his lawyer and they aren’t at their new destination until that lawyer opens them? Maybe to a Military lawyer? I don’t know, I’m just guessing.

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

In completely unrelated news, there has been an epidemic of testicular torsion injuries in women’s sports lately. I wonder if any of our good doctors could identify the cause?

giantHoser 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pure speculation with zero evidence to back it up:

This is retaliation for NordStream

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’re not farm animals. They’re pets.

They may look like chickens, but they identify as dogs 😂

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

She’s not a farm animal. She’s a pet.

Yeah, she looks like a cow but she identifies as a dog.

Now get the fuck outta here.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pure speculation / bullshit:

DWAC / TMTG merger was delayed intentionally for Trump lawsuit fines to be issued so that Trump could get a couple billion dollars after the courts decided he owed $500M.

The whole thing is a giant fuck you to the machine trying to take him down 😂😂😂

If Trump got $3B before the verdict, Judge fuckhead would have set the fine at $3B instead of $500M.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess that means prices are headed up…

The corrupt always use our tax dollars to sell low to their friends and buy high from their friends.

Trump on the other hand managed our oil reserves brilliantly.

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

I doubt this will pass.

But if it does… doesn’t the left say that there are unlimited genders and sexual orientations that you can define yourself?

Well, I identify as a naturasexual whose sexuality includes remaining unvaccinated and only being interested in mating with others that are unvaccinated due to the link between vaccination, ED, and infertility. Respect my sexual orientation you bigot! I don’t care what the WHO treaty says bigot!

And my gender identity is super-male, which means my gender identity requires that I either open or concealed carrying everywhere I go. Respect my gender identity you bigot! You can’t keep me out of your establishment bigot!

Edit: my gender identity prevents me from paying income tax too 😂

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

You’re. Full of shit. We have’t declared war with Russia. The Biden regime can try to go after Tucker, but they will lose because we’re not at war and Tucker has constitutionally protected freedom of the press.

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

He needs to demand a jury trial. “As a member of the jury, I do not see sufficient evidence to conclude he committed a crime”

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bro you and her can get tested for spike protein in your blood. If y’all have it then you can go through protocols to remove it and test again.

I don’t know what to tell you about the trust issue. You’re gonna have to figure that out on your own.

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

If we give home that money he’s just gonna use it to let illegals in faster

giantHoser 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have your kids reach out to Dr Robin Rose at Terrain Health in Connecticut. She can treat patients via zoom, and she’ll do a free zoom consultation.

She will run a shitload of blood work, and they will measure spike protein in her blood, and a lot of other stuff.

She treats long covid and post vaccine long haul (long covid symptoms caused by the vaccine, essentially a vaccine injury).

She collaborates with Drs all around the world on treating vaccine injuries. Whenever you see new treatments discovered they were probably developed by her or the other doctors she’s collaborating with.

giantHoser 6 points ago +6 / -0

Then Biden gets removed from Ohio, Florida, etc for taking money from China or for not protecting our border or whatever. Governors are important.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do we get Steve Kiersch’s record level data from new zeland entered into congressional record so that Fauci can’t ignore it and we can force CDC, WHO etc to know it exists?

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