I heard about a pharmacist recently complaining about how he had to study chemistry much more in school than doctors do and therefore he knows a lot more about medicine and drug interactions then the people prescribing this stuff. Doctors are stupid when it comes to medicine sometimes. He also won’t touch the clot shot.
Her car crashed into the 13th pillar in the tunnel. I never put that together. They do like their symbolism.
This tweet isn't special, and some replies do a good job of explaining why:
I did contact the sheriff and they didn’t seem concerned because they said if someone tried to send the application in, it would be thrown out since they cross reference all the info. He did acknowledge they likely get away with this in larger counties but since ours is so small, that type of info gets checked more thoroughly. I like the idea of going to Ken Paxton though, thank you. I’ll definitely get in touch tomorrow.
Oh that’s a great idea, thanks!
I called the sheriffs office, who else should I reach out to? Just calling the sheriff didn’t seem like enough but I wasn’t sure where to go next.
I called the sheriffs office and reported it.
I'm reading the google reviews now for the St. Stanislas Church, I'm speechless.
I am so grateful for this thread, I had not heard of Loose Change or Rebekah Roth. I’m checking all of this out!
Dave played that video on the X22 report from yesterday (8/7). Was it originally played at a rally over the weekend?
MUSE has been calling out the deep state for a while now as well.
I’ve started seeing a naturopath in central Texas and it’s been going very well. On my first visit, I brought up my thyroid disease and concerns about gut health. I mentioned that I didn’t get the jab so my problems aren’t caused by that and she said “oh thank God, that thing is awful for you.” I knew I could keep working with her after that. I’m so happy for you that you found someone too. I’ve always been a little bit of a hippie and unplugging from the system and seeing a doctor that is helping me with nutrition and encouraging me to workout versus pushing pills has been so refreshing.
Phil’s a joke. He just shares other people’s work and spends most of his time hyping stuff up. I waited around for a fb live that he had been hyping all day, not gonna lie, I was curious. Once he finally came on, he babbled for about twenty minutes and then played the “Monopoly” documentary that had already been out for weeks (and wasn’t his own work). I called him on it on fb and telegram and he blocked me like a little child. I’ve yet to see him produce anything original that actually has substance. I hope no one here wastes their time on him.
Someone posted on here last week about an ad for crisis actors in Round Rock last weekend. It doesn't take long to drive up I-35 from RR to Dallas....
I guess my parents were “old school” cause I’m 35 and this sounds a lot like my childhood.
Aw, my county is in the news...
Agreed, I’m in the hill country sitting on my porch right now and the trees are moving like crazy right now. We’ve lacked rain so far this year but definitely not wind.
As a Texan, this excites me greatly.
A cartel controlled town for sure. Uvalde is very close to the border and is a common drop spot for illegals. It’s the first “major” town in on hwy 90 which heads directly to Del Rio and the border.
Not interested in supporting that Scientologist psycho.
You’ve worked murder scenes before and talk as if you’re an expert? Anyone could come on here and say that. You could be making all of that up and be completely full of it. Why should you be trusted with sensitive information? I’m supposed to just believe you?
Frustrating being on the other side of it.
We’re complete strangers on the internet, there’s no trust here, just some things we agree on and some we disagree on. You can choose to consider what I’m saying, ignore it, or be a troll. You’ve clearly chosen the third.
Wow, his cover story is awful. And the third time he’s shown up on a talk show with a black eye?! Yeah, I’ve got questions.
I live in this area, the demographics are mostly Hispanic and for some reason, that culture loves the whole angel and wing imagery when someone dies. I see it all the time on decals people’s trucks or tee shirts. It’s not surprising that it’s being overused right now.
This is a great post and I love garlic. This morning, my two year old woke up crying because his ear hurt. It was red and he had a low fever so possibly an ear infection. He’s been pretty stuffy lately because of allergies so it fits. Anyway, I put a clove of garlic in his ear and held it there with some tape within just a few hours, he was good. I took it out and poked around on his ear and kept asking him if it hurt and he said no every time. I would have easily spent $75 on a copay at the doctor and whatever they prescribed him and he would feel better in a couple days with a weakened immune system from antibiotics. I’m so happy I’m learning more things like this not just for me but for my kids.