hundro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I apologize. I just reread my comment and realized how ambiguous my message was. I was meaning to suggest that the recent narrative of cannibalism and chaos in Haiti may be a contrived preamble for the greedy people to step in and take control in order to get the lion's share of the resources, leaving a few crumbs for the Haitians.

hundro 1 point ago +1 / -0

"And they are totally without morals, or a sense of lawfulness needed to support a society. They have decended into barbarism."

That's certainly the message MSM is bombarding us with, but maybe it's false. Wouldn't it make sense to tell the world that these poor people have lost their way, then propose that the good-hearted mining company extract wealth from beneath their feet and give them a small portion of it? Maybe build a school or an orphanage?

hundro 17 points ago +17 / -0

10 years ago, I found out that my Dad had had a heartattack and was in bad shape. I lived 7 hours away and started driving at 7pm. When I got to the hospital I was told that they flew him to a larger hospital 3 hours further away. After 2 more hours of driving, I started hallucinating and could not keep myself awake, so I pulled off the road for a power nap. It only took me a few minutes to recharge and get back driving. When I finally got to the hospital, I was informed that he had died during the few minutes that I had stopped to rest. In my mind, my Dad realized I was endangering myself and convinced me to pull over.

hundro 3 points ago +3 / -0

When my son was very young, my nephew pointed out that his shoes were on the wrong feet. My son looked down, then said "No, these are my feet.".

hundro 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Macron said France would never initiate an offensive against Russia, and that Paris was not at war with Moscow,"


"There is not a risk of war', there is war."

Weasel words from a weasel.

hundro 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think that's considered wobbling. Not a problem though, if you're a Weeble.

hundro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I never really thought about the phrase "doing your own research" before, but now I see what they mean. They are not saying research is a bad thing, they are specifically targeting "your" research. It's fine to do paid research or research assigned by a teacher, but any personal curiosity is forbidden. This essentially means that only state-sanctioned research is going to be tolerated.

hundro 3 points ago +3 / -0

A quick skim of the video convinced me to download it to watch with my wife. I love this kind of stuff. Thanks for posting it.

hundro 11 points ago +11 / -0

He was relevant in the world he's desperately trying to preserve. We're making a much better world, and it won't revolve around people like him.

hundro 3 points ago +3 / -0

He spent 4 harrowing years in prison during Trump's first term and is terrified of being reincarcerated.

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