into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

What are water spirits?

/u/ThinQ here is some research I've done on waterspirits:

  • must-read articles on the mound-builders belief in waterspirits and wakanda:



  • a summary of some of the research I did on waterspirits and wakanda:


  • here is an excellent video on the secrets of water memory:


WotW? Devil's Lake?

"... The lake, which was once connected to the Wisconsin River, is referred to as the ‘Sacred Lake’ or ‘Spirit Lake’ by the Ho-Chunk people who first occupied the land between 12,000 to 16,000 years ago. The Ho-Chunk tribe believes that the lake communicates with them during celebrations. ..."

Start reading through this guys site, ThinQ


deleted 3 points ago +3 / -0
into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

This sculpture immediately brings to mind your past comments about trees in Kabbalah. The sculptor, James Muir, appears to have been born in a Great Lakes state (Indiana).

The model for this sculpture who posed as Jesus Christ was Thomas McPherson who is connected to the Rotary Club of Sedona (the founder of Rotary Club is from Racine). McPherson founded Fenix Private Capital Group which appears to invest in "sustainable" real estate in Arizona.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross was inspired and commissioned by local rancher and sculptor Marguerite Brunswig Staude, who had been inspired in 1932 by the newly constructed Empire State Building to build such a church. After a [failed] attempt to do so in Budapest, Hungary – with the help of Lloyd Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright... she decided to build the church in her native region.

The chapel's design is by architect August K. Strotz, and the project architect was Richard Hein,[3] both of the Anshen & Allen firm.

Anshen and Allen was... ranked eighth for sustainable practices

In 2009 the firm was identified as specializing in sustainable designs for the healthcare and academic markets.

It appears that there has been a connection between this Chapel and the "Sustainability" movement from the time it was constructed in the 50's continuing to today.

Finally, there may be a familial connection between Racine and the chapels construction supervisor, but I can't confirm this..

The construction supervisor [of the Chapel of the Holy Cross] was Fred Coukos of the William Simpson Construction Company

I can't confirm it, but it's possible that there may be a connection between Fred Coukos (of Massachusetts) and Racine through the Schladenhauffen, Haddad and/or Fleury family names.

According to ancestry.com a Frederick Coukos of Massachusetts is listed in the Schladenhauffen/Henderson Family Tree. Jessie Mae Schladenhauffen had a daughter named Darlene Mae Haddad.

There is also a Darlene Ann Haddad (married name Dahl), who lived in Racine. By itself this doesn't mean anything but there are also people named Fleury in the Schladenhauffen/Henderson family tree and there is also a Jason Edward Fleury from Racine, Wisconsin.

While searching these various names on Google I came across an academic paper from the University of Arizona called "Shared Borders, Shared Water: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges" that frequently cited Haddad et al.

This doesn't prove anything but there are enough coincidences that I thought this was worth mentioning.

An additional strange coincidence is that searching the name of chapels architect Richard Hein will bring up a different man named Richard Hein who just happens to study water science at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay (whose emblem just so happens to be a Phoenix that looks very similar to the emblem for the city of Phoenix... truly strange when viewed in the context of this discussion)


into_the_continuum 0 points ago +3 / -3

The "plan" has always been to keep you pacified and stop you from taking matters into your own hands while they enact their complete takeover.

deleted 5 points ago +5 / -0
into_the_continuum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know how much my opinion matters but I don't think it is good for us to be infighting with each other, personally. Perhaps you know things that I don't, but I usually enjoy reading posts by u/Oh_Well_Ian and in the past I haven't got the impression he was disingenuous. I know that you aren't a "faggot" though. I know the other people who have attacked you on .win are disingenuous and many others have fooled me by pretending to be interested when they were really trying to sew doubt, but I have always had a positive view of Oh_Well_Ian and would like to believe he responded that way because he was just upset. I read his other post in the Art and Embassy's thread and I think he may not have deliberately left out information about Racine, because it looks like he may have copied and pasted that text from another source somewhere rather than write it all out himself. I say that because there are a lot of lines like this in his post:

Tony Podesta at FAPE.JPG

Jeff Koons with Rockefellers at FAPE event.JPG

yet there is no actual link to the pictures it claims it is supposed to be showing to us. That makes it look like he copied and pasted text that included links to pictures, and when the text was pasted it simply took the surface text without an embedded hyperlink and that's why the letters ".JPG" are there, but there's no picture. So maybe the blame should be on whoever he copied and pasted from rather than himself. I don't know who that author is, so I don't know if they left it out on purpose to obfuscate or if they were unaware of it's significance.

I know for certain you are not fake or a "faggot" and that everything you've shared about Racine is of key significance but maybe Ian responded unfairly because he felt attacked? I don't know but either way, I would much rather see us all work together and attack the cabal rather than each other.

As for the movie talked about in this thread, I have never seen nor heard of it so I don't know enough to make a comment about it. I rarely watch movies because like you said, it feels like most movies are just trying to manipulate me.

into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

But a birth certificate is useful to function in modern society. It can be used to open a bank account, get a social security card, a driver's license, a passport and so on.

These are all contracts in commerce that you make with the corporate state which give their court system jurisdiction over you and allow them to bypass your constitutional rights. This is why they can deny you a trial by jury, for example, or make laws restricting your right to firearms, or any other number of unconstitutional things. This is why you get held in contempt of court if you dare try to argue constitutional rights in their corporate court system. You will literally go to jail if you bring up the constitution in court. They have tricked you into giving away these rights in exchange for benefits and privileges and have created a society that is almost impossible to function in without those "benefits".

But I've yet to see any articles denoting the steps one must take to go from a normie to a state national.

I have yet to do this myself, but the process is detailed here:


It is further elaborated on in this high ranking freemasons youtube channel:


Here are some videos of some people being pulled over without a drivers license who have completed this process successfully:





do not just do this without doing your research first. if you do one thing incorrectly you give them jurisdiction and will go to jail.


into_the_continuum 2 points ago +3 / -1

The number 17, and therefore the letter Q (17th letter in the alphabet) is a Masonic dogwhistle just like the numbers 33 and 666. Once you realize this you will begin to notice a suspicious number of events with the number 17 somewhere. For example, Jeffrey Dahmer had 17 victims, and there were 17 injured and 17 deaths in the Parkland shooting. Kyle Rittenhouse was 17 years old when he was ensnared in a false flag. None of these are coincidences. Any time you see the number 17 show up in a major news story, look deeper. The story may have been "marked" with that number by the people who engineered the event to signal to those in the know.

into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

/u/GetsTheNogginJoggin u/CoolAsACucumber u/revised2

What unique properties does water have?

here is an excellent video on the secrets of water memory:


What are water spirits?

must-read articles on the mound-builders belief in waterspirits and wakanda:



a summary of some of the research I did on waterspirits and wakanda:


What unique properties do tree roots have?

I don't know the answer to this but here is one of the mound builder myths I found regarding the creation of the world where tree roots are an essential component:

into_the_continuum 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here is a bunch of research I compiled on Racine over the last few years:

General Info Dump

Why Racine: Understanding the religion of the Mound Builders and the Path of Souls

Racine, Ukraine and manufactured famine

Racine is the Invention Capitol of the World

Racine and the Bavarian Illuminati

Racine is the Emerald City

Vampire Cults and Satanic Murders

Star Wars and Jeffrey Dahmer

South Park and Kenosha

Racine and The Witch of the "Wakanda Leyline"

Racine and Kony2012, the model for Mass Formation Psychosis

archived Voat threads:


into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey I noticed the other day that Braga Portugal is on the 42 degree of latitude. So i looked it up and theres a cave next to a place called the Bom Jesus do Monte which when you look it up is draped in eerie Masonic symbolism! Crazy! I made a post recently that gave some accounts of ancient mesoamericans connection to the cedar tree. Very interesting, cedar trees seem to be extremely relevant globally just like the snake & water.

So much discussion of caves, got anything else about cave systems in your plethora of research?

There's one new thing I've found recently regarding caves. The ancient Roman town of Narnia is also located at 42°31′N, and there are caves there that were inhabited as early as the Paleolithic era. Every place where one of the "Waconda" intaglio mounds were located in North America, such as Milwaukee or Waconda Springs, appear to have deep underground tunnels nearby and were associated by the Mound Builders with bridges between worlds. In the novels by C.S. Lewis, the character Lucy travels through a bridge between worlds and winds up in the land of Narnia.

In the real life town of Narnia there was a Dominican mystic and stigmatic named Lucy Brocadelli, also known as the Blessed Lucy of Narnia, who is associated with Saint Catherine of Siena, claiming to have been visited by her in numerous visions.

/u/TrustTheTruth u/Magistra

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

"How do we have traces of woolly mammoths?" asked a young patron from the Wauconda Area Library.

Remains of two of the world's oldest mammoths were found within 10 miles of Lake County, Illinois, in Kenosha County, Wisconsin.

now this is truly fascinating! this is right by the witches house. I doubt this is a coincidence. what is the connection?

What else was found near Racine?

Are you talking about the Racine formation which contains sea sponges, brachiopods, coral and other fossils of underwater creatures?

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1306457 https://ilstratwiki.web.illinois.edu/wiki/Racine_Formation


into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first things that pop into my mind with the axis and the tree: is that 33 degrees?

Earths axial tilt varies because of wobblebut on average it appears to be 23.4 degrees That means the remainder of the 90 degree quadrant is about 66.6 degrees. Because it's not a static number and changes as Earth wobbles I'm not sure how significant this is.

And are the obelisks symbolic of the tree (in satans twisted way)?

While researching this topic a while ago I found a lot of predictive programming about it in the Marvel Universe franchise. According to their wiki fan page the Washington Monument was the location of the Axis Mundi during the 19th century, at least in that fictional universe.


Also, didn’t one of the characters in dead poets society have an alter ego “Waconda” or similar?

I'm not sure about that but the term is used a lot more than just in the movie Black Panther. It was also used in a novel by the author of One Flew Over the Cucoos nest:


I’m sure to be back with questions…

Feel free to ask and if I happen to know anything I'll tell you.

into_the_continuum 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is curious. I would think Cairo (Great pyramid) would be the gateway to Orion, and there's lots of information to support this.

The similarities between the ancient Egyptian beliefs and the Mound Builders who supposedly had no contact with each other is astounding.

Can you provide a good starting point to research "the Path of Souls"? That's piqued my curiosity. A cursory search brought mostly results about the Native American "Path of Souls" journey. Presumably that's not what you're suggesting.

It is exactly what he is talking about. Watch this documentary and read my posts here for some information about it:


Why Racine: Understanding the religion of the Mound Builders and the Path of Souls

into_the_continuum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can you explain how Racine is "the root that connects all of the branches near the center of the world"? You're saying this is due to Lake Michigan?

Racine is "near" the center of the world for a couple reasons. One of the reasons is because Lincoln County, Wisconsin is located at exactly 45° N and 90° W which is the exact center of the Northern half of the Western hemisphere and is exactly half way between the North Pole and the equator.


trying to better understand why Racine would be such a "hotspot" so to speak. In other words, what makes it so special that they would choose this, of all places?

Another reason Racine is the "center of the world" is because of the Mound Builders' belief in the Path of Souls and the alignment between the Great Lakes and the center of the Milky Way. I believe this makes the Racine area the "root" of the World Tree, also known as the Axis Mundi (Earths axis of rotation around the celestial poles appears to align with the galactic center and the Great Lakes). I explained this the other day: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15JndY5AsU/x/c/4OezAoxutRT

Rothschild's descendants moved to Racine? Do you have any links/sauce/background on this?



My years of research has led me to conclude that Switzerland and Northern Italy is the real epicenter of the cabal

The connections between Racine and Northern Italy are strong.

Racine Wisconsin, Rome and Siena, Italy are almost on the same line of latitude:

Siena Italy: 43.3188° N Racine Wisconsin: 42.7261° N Rome: 41.9028° N

Read this post to learn about the connections between the Racine Dominicans and the Pope-aligned Guelph faction which fought against the Ghibellines during the investiture crisis in Northern Italy during the middle ages:


My list would look something like: 1. Geneva 2. Venice 3. Vatican City 4. City of London 5.

Racine is one thing that most of those places have in common. Note that the Guelph flag is the same as the English flag

Also bear in mind that Racine has something that none of those other cities have, which is regular, middle class people. If you want to control the world, you cannot just control major city centers and financial districts like London or Washington D.C.; you must control the lives of the masses, and the average person does not live in huge cities like D.C. or NYC, or in hyper-rich microstates like the city of London or Monaco. The average person does live in mid-sized communities that resemble Racine Wisconsin, however.

In Racine the average person lives side by side with many of the worlds most influential billionaires. It is also the place where many of the most influential social movements and inventions of the 19th and 20th century were conceived, including the worlds first car. This is where models are created to control the lives of the average person from the moment they are born until the day they die.

My list would look something like... Monaco

The 3 microstates of Monaco, San Marino and Liechtenstein (the latter of which borders Switzerland) form a perfect triangle.

The last confirmed sighting of the stolen crown of Liechtenstein was in Kenosha, which shows a connection between the Racine area and the three microstates mentioned above. The crown was last seen at the house of someone who called herself "The Witch". You can read more about this here:


That site may appear ridiculous at first glance but it is highly informative.

into_the_continuum 5 points ago +5 / -0

And I’m intrigued about the second coming and mark comments, but it hasn’t come together for me.

Read about the Mound Builders' belief in the Path of Souls. You can find info about it in the links I provided in my other post to you.

The Mound Builders believed that heaven was the Milky Way and that water was the portal into the underworld. They believed that when a person died, the soul had to reach a source of water to be able to either leap into heaven or sink into the underworld. This is why they always built their funeral mounds next to a source of water.

The center of the Milky Way is over the horizon in Southeastern Wisconsin, where it crosses with the Great Lakes, the worlds largest source of fresh water. Wind Point in Racine is the farthest point of land extending into the part of the Great Lakes where the galactic center is also over the horizon, and it is where the Racine elites live. You can find sources to prove all of this in the links that I sent you in my other post.

If you read the last chapter of the bible, what is the first thing you see?

And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life

The Tree of Life, also known as the World Tree, is a concept that exists in almost every religion, including the Mound Builders. It represents a connection point between the earth, heaven and the underworld. The world tree concept is also known as the Axis Mundi; in astronomy, the axis mundi refers to Earths axis of rotation around the celestial pole. Look at this map. Does the Axis Mundi (the line between the North and South celestial pole) cross through Wisconsin?

I believe an invisible line can be traced through Earths axis of rotation all the way to the center of the galaxy itself, and it crosses through the largest fresh water source on earth. Racine is the exact spot where the land reaches farthest into the water where the galactic center is over the horizon.

That is why I believe it is named Racine, which means Root in French. It is the "root" of the World Tree, or the Axis Mundi, the line between Heaven and Earth. The very last thing that Jesus says in the Bible is this:

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

This is why I believe u/TrustTheTruth claims that Racine is where the second coming will take place. It also explains why the agenda for the Mark of the Beast would come out of Racine, why Wisconsin was the first state to ever microchip an employee, and why the largest foreign investment in US history, the Foxconn plant, which is working on the quantum computing technology necessary to implement social credit scores for every man, woman and child in America, was built in Racine. If they wanted to close the gate into heaven forever, this is where they would do it.

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is a bunch of research I compiled on Racine over the last few years:

General Info Dump

Why Racine: Understanding the religion of the Mound Builders and the Path of Souls

Racine, Ukraine and manufactured famine

Racine is the Invention Capitol of the World

Racine and the Bavarian Illuminati

Racine is the Emerald City

Vampire Cults and Satanic Murders

Star Wars and Jeffrey Dahmer

South Park and Kenosha

Racine and The Witch of the "Wakanda Leyline"

Racine and Kony2012, the model for Mass Formation Psychosis

archived Voat threads:


by Kokonut
into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0


What is the significance and symbolism of “X”?

X is one of the many symbols of Saturn worship.

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

One thing in this article stands out more than everything else:

Roy Barnes, 62, lives in Milwaukee. In 1999, he murdered the brother of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims and received 45 years in prison for it. Barnes tortured the victim and used his ear as an ashtray, according to a 2000 Green Bay Press-Gazette article. In 1998, the article says, he committed “a hammer attack on another man.”

Evers’ administration paroled Barnes in September 2020.

This is now the third example of the "taking of a body part" connected directly to Dahmer. There is clearly a network of killers that practice the same form of witchcraft that the Mound Builders did. Unfortunately it's almost impossible to find any information on Roy Barnes or who his victim was using the internet because of how common his name is. Quite a few people named Roy Barnes have been murdered or murdered someone.

Do you know any information about this guy, or his victim, that I can look into?

Interestingly, there is another Roy Barnes who was himself dismembered right next to the Sarasota airport which we know is connected to the Royal Order of Jesters and SOBIB. The fact that he is also named Roy Barnes is probably just a coincidence, but it may not be coincidental that there was a dismemberment killing right next to the Sarasota International Airport.


Edit: I found some information. The victims name was Ernest Smith:

Ernest Smith’s killer ``posed″ the body, according to a medical examiner’s report. Figurines, which were not described in the report, were placed around the body and put in his hand.

Sheets from pornographic magazines were stuffed into his shoes and pants and cigarette ashes were put in an ear. The kitchen knife used to kill him was left in his body.


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