Mmm. Truck ads next to a guy with a red hat? "NOOoOOoooOoOoO!" Truck ads next to literal kiddie diddling? "Oh, yeah, s'ok."
You can already see the Israel COVID data and it's incredibly terrible. Look at "The effect of vaccination on morbidity" and change some of those graphs to "Under 60".
Vaccinated have been over represented in cases since January, 15-30% over representation across the board in all age groups.
Fuck Netflix.
"But, but, but!"
Fuck. Netflix.
Poor bastard got Taylor Hawkins'd.
Haha, "apologize". Why do you think the UK stopped publishing their report with deaths by vaccination status? It's not because COVID magically disappeared, it's because they all have AIDS. The apologizing phase is going to be skipped over, it will go directly into the begging phase and probably followed by the violently demanding phase.
The last time we had a fake nuclear threat was when the last flagrantly fraudulent president was cheated in with fake ballots. Hmmmmmmmmmm
He means the blood spot in fertilized eggs. For me, I don't know man...once you've unzipped the pajamas off a hundred rabbits and been up to your shoulder in a deer carcass and countless other bloody acts of food processing, a blood spot in an egg doesn't really bother me.
We accept legislation from people who fly around the world causing more emissions in one year than we do in our entire lives. They privately invest in medicines that are poison and crap that we don't need, and that poison and crap is made in countries with zero "ESG" idiocy while they produce 10 times the pollution that we do. These people, who pass this legislation....inexplicably they still have their heads attached to their shoulders.
They are, you're just supposed to think the intent is just to make two sides fight each other. The narrative shift is coming and when it does pretty much everyone is going to jump right into the oh so satisfying version of reality they'll present.
Because he's part of a much larger operation. You'll recall the attorney general of the same county, David Leavitt, lost re-election in the primary this year, thanks in no small part to the implication that he was involved in the same perversion as Hamblin.
Hunter has a massive hog. Some of the pictures show a penis pump in his room though, so it's probably at least somewhat "inflated."
I've always thought that was one of those makeup vanities that have a big light ring around the mirror. Also, there have been very detailed analyses on 4chan about the idea that it's Natalie using Hunter's phone after they switched at some time in the past. Hunter being a drugged up meth addicted idiot, left his iCloud account logged in on the phone....Natalie, having been impregnated and then rejected by "Unca" got pissed and leaked the pictures. Oh, you didn't know she was pregnant once? Well look up some of THOSE pictures.
It's actually a known, old fake. Bad fakes shouldn't stick around this long, imo.
Yeah I dunno man, maybe loosening restrictions on people posting the truth at this point is a little late when over 30% of the world population has already doomed themselves by getting injected with an experimental drug that has wrecked their immune systems? Pretty sure anyone who participated in blocking that conversation is going to make like a Bed, Bath, & Beyond CFO and choose C). "& Beyond" once that comes out, even if they have to be voluntold.
Right, and it's weird to me how many people notice this for the first time. Joe Biden is the only human being on the planet with a detached earlobe on his left side and an attached earlobe on the right. Why is that exactly? Because he's wearing a prosthetic earpiece designed to pass a wire down into his jacket that plugs into a battery pack and transceiver.
It's app they use for automated tweets malfunctioning. They probably have a keyword they put in in order to have it select a premade message, and instead of the message it's tweeting the keyword directly. Why is the automation broken?
This is the way. We'll litigate their madness out of existence. If you know any insane enablers screwing up kids in the public school system, start documenting it now. When the time comes to sue the everloving shit out of the system, your documentation will mean the difference between $100k and $10 million. Vaporize the educational system from top to bottom and we'll make a new one.
Haha, Colorado showing once again they're even bigger fags than California. When all of this collapses and there's nobody to stop me, I'm going to go make a coat out of those stupid fucking wolves they put in the northeast corner of the state.
I have seen the results of a high speed, head on collision like that first hand and it looked exactly the same complete with ejection of most of the engine.
What, you guys don't know the CIA can hack your car and drive it into whatever they want, whenever they want? You might think I'm kidding or that I'm talking about a conspiracy theory. Yeah no, this is actually very real and has been documented for years. They can watch you, track your exact location, then lock your steering or jam it left or right. Harrison Deal, Jackie Walorski, now Anne Heche. It's real, no joke.
350 of them were there to make sure the 50 real cops didn't stop their carefully curated false flag.
The majority of what we see from Zelensky is pre-recorded in front of a green screen or in a studio. Things you think are live are actually recorded ahead of time. He's wearing the same shirt for the same reason actors in TV shows are often wearing the same exact clothing for several episodes: those episodes were recorded in one day. Zelensky hasn't even been in Ukraine since March.
Mmm, can you imagine the crab fishing where LA used to be? So excited!
The flu didn't change, 4 billion people injected themselves with a substance that is making their bodies produce C19 spike proteins for the rest of their lives and now their immune systems are collapsing from exhaustion. They have AIDS.